Reputation system

Reputation system

in Suggestions

Posted by: Krystal.2593


Just a little thought I had.
What if gw2 had a reputation system like in other rpgs. You could gain reputation or loose reputation by helping certain races, tribes or military organizations ect.

Each reputation progress would be split into tiers and each tier would unlock rewards and new missions/quests/hearts or events you can do for them.

Rewards I was thinking the following.
Town clothing
Armour skins
Transformation potions
Weapon skins
Crafting recipes
Stuff for your home instance
and more.

There should be an option of choice. Let’s say you choose to help a certain skritt faction, but that means you won’t be able to help a hylek faction since they don’t like each other. So when you choose to aid or grow in a faction the merchants on the other faction will become unavailable. It should be possible to do several factions in the same time. This will give a new meaning to explore the older areas. Perhaps if your ranking is high enough you get access to special locations that are only bound to that faction.

If you have a high or low enough standing the npcs from that area would react differently to you, respect, love, hate ect. It would add more fun things to do in pve, and will give a greater purpose for your character.
If you have any suggestion you would like to add to this idea please do so!

Reputation system

in Suggestions

Posted by: Leamas.5803


Hard to do in a MMO when DEs repeat themselves repeatedly. Perhaps it could be done based on renown hearts, but they already remember you in many cases. Some core game elements would also have to change. You’d have to be able to agro most, or all, regular NPCs to accommodate those players who wish to be villains. If this happens are you allowed to kill them? Who would police it and what are the consequences for other players? You’d also have to allow players to choose which side of a battle to participate. These aren’t small things to do.

(edited by Leamas.5803)

Reputation system

in Suggestions

Posted by: Krystal.2593


No you won’t be allowed to kill them. The merchants would simply not be available to you. The consequence is just like either choosing priory, whisperers or the vigil. I forgot to mention this feature should be Character bound not account bound

(edited by Krystal.2593)

Reputation system

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dommmmmmmmmm.6984


Sounds just like what ESO is promising.