Request: Make Asura Weapons Bigger (Especially Daggers and Pistols)

Request: Make Asura Weapons Bigger (Especially Daggers and Pistols)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Metaflare.2910


Hey, this has been bugging me for a while now, but I haven’t really felt it to be that big of a deal until now. I’m beginning to want to hunt for good armor and weapon skins, but as a thief, most of my weapons are super tiny and nobody ever pays any attention to them unless they specifically zoom in their camera to look at them. I can’t even see them in the preview window as my leather robe just hides them since they are so tiny.

Hopefully you guys at ArenaNet will consider this!

Request: Make Asura Weapons Bigger (Especially Daggers and Pistols)

in Suggestions

Posted by: corbob.8612


I agree. Specifically, the hammers are pretty small for my Asura Guardian.

Request: Make Asura Weapons Bigger (Especially Daggers and Pistols)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ameepa.6793


It would look really silly if 1 meter tall character would swing a 2 meter hammer or carry a cannon. :P

Request: Make Asura Weapons Bigger (Especially Daggers and Pistols)

in Suggestions

Posted by: corbob.8612


It definitely would. Thats why it only needs a slight increase in size. Nothing huge.

As it is now my Mystic Battlehammer is about 2/3rd’s my size and the hammer head part is about the size of a mace head.

Request: Make Asura Weapons Bigger (Especially Daggers and Pistols)

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


Asura should keep 1even 1-hand weapons in the back instead the sides, and keep them as big as they are when a small silvary holds them.

As for 2-hand ones, as they already shrink noticeably when they are sheathed, they could be a bit bigger when in use. Just add some lore explanation in one NPC telling why weapons change sizes depending on user and why is this effect much more noticeable for asura.

No exceptions!

Request: Make Asura Weapons Bigger (Especially Daggers and Pistols)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Seras.5702


Yea, i like the Asura in general and their racial skills are pretty great imo. But they’re tiny size makes armor hunting/dying less than enjoyable & weapons are so small. My dainty female Sylvari carries are huge greatsword… so should my Asura.

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