Request: Remove WvW from World Completion

Request: Remove WvW from World Completion

in Suggestions

Posted by: Psilocin.1435


I don’t think a lot of people realize how problematic it will become once week long matches start. Even right now, a lot of people see their World Completion progress halted because of WvW.

So you have completed the entire map, the only thing you have left is WvW. Now, to simplify it, there are three possible scenarios you can face.

1) Your server is either winning, losing or tied with the other servers. Doesn’t matter, you’re stuck in queues and as a result you find yourself stuck. You can’t get 100% World Completion.

2) Your server sucks. You keep losing, and as a result, a lot of the points of interests, skill points and vistas you need are inaccesible to you. Doesn’t matter if you get into WvW in the first place, you’ll never be able to get 100% World Completion because your server can’t capture the keeps and forts you have left.

3) Your server is either good, or it faces some of the low-populated servers, and as a result, you control a lot of the map. What you don’t control, you might capture in an hour or two. Good for you.

This is a drastic change from what most people are used to. With every single other zone you have completed so far, you dictate the pace at which you wish to progress. Want to take it slow? Sure, go ahead. Want to rush through it? Feel free. But never ever, do you find yourself, INCAPABLE of making progress. This is exactly what WvW does right now. No matter how you go about it, you, as an individual is completely incapable of dictating how you want to progress. This might simply have been an over-sight from ANet’s side, but now that it’s become obvious and clear, it needs to go. It so anti-climatic to have that 93% World Completion and then find yourself unable to do anything to finish it.

When week long matches begin, it will get worse. Right now, at the very least, you switch location a lot, you face new opponents, thus you will, through patience, and being lucky with queue times, be able to make some progress. However, when those week long matches kick in, this stops. My server is not good. I’m pretty sure we haven’t won yet, and right now we’re third place, with 15k points while first place has 70-80k points. What ANet is telling me now, is that I might have to wait weeks, even months, before I’ll be able to get 100% World Completion. Not cool.

There are two things humans will never observe; infinity and nothingness.

Request: Remove WvW from World Completion

in Suggestions

Posted by: Caedmon.6798


I can relate to this,there are loads of people playing that just are not into pvp or arent very good at it and rather just pve,craft etc etc and forcing them to go into a “pvp” map to complete their “pve” achievement is rather strange.They could seperate the wvwv from the pve aspect and make the wvw a seperate 100% acvhievement completion.

Request: Remove WvW from World Completion

in Suggestions

Posted by: ZudetGambeous.9573


Umm you do know that servers are matched based on how good they are? there won’t ever be a huge server facing a little server once the 2-week cycles start. All the servers will be evenly (closely at least) matched.

if you do end up losing you will be down ranked to face a worse team so it will get easier and easier to control points.

Also 3 of the maps are the same aren’t they? so even if you are losing in 1 of the borderlands maps you can just switch over to one you are winning.

The eternal battleground could be more problematic however, but map completion is supposed to be a life time achievement, not something you get done in a day so I don’t really see them changing it.

Request: Remove WvW from World Completion

in Suggestions

Posted by: Eochaidh.4106


I know the queue is bad, but this is world completion. It’s only natural you have to get into some PvP for it.

The issue is with the queues, not world completion itself.

Request: Remove WvW from World Completion

in Suggestions

Posted by: piitb.7635


I play on Henge of Denravi and getting into WvW is a 3-4 hour affair.

While I can easily snag alot of pois, skill points and vistas, but because Henge is so dominant, the other servers crowd into their last towers and we can never take them.

So I am by default cut off from the remaining things I need.

And other servers playing against Henge have maybe had a chance at Stonemist Castle’s pois and vistas have had maybe 6 hours in 2 weeks. So if you missed those windows, you’re screwed.

Request: Remove WvW from World Completion

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rarnd.7120


I agree with Caedmon. Despite my server actually being quite good in WvW most of the time, I can see this being a serious pain in the backside for PvEers. Plus, why would people who are trying to capture locations to ultimately help their server want players who have NO interest in capturing locations in the WvW anyway? It hurts the servers WvW force having players who just want to complete the map.

Sure, you may still get people completing the map for a separate achievement but really, WvW map completion needs to be separate from the normal world completion. It isn’t really viable to lock off a massive achievement like 100% map completion because of large-scale PvP.

Make 100% Map completion just for the PvE world.

Make the WvW 100% Map completion a different achievement with different (albeit much lesser but possibly pvp-related) rewards.

Request: Remove WvW from World Completion

in Suggestions

Posted by: Psilocin.1435


I know the queue is bad, but this is world completion. It’s only natural you have to get into some PvP for it.

The issue is with the queues, not world completion itself.

I don’t have issues with queues. I have never been placed in a queue when I try to get into WvW. But my server sucks. We never win, and we never have the things I need to get 100% World Completion. If we are placed against an opponent that’s superior than us on Friday, that means I’ll have to wait another week to be able to finish…

There are two things humans will never observe; infinity and nothingness.

Request: Remove WvW from World Completion

in Suggestions

Posted by: ZannX.4058


Server transfer for now.

If you ever want 100% world completion, just get the WvW stuff out of the way while transfers are free. Transfer to low pop servers since they instantly queue.

Request: Remove WvW from World Completion

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sarisa.4731


While an aggressive OP…I have to agree.

The Mists are not part of the world. They’re separate in lore, and in their uses. Note that the three borderland maps all count, so you must complete them all.

96% of map exploration is PvE only, a huge amount. Requiring PvP areas to complete a nearly completely PvE experience is not right, as PvP and PvE should remain separate aspects of the game.

Queue’s are massive on some servers. I can confirm the 3-4 hour queue times on Henge of Denravi. Right now, you can “cheat” and take advantage of the free server transfers, but that will not be possible forever. Some servers tend to be full, so it can take quite some time to return to your “real” server.

As said, once the week or fortnight matches start to happen, you can get blocked from progress for long periods of time. There will eventually be large teams/servers manipulating the matches, so you’ll eventually have gross mismatches happening. If you happen to be on a losing side in one of those mismatches, you’ll be blocked progress for up to two weeks.

Requiring the WvW maps for world completion will lead to people in WvW solely for that purpose. They’re not helping their server take/hold points, but they’re taking up valuable spots in the limited map population.

I agree with the suggestion that it would be best to make them separate “achievements”. Keep the PvE world completion as it is, and make the four WvW maps separate, and grant some PvP oriented reward.

Lille of the Valley [WHIP]

Request: Remove WvW from World Completion

in Suggestions

Posted by: Eochaidh.4106


I know the queue is bad, but this is world completion. It’s only natural you have to get into some PvP for it.

The issue is with the queues, not world completion itself.

I don’t have issues with queues. I have never been placed in a queue when I try to get into WvW. But my server sucks. We never win, and we never have the things I need to get 100% World Completion. If we are placed against an opponent that’s superior than us on Friday, that means I’ll have to wait another week to be able to finish…

You’ll get scaled to a group of servers in which you can win eventually. Or you can also wait until your server falls under a different color, in which case you could go to the base and get the vistas, PoIs and waypoints.

Request: Remove WvW from World Completion

in Suggestions

Posted by: mangarrage.1062


Well the solution should be apparent after yesterday or if not I will shed hopefully the reason why it is not an issue.
Your server’s position will stagger
In the beginning every single solitary day our server was the blue server and I thought the same thing there will be no way I will ever get the EB points because they never seemed to change hands, at least when I was on.
Yesterday my server was in the green position, so it was very easy to get those points yesterday. Lucky enough for me we took out red early morning and I got the red points as well, but I imagine you will see times where you are in all 3 positions which will allieve the issue

Request: Remove WvW from World Completion

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sirds.9523


… that means I’ll have to wait another week to be able to finish…

Or you can just go and fight. Seriously this is WORLD Completion, this can`t be easy walk on the park. And WvW is just some PvP elements, this is mix of PvE and PvP.

I agree with Eochaidh.

Request: Remove WvW from World Completion

in Suggestions

Posted by: Wiser with Age.3714

Wiser with Age.3714

… that means I’ll have to wait another week to be able to finish…

Or you can just go and fight. Seriously this is WORLD Completion, this can`t be easy walk on the park. And WvW is just some PvP elements, this is mix of PvE and PvP.

I agree with Eochaidh.

While I agree with this comment, the reason that people are complaining is because they want their ultimate end game Legendary weapons ASAP. Since one of the many items is a reward from a 100% World Map completion, people are really impatient about clearing everything on every map.

I’m personally finding it humorous that people want to burn themselves out rushing to get the “ultimate” stuff, then be left with nothing else to aspire to (except repeating the very lengthy process on another character). But it’s their lives and their game, so they’re free to play it how they wish. Just don’t expect all of us to be completely sympathetic.

We are Test Group F. (Don’t ask about what happened to the previous Test Groups.)

Request: Remove WvW from World Completion

in Suggestions

Posted by: Brutus Tarsi.1283

Brutus Tarsi.1283

… that means I’ll have to wait another week to be able to finish…

Or you can just go and fight. Seriously this is WORLD Completion, this can`t be easy walk on the park. And WvW is just some PvP elements, this is mix of PvE and PvP.

I agree with Eochaidh.

Really? That is your answer? Glad to be informed that completing every area in PvE is some cake walk, and we whiny PvE’ers can’t hack it with you all powerful WvW’ers.

At least, that is what your response communicated. It is an impressive feat to have 100% completion in PvE, and asking those who have completed all of those areas then to have to completely alter their gaming experience for three maps, seems well, illogical. That is the point of this conversation. It isn’t to say whether or not it would be more epic, or people should shut up and deal with it, it is, at its crux, an illogical move by ANet. This game can be played in many different forms, and appeals to lots of different players for that reason. But asking someone to cross over into something they don’t enjoy, not only makes the process of the achievement less enjoyable for those making it, it hurts those that enjoy WvW by giving them a teammate who is doing something that is completely contrary to the purpose of that gameplay style.

Request: Remove WvW from World Completion

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dorpen.4653


Completely agree with the OP, its very frustrating being on a server that sucks at WvW. Server changing isn’t an option for obvious reasons.

Request: Remove WvW from World Completion

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dorpen.4653


While I agree with this comment, the reason that people are complaining is because they want their ultimate end game Legendary weapons ASAP. Since one of the many items is a reward from a 100% World Map completion, people are really impatient about clearing everything on every map.

I’m personally finding it humorous that people want to burn themselves out rushing to get the “ultimate” stuff, then be left with nothing else to aspire to (except repeating the very lengthy process on another character). But it’s their lives and their game, so they’re free to play it how they wish. Just don’t expect all of us to be completely sympathetic.[/quote]

Keep assuming things, you know that old saying about assumptions right?

Request: Remove WvW from World Completion

in Suggestions

Posted by: Garenthal.1480


I couldn’t disagree more. It offers an additional challenge and if people see it as a taxing activity, then it baffles me that they’re doing it in the first place. As with so many aspects of the game, nothing is on a timer forcing you to do it as soon as possible.

If you’re so set on getting what you need, why not ask around and get some friends or strangers to help you? Or better yet, take an active role in driving your servers WvW activity in a direction that’ll net you the objectives you require.

Request: Remove WvW from World Completion

in Suggestions

Posted by: raphaeldisanto.5478


100% World completion is the only activity in GW2 that crosses between PvE and WvWvW. I believe ANet should have kept the two worlds separate, so that people who don’t want to PvP at all, don’t ever have to, at all. There should have been a 100% PvE world completion achievement and a 100% PvP world completion achievement.

And maybe there’s an achievement that flags when you get both, but right now, there’s no achievement for completing 100% of either WvWvW zones -or- PvE zones. You have to do both.

Request: Remove WvW from World Completion

in Suggestions

Posted by: bobyd.4698


I’ll have to agree with OP, if I like pve why a pve achievemenet has to include pvp maps?

Request: Remove WvW from World Completion

in Suggestions

Posted by: Liraz.8062


I also agree with the OP. There is no reason that someone should have to queue for hours and hope that their server is strong enough to take all of the points they need to complete the map. There are some servers that may never, ever, own Stonemist Keep, or own it so infrequently that they’re never awake/home at the times they do have it.

Firstwatch Irregular Company – RP, Tarnished Coast

Request: Remove WvW from World Completion

in Suggestions

Posted by: daemonlama.5413


I know the queue is bad, but this is world completion. It’s only natural you have to get into some PvP for it.

The issue is with the queues, not world completion itself.

True, and more than likely, the queues will ease up some, if not quite a bit come the 25th. I know queues can be ugh, but I’d rather have queues, then them jump the gun and add a bunch of new servers, which will eventually spread the populations way to thin down the road.

Request: Remove WvW from World Completion

in Suggestions

Posted by: Starfleck.8392


100% support this suggestion. I hadn’t known until now that it was even counted into Worldmap completion.

We are such flecks as stars are made of. . .

Request: Remove WvW from World Completion

in Suggestions

Posted by: Malediktus.9250


Its fine as it is. And no I dont have the wvw maps complete yet. Also for legendary weapons you need Gift of Battle for 500 honor badges. So you need to do wvwvw anyway.

1st person worldwide to reach 35,000 achievement points.

Request: Remove WvW from World Completion

in Suggestions

Posted by: Starfleck.8392


Its fine as it is. And no I dont have the wvw maps complete yet. Also for legendary weapons you need Gift of Battle for 500 honor badges. So you need to do wvwvw anyway.

Two separate parts of the game. Completing the world map… doesn’t really make sense if parts of it are outside of the world (i.e. in The Mists, a sort of in-between worlds area). Crafting legendary weapons… literally has nothing to do with map completion.

True there is no “need” to do either one of these activities, and for people that really like to do PvE they’ll try for both, but they’re unrelated otherwise.

We are such flecks as stars are made of. . .