Rerelease WvW as a separate game

Rerelease WvW as a separate game

in Suggestions

Posted by: raykor.6723


Just saying…..

Rerelease WvW as a separate game

in Suggestions

Posted by: Faranox.4217


I can’t know why you said that, so I’m left to assume. I assume you feel that WvW is poorly balanced due to the fact that the skills aren’t separate from PvE like the sPvP skills are. If that is how you feel, I’m inclined to agree that this should be addressed.
If you feel otherwise, please elaborate.

Chops Mcgee, of Anvil Rock

Rerelease WvW as a separate game

in Suggestions

Posted by: povV.5681


ill elaborate as far as this being a terrible idea.

Too Pow – Do You Even HP [Bru]
pvp = shopping at gucci n loui
wvw = shopping at walmart and costco

Rerelease WvW as a separate game

in Suggestions

Posted by: UCF Knight.8095

UCF Knight.8095

+1 to this being a terrible idea.

[VK] Stryder Aragon
[VK] Arwen Evenstar
Fort Aspenwood

Rerelease WvW as a separate game

in Suggestions

Posted by: Arganthium.5638


Thank you, ray, for helping spread awareness of what a bad idea this is!


Rerelease WvW as a separate game

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bananasmile.4126


Actually, one of my disappointments in WvW is that it feels so “detached” from the rest of the game. I mean, for instance, what does owning a castle have anything to do with the Elder Dragons? There’s 0 connection to it all. Why are servers even fighting? There’s no purpose, it’s there for the sake of having that particular RvR mechanic. It would be a lot better if they connect WvW to a certain lore in the game and work new contents based off that. There should be a connection or even story behind each tower or keep or anything that would make players feel that they are part of the lore still. Right now, WvW does feel a separate game already…and I think it’s one of its flaws at the moment. But I feel ANET will do something about it in the future, it’s an obvious opportunity that they can improve on later on.

Strikethree, Kinetix (Ki)
Aug 2012 (IoJ) → Jan 2013 (FA) → June 2013 (BG)

Rerelease WvW as a separate game

in Suggestions

Posted by: ErlendR.6107


+1 Im a wvwer
Kittens pvers wanna play dress the barbie and roam and suck in wvw ><

Proud ex-Kaineng T8 best server ever vs DR & FC

Rerelease WvW as a separate game

in Suggestions

Posted by: silkysoft.6749


pvp and pve should be seperate or together, none of this inbetween stuff. let me kill pve’ers or remove pve from wvw and let me progress independently from pve. what makes spvp so special it gets it’s own system?

Rerelease WvW as a separate game

in Suggestions

Posted by: Pooka.3420


Actually, one of my disappointments in WvW is that it feels so “detached” from the rest of the game. I mean, for instance, what does owning a castle have anything to do with the Elder Dragons? There’s 0 connection to it all. Why are servers even fighting? There’s no purpose, it’s there for the sake of having that particular RvR mechanic. It would be a lot better if they connect WvW to a certain lore in the game and work new contents based off that. There should be a connection or even story behind each tower or keep or anything that would make players feel that they are part of the lore still. Right now, WvW does feel a separate game already…and I think it’s one of its flaws at the moment. But I feel ANET will do something about it in the future, it’s an obvious opportunity that they can improve on later on.

Pooka was once a slave to the enemy.. and they lived in this tower on this map..Please Rescue Pooka!!!!!!!!!!!

Or buy a plastic sword and fight your cat in a duel to the death.

RP ======>

Highbeams(Druid) Pooka Pook(Ranger) – Yaks Bend

Rerelease WvW as a separate game

in Suggestions

Posted by: Roo Stercogburn.9671

Roo Stercogburn.9671

I don’t PvE a huge amount (other than levelling alts) but I do like the option to putter off at times and do something different, even if my game time is largely WvW.

So, no. I wouldn’t like it to be a separate game. There’s stuff like Planetside 2 and the upcoming Mechwarrior for stuff like that if I want 100% PvP/WvW/RvR.

Master Baker on Gunnars Hold serving you hot cookies.
Looney vids at
Midnight Mayhem

Rerelease WvW as a separate game

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nachtz.4930


Actually, one of my disappointments in WvW is that it feels so “detached” from the rest of the game. I mean, for instance, what does owning a castle have anything to do with the Elder Dragons? There’s 0 connection to it all. Why are servers even fighting? There’s no purpose, it’s there for the sake of having that particular RvR mechanic. It would be a lot better if they connect WvW to a certain lore in the game and work new contents based off that. There should be a connection or even story behind each tower or keep or anything that would make players feel that they are part of the lore still. Right now, WvW does feel a separate game already…and I think it’s one of its flaws at the moment. But I feel ANET will do something about it in the future, it’s an obvious opportunity that they can improve on later on.

Your score in WvW has impact on PVE. You can find them on “Your world’s bonuses” when you display the current WvW score. And I think the bonuses are pretty cool…

(edited by Nachtz.4930)

Rerelease WvW as a separate game

in Suggestions

Posted by: lordkrall.7241


Actually, one of my disappointments in WvW is that it feels so “detached” from the rest of the game. I mean, for instance, what does owning a castle have anything to do with the Elder Dragons? There’s 0 connection to it all. Why are servers even fighting? There’s no purpose, it’s there for the sake of having that particular RvR mechanic. It would be a lot better if they connect WvW to a certain lore in the game and work new contents based off that. There should be a connection or even story behind each tower or keep or anything that would make players feel that they are part of the lore still. Right now, WvW does feel a separate game already…and I think it’s one of its flaws at the moment. But I feel ANET will do something about it in the future, it’s an obvious opportunity that they can improve on later on.

As far as I understand it the Mist Wars are simply training for the hardships to come (fights against the Dragons) and the reason they can’t effect it is that most (all?) Elder Dragons can’t enter the Mists.

Krall Bloodsword – Mesmer
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square

Rerelease WvW as a separate game

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bananasmile.4126


Actually, one of my disappointments in WvW is that it feels so “detached” from the rest of the game. I mean, for instance, what does owning a castle have anything to do with the Elder Dragons? There’s 0 connection to it all. Why are servers even fighting? There’s no purpose, it’s there for the sake of having that particular RvR mechanic. It would be a lot better if they connect WvW to a certain lore in the game and work new contents based off that. There should be a connection or even story behind each tower or keep or anything that would make players feel that they are part of the lore still. Right now, WvW does feel a separate game already…and I think it’s one of its flaws at the moment. But I feel ANET will do something about it in the future, it’s an obvious opportunity that they can improve on later on.

Pooka was once a slave to the enemy.. and they lived in this tower on this map..Please Rescue Pooka!!!!!!!!!!!

Or buy a plastic sword and fight your cat in a duel to the death.

RP ======>

What are you talking about? LOL. Don’t be silly. I’m not even referring to RP’ing. Kindly read my post again. It’s about making sense of WvW as far as the entirety of the game’s lore and story. Personally, I put weight in the story telling and lore content of any MMORPG I play. Would it hurt to put a backstory behind the stuff going on in WvW in relation to the main story line of Guildwars 2? I don’t think so, is it RP’ing? Certainly not. RP =/= Story. WvW has no backstory to it at all…I’m just saying it could use a little lore.

Besides, you must have missed my signature, I’m from FA…if you must know, RP and FA don’t mesh well.

PS: If you must know, a certain game that will come out later this year has already addressed this extensively even discussed it in detail…since I’m a GW2 player, I’m hoping that will be implemented here as well as it sounds great.

Strikethree, Kinetix (Ki)
Aug 2012 (IoJ) → Jan 2013 (FA) → June 2013 (BG)

Rerelease WvW as a separate game

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bananasmile.4126


Actually, one of my disappointments in WvW is that it feels so “detached” from the rest of the game. I mean, for instance, what does owning a castle have anything to do with the Elder Dragons? There’s 0 connection to it all. Why are servers even fighting? There’s no purpose, it’s there for the sake of having that particular RvR mechanic. It would be a lot better if they connect WvW to a certain lore in the game and work new contents based off that. There should be a connection or even story behind each tower or keep or anything that would make players feel that they are part of the lore still. Right now, WvW does feel a separate game already…and I think it’s one of its flaws at the moment. But I feel ANET will do something about it in the future, it’s an obvious opportunity that they can improve on later on.

Your score in WvW has impact on PVE. You can find them on “Your world’s bonuses” when you display the current WvW score. And I think the bonuses are pretty cool…

LOL sorry I think I came across as a newbie player. I understand the mechanic of the bonus in WvW. I was focusing in on the story and lore, and commented that WvW is already a detached game from the rest in terms of story and lore. I think many people underestimate the value of having good storyline and not just pure mechanics. I’m a purist of the genre, I simply don’t go to PvP and kill stuff, players like me appreciate it when a game explains why there’s an empty castle in the middle of nowhere and we must capture it…or why the heck are there three identical borderlands that we must try to conquer, is it some sort of intra-dimensional thing related to the Elder Dragons? IDK. But would certainly appreciate some sense behind it, You getting my drift? It’s not RP, it’s story. And if appreciating a story is bad now, then shoot me.

Strikethree, Kinetix (Ki)
Aug 2012 (IoJ) → Jan 2013 (FA) → June 2013 (BG)

Rerelease WvW as a separate game

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bananasmile.4126


Actually, one of my disappointments in WvW is that it feels so “detached” from the rest of the game. I mean, for instance, what does owning a castle have anything to do with the Elder Dragons? There’s 0 connection to it all. Why are servers even fighting? There’s no purpose, it’s there for the sake of having that particular RvR mechanic. It would be a lot better if they connect WvW to a certain lore in the game and work new contents based off that. There should be a connection or even story behind each tower or keep or anything that would make players feel that they are part of the lore still. Right now, WvW does feel a separate game already…and I think it’s one of its flaws at the moment. But I feel ANET will do something about it in the future, it’s an obvious opportunity that they can improve on later on.

As far as I understand it the Mist Wars are simply training for the hardships to come (fights against the Dragons) and the reason they can’t effect it is that most (all?) Elder Dragons can’t enter the Mists.

Oh must’ve missed that…thanks.

Strikethree, Kinetix (Ki)
Aug 2012 (IoJ) → Jan 2013 (FA) → June 2013 (BG)

Rerelease WvW as a separate game

in Suggestions

Posted by: Azure Prower.8701

Azure Prower.8701

WvW wouldn’t exist with out PVE.

Rerelease WvW as a separate game

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fred Fargone.3127

Fred Fargone.3127

Actually, one of my disappointments in WvW is that it feels so “detached” from the rest of the game. I mean, for instance, what does owning a castle have anything to do with the Elder Dragons? There’s 0 connection to it all. Why are servers even fighting? There’s no purpose, it’s there for the sake of having that particular RvR mechanic. It would be a lot better if they connect WvW to a certain lore in the game and work new contents based off that. There should be a connection or even story behind each tower or keep or anything that would make players feel that they are part of the lore still. Right now, WvW does feel a separate game already…and I think it’s one of its flaws at the moment. But I feel ANET will do something about it in the future, it’s an obvious opportunity that they can improve on later on.

LOL sorry I think I came across as a newbie player. I understand the mechanic of the bonus in WvW. I was focusing in on the story and lore, and commented that WvW is already a detached game from the rest in terms of story and lore. I think many people underestimate the value of having good storyline and not just pure mechanics. I’m a purist of the genre, I simply don’t go to PvP and kill stuff, players like me appreciate it when a game explains why there’s an empty castle in the middle of nowhere and we must capture it…or why the heck are there three identical borderlands that we must try to conquer, is it some sort of intra-dimensional thing related to the Elder Dragons? IDK. But would certainly appreciate some sense behind it, You getting my drift? It’s not RP, it’s story. And if appreciating a story is bad now, then shoot me.

Hmm… well… A game, like real life, can actually have more stuff going on than just one main storyline.

what does owning a castle have anything to do with the Elder Dragons?
What does guarding your border have anything to do with global warming?

I suppose you could leave your border and go work on preventing global warming, but some other country would just invade, take over, and then enjoy a cool earth you achieved.

But yeah, I agree it could be explained a bit better… Maybe I’ve missed an NPC chatter with the explanation?

Anyways, that being said:

People who can argue often offer a good and meaningful conversation about the subject.
People who can’t tend to call the opponent troll, scream something utterly incomprehensible
and finally result to personal insults.

(edited by Fred Fargone.3127)