Respawn time a little too fast.

Respawn time a little too fast.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nicklin.3168


I’ve been having problems with mobs respawning exremely fast. I’ve had issues where a mob will respawn before I kill it. Other times I will have taken out a bosses ads only to have them respawn before I take out the boss. I have taken mobs out in 3 shots, only to watch them respawn before the original has even hit the ground. I’ve seen this in all areas. I’ve even seen bosses respawn as they were dying, and had to fight them a second time without any of my cooldowns resulting in a death.

Would it be possible to start the respawn timer at the time of death of the mob instead of the time of the start of battle with the mob?

These are not respawns from other players formally in the area because I am playing during low trafic time, and I would be able to see some form of evidence that a player had been there, especially in a flat open area. This is also not an issue of not being able to play my toon as I have seen this when I have taken a mob down in 3 shots.

Respawn time a little too fast.

in Suggestions

Posted by: piotress.6205


I can agree with this and it can be fustrating when you kill a few mobs and before you know it they are already respawning and attacking you. Some are just a few seconds before they respawn others are maybe 1 minute at best.

Respawn time a little too fast.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Groener.4579


A little too fast is putting it pretty mildly, there are loads of areas wher Risen respawn so fast that you are constantly in combat and the only way out is to die and respawn at a waypoint.

Underwater areas are particularly bad for this and you frequently get ganked by groups of mobs that you don’t have a hope in hell of clearing.

Tone down the respawns, not all of us want to group just to complete a map.

Respawn time a little too fast.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Myron.6732


The worst is when you are fighting a boss and then all of the sudden you aggro the mobs around you that you just killed -_-’

Respawn time a little too fast.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Weebitt.3157


I agree that the respawn rate in the game in general could be slowed down a bit to give the players a little breathing room.

Respawn time a little too fast.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Redfeather.6401


I think respawn mechanics should be looked at and something new added to them. Something to keep mobs from respawning so quick, but also motivate players to move across the map. And keep bots from farming the same patch of land.

Respawn time a little too fast.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Chameleon Dude.1564

Chameleon Dude.1564

I think respawn mechanics should be looked at and something new added to them. Something to keep mobs from respawning so quick, but also motivate players to move across the map. And keep bots from farming the same patch of land.

If this could be implemented, things would be a lot better.
- Not having to wait forever for heart-related mobs to respawn.
- Being able to defeat that event boss or get that skill point without those enemies you killed at the entrance coming back for revenge.
- Packs of identical dodecatuplets aiming barrage at an empty spot. Seriously, just beat them to the spawn a couple of times and they almost break… imagine what a respawn algorithm could do!

Respawn time a little too fast.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Electro.4173


Agree with this 100%.

I hate when I fight my way into a cave or side area to a Veteran enemy, engage the veteran, and halfway through the fight the mobs I killed on the way in respawn and gank me from behind. And god help you if you have to fight a Skill Challenge in an area with other hostile mobs. Its really irritating, and forces you to constantly rush around. Kill fast and move the heck on or else those enemies you killed will be back and trying to kill you again.

I understand the respawn rate needs to be somewhat high so that areas don’t become dead, don’t want one player clearing out an area and then the next person through has nothing to do. But if thats the case, perhaps the respawn rate could be tied to how many players are in the area, so that if you’re alone the enemies stay dead for a decent length of time but if there are half a dozen people there the enemies respawn more quickly.

Or have it so that when another person enters an area, the respawn timers have their current counts dropped dramatically, so that each time a person enters there’s sure to be a fresh batch of enemies appearing shortly. For example, lets say you have a 5 minute respawn timer and a player just came through and killed a group of enemies. So the respawn timer is counting down, and its at 4:30 until the next spawn when a new player comes in. The timer is immedietly reduced to 0:20 (or even lower) until the enemies spawn, so that the newly arriving player will have enemies to deal with shortly.

Respawn time a little too fast.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Coltz.5617


I think the spawn time should be directly effected depending on the amount of players within the vicinity. Natural there needs to be more monsters when there is more people. There is probably a need for a limit for spawn rate of the min and the max.

- I infract cause I’m passionate about the game-

Respawn time a little too fast.

in Suggestions

Posted by: LanceHavenbay.2067


I do not have a problem with this because I have learned how to manage mobs in PvE.

I think end-game should be untouched, but closer to the noob-areas, have it toned down. Because, Trolls for an example can totally demolish players who do not have mobility. And they respawn quickly.

Respawn time a little too fast.

in Suggestions

Posted by: DJZephyr.4921


Just died for the second time trying to get to the viewpoint near Echoslab Arches in Iron Marches (rhymes not intended, I swear) due to a combination of mob density, patrols, and flame turrets that don’t stay dead for any reasonable length of time. And of course, you have to be OUT of combat to use the friggin’ viewpoint. Which means I have to kill everything before it comes back. VERY frustrating.

Have had this issue throughout the game, too. Barely able to kill something before the guy I killed before him gets back up. Maybe I’m gearing my engi wrong, but this still seems ridiculous.

It isn’t too much to ask that they lengthen those timers by a few seconds. Or have the system lengthen or shorten the timer based on player density- WoW did this, and this game is capable of SO much more than the game that should not need to be named.

Read the whole post or DO NOT REPLY.
Zeppillin (Eng), Neudel (Rngr)- Crystal Desert

(edited by DJZephyr.4921)

Respawn time a little too fast.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bonzoso.7014


Personally, I think the sweet spot would be to set a global respawn time for all regular mobs that makes it highly unlikely for the person who kills a mob to still be around when it pops again unless they stayed there managing menus or zoned out in chat or something. Make it even longer for veterans and champions. As long as it scales respawn times back down during events and when there are many players around in the same heart-quest area, it would work just fine at like 2 minutes for normal mobs, 5 for veterans, and 15 for champions (assuming veterans and champions eventually get better drop tables than normals).

I don’t think many people enjoy fighting something every 30ft to get where they want to go and then fight it all again on the way back out…that was one of my biggest gripes while beta testing SWTOR. Just because the game has action-packed, mobile combat doesn’t mean the players want to be stuck in combat for 80% of the game. Any activity is trivialized when it’s overdone — players may have a great time fighting that Giant that attacks the town in Diessa Plateau once, but chances are when it attacks again in 20 minutes, the people that just did it are going to let it be.