Resurrection skills and Rally

Resurrection skills and Rally

in Suggestions

Posted by: pierwola.9602


  • reduce Recharge/Activation time of all resurrection skills
  • change “Revive up to three downed allies” to “Revive up to three killed allies”
    (as a necro i see no reason to use RES skill (180reus/2cast time) nowadays, reus time is too long and in the worst case i have only 1sec for reaction (finishing move 3sec, RES cast time 2 sec)
  • remove “Rally” from the game, at least from WvWvW
    (It’s really annoying when someone stand up just because some npc/mob/player was killed)

(edited by pierwola.9602)

Resurrection skills and Rally

in Suggestions

Posted by: plarzmo.5930


Concerning rez as an elementalist… Since they have changed it to only ‘help up’ DOWNED allies it’s pretty much only helpful with dead NPCs… It takes so long to cast, by the time you get it off most of the time the downed player(s) is dead, and the skill no longer works… I really can not understand why it was changed. If people were finding it unfair in PvP and WvW… restrict it in those parts of the game. But, in dungeons where we are a team, there is no need for nerfing it.

I do want to put it out there, if the skill was changed because people found it ‘unfair’ in WvW/PvP it really was not. The skill took A LOT of time to cast, the animation for casting it while standing over a dead player is a dead give-away that they should attack that player… It’s not like one ‘world’ had players who could rez and the other didn’t. This is where player skill is eliminated.. Which is something many players want in a game and look for in a game, a challenge! Not players complaining about something because they couldn’t think of a way to counter what the other player was doing, so rather than think about a strategy they hop on the forums and complain about it.

Here’s an idea! If GW2 is going to make the forums a place to decide which direction they go in a game or what they change, based on the players who come here to complain about skills.. Why not make it fair and just send polls/surveys to our emails so everyone can decide? Not just the people complaining. People who find the game good as it is, aren’t going to get on the forums to counter all these complaints. Therefor, we aren’t going to have as much influence over what the developers decide.

(edited by plarzmo.5930)

Resurrection skills and Rally

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zeefa.3915


I cannot say anything about the res thing, so will stay out of that one.
Stay away from rally, that is one of the best parts of the game.

Life doesn’t stop being funny just because the dead can’t laugh.