Reward tokens for killing Champion mobs.

Reward tokens for killing Champion mobs.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Minty.9803


Currently there is no point in spending 10 minutes fighting any champion enemies other than for kitten and giggles. The champions should drop a “token” that you could take to Lion’s Arch and trade in for some salvage kits or other rewards.

Either way, there needs to be some better rewards for defeating them. The battles are usually really fun and challenging , especially when the champion is very mobile and can hit hard. But I’d rather go turf 40 regular trash mobs and pick up 30 pieces of loot in same time frame.

Reward tokens for killing Champion mobs.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Cinder.4865


I’ll agree that champions need to drop a little something more for the time put into them.

Reward tokens for killing Champion mobs.

in Suggestions

Posted by: DragonMind.2983


You got a point, however fun it is to fight a champion,
it doesn’t make up for the feeling after the fight,
…oh, lousy loot, like from any general mob …that was a waste of time!

+1 to the idea of some token drop, which you can collect,
(similar to the badges from WvW) and then buy something for those tokens.

Reward tokens for killing Champion mobs.

in Suggestions

Posted by: MajorMelchett.6042


Agreed, i do like taking them on, but as you state – it’s a lot more profitable to just ignore them and go for an easy group for much more reward.

They should either drop your token idea, or at least drop better/more stuff.

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Zarturo: Elemental – Desolation.