Reworking Commander Title
Do you know how hard it is to keep 100 ppl happy all the time? Besides, every time I need a gold for a purchase I’ll revoke my vote till I have the gold back. It will be a constant on and off.
I understand something as significant should not fall under the pay-to-win strat but dont agree with being able to pull your vote out. Specially w/o any penalty or restriction.
Why not make it something that you can purchase with 5k Badges of Honor. As it stands now you dont need to have ever left Lion’s Arch to be a WvW commander. Its stupid. Also, make it optional to see them.
I am sure limitations can be placed on players who want to revoke their vote.
I was thinking of something a long the lines of transferring your vote.
It’s an option you can purchase that costs 1g. You have to purchase it to vote for a commander and you cannot get a refund on that gold. However, you do get your vote refunded and allow you to vote for another commander. At least this way … having commander can be taken a bit more seriously.
I always thought instead of costing a large amount of gold, it would make more sense if it cost a ridiculous amount of badges. That way if nothing else, it would require you to spend a lot of time in WvW to get the title/position, and one would hope that within that time span you actually learned a few tricks.
Badges. They are the solution. The going rate is 1 badge per 1 silver. So yeah, 10k of badges for the commander title sounds pretty OK to me. Its not all that much in the end, but makes sure that the commander actually knows how the WvW works. Not like some “commanders” we had hanging around, that were in fact totally clueless about WvW. Some just took the zerg to SM without any siege or prerequisites for even scratching the wall. I mean, gee, that helped. Way to get 30+ allies wiped.
Also, PLEASE do refund the 100g to these current “commanders” and take away the title. There are some OK commanders, but most of them have spent less time in WvW than your average zergling. (since PvE is where you make the money after all.)
People who can’t tend to call the opponent troll, scream something utterly incomprehensible
and finally result to personal insults.
(It takes forever for a single person to reach 10k badges).
I wouldn’t mind if we donated … ~100 badges each.