Rightclick: Consume all - Option
Doesn’t anyone think this is something that’s missing?
yup just add in a pop up box to right click and consume all this idea should have been in the game when I was capping my drinking achievement
This would be really awesome!
It is a great idea, I hope they do it.
In the meantime, if you have starter Artificer skill on any character, you can consolidate the stacks into much smaller stacks of larger Lucks. I had several hundred clicks staring me in the face from all the things I saved up in the last few days before the patch. I got them down to 28 clicks at a crafting table.
This is necessary…I do not want to break another mouse by clicking for hundreds times -.- And it is needed for vendors as well! Like for Obsidian Shards…
To be fair, you can actualy craft essences into the next bigger tier at the artificing station.
so out of 20 Clicks become 4 then 2 then 1.
But still, a simple extra button on rightclick wouldn’t be bad.