Rocket boots ... too far
When you start playing in PvP and WvW you will want that and possibly even more distance, not shorter. Right now the biggest compaint is that it knocks you down. Kinda sucks big time.
Davidah (Guardian) Goloith (Engineer)
Achuni (Mesmer) Doreanora (Thief)
Precisely why PvE balance should be separated from PvP balance. As with a lot of the nerfs that has gone on over the last few months, they may work fine in PvP, but some skills simply end up feeling either underpowered or underwhelming in PvE because of it.
When you see a zerg swarm of enemy players coming your way in WvW you wish you had a JETPACK to fly backwards 2500 range! You are level 35, you didn’t finish any dungeons which are a completely different concept from PVE Farming/Leveling. I don’t mean no offence, I only recommend that you take your time to understand the mechanics of your class.
If you want a solution for a lower departure you can use the Overcharge Shot from your Rifle or simply dodge roll backwards (this also ensures evasion).
Good luck!