Role playing tools.

Role playing tools.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Redring.2194


Hey there.
First I would like to say how much I love this game. Spectacular job so far. This is not a complaint at all.

I only started actively role playing recently. While the lore, visual design and community provide a perfect RP atmosphere, I find the game could use some more tools to add to player immersion.

I would like to point out a few things that would make the RP community (i think) quite happy.

-I think more emotes in general would be something everyone would love. Despite SWTORs problems, it had a great selection of emotes. I know it’s probably a little costly, due to motion-capture/animation budgets, but it could add a lot of fun for every player, not just the RPrs

-being able to interact with the environment(sitting on chairs and benches, perhaps even being able to lean over a table or bar.) WoW had this, and even non RPrs would use the function of it all the time.

-more town clothes/armour skins options. I know youre working on it, but it would be great to have more costume options(gem store stuff, and not just boxing gloves or chefs uniforms!) it would also be nice to be able to use the town clothes as armour skins using transmutation stones or something like that.

Keep up the good work ANet! Thanks.

Role playing tools.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Torguish.4786


Up this.

I think the world of Guild Wars 2 lacks immersion. NPC:s tend to stand a round a lot. There is no animation when characters talk what so ever etc. Feels a bit empty and i tend to get sleepy when i jump around LA. :P

Role playing tools.

in Suggestions

Posted by: xerca.6135


More emotes, interact with objects, mouth moving when posting in /say. I am all for this.
If WoW had one good thing, it was the RP-part. With all the emotes, shirts you could have under your armor that looked like bandages and so on, leashes to your minis so you could be that crazy Forsaken walking around with a magical broom in a rope… And that part where the characters moved there mouth and made gestures when you posted in /say. If you ended the last sentence with a dot, it just made some casual gesture. If you ended with a question mark, it shrugged and an exclamation mark, the character would flail out his arms. All those small details that made RP so much more fun.

Role playing tools.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Knarkarkent.7183


I agree. But what bothers me most is the bad voice-acting/voice-overs. Take the female charr as an example. At least the one that is leader of the Charrpack that you join as a norn warrior around lvl 10. While the male charr sounds growling and harsh the female sound like an ordinary half bored human female. Over all the characters need better voice actors that can act with feeling.

More bodylanguage in the dialog-clips would also be great. As it is now the my character and the npc just stands still and acts like amateur actors. Make them move their arms, make gestures as they speak and so on. But its very good that your character can speak at all Many games have mute characters. But what is allright could allways be better.

Role playing tools.

in Suggestions

Posted by: BlakThornArrow.2389


cutscenes like in gw1….. need to return in combination with those of gw2.
we need more emote’s , options to sit in chairs stuff like that. duel function , (even 1 vs 3)
dynamic events must also be in big city’s.. stuff like this is what we want more i believe.

White Lions Claw , dungeon, Living Story ,
Personal Story, WvsW , Guild Missions, Living Story and so much more.
(We have Teamspeak and a forum ) join us!

Role playing tools.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Frosty and Frosty Law Firm.4981

Frosty and Frosty Law Firm.4981

Weren’t we told that we could sit on bar stools and pick up mugs?

Where is the option?

I can’t help but feel they kinda ran into a deadline when doing the small details of the game. That’s not a bad thing, but it should be done sooner or later.

Grind Wars 2: Heart of Tears

Role playing tools.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Alexandus.7802


I agree that more emotes are needed, but the biggest thing is for a character to be animated while talking in say.

I remember the days of Star Wars Galaxies, where it would even give your character different animations based on something you said in the text, Example: If you typed “haha” or “lol” in your chat, your character might do a laugh emote, whereas if your character said “yes” or “no” in their text, it would nod or shake their head respectively.

For RPers, character animation can sometimes increase the immersion that much more.

Role playing tools.

in Suggestions

Posted by: schizandra.4587


I would love for this to be implemented as well! It makes me feel a little sad to see all the unoccupied chairs and beds in the world. And emotes are so much fun.

Role playing tools.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Blackmoon.6837


To further the depth, our character’s personality should be reflected in the emotes. For example, a brute type would have a different cheer than a charming type. I’d also suggest making town clothing accessible based on your character’s personality. Granted these things would take a lot of effort and time to make, it would be more than worth it in the end.

Currently, personalities don’t feel like anything special whatsoever.