Roll Dice Emote

Roll Dice Emote

in Suggestions

Posted by: Misty Red Rose.9320

Misty Red Rose.9320

We had it in GW 1 and many big games like WoW have it. I’m not sure why this emote isn’t in GW 2, because it can be so useful.

Our guild had a weekly lotto in GW 1 and it allowed us to raise lots of gold to build guild halls, etc. Right now it would be so useful to have so we could raise funds for things like WvWvW, and I’m sure smaller guilds would like to raise funds to buy influence. Other then asking/begging your members to just donate gold there’s no real way to raise cash for anything. /cry

Roll Dice Emote

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sally the Silkworm.5027

Sally the Silkworm.5027

This would be beloved by the roleplaying community.

But even outside of roleplay, rolling is a very good tool to fairly settle disputes or figuring out what action to take.

Roll Dice Emote

in Suggestions

Posted by: Travixx.3657


I would pay to have this emote.