SPvP Laurels optimisation
This exact idea is endorsed by my guild and the reddit community-at-large: http://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/1b60fy/this_pvp_laurels_mishap_may_have_been/
And I was about to make basically this exact thread to post it.
This little mishap this month has caused an unexpected funsplosion in the ranks of my guild and my surveying of the community today shows that we appear to be the rule- not the exception. People all over the game were trying the free tournaments for the first time and having an absolute blast in the Temple of the Silent Storm.
This idea for a reward compromise would still highly reward the “play as you want” philosophy by awarding the true monthly prize of 10 laurels to whichever monthly you completed first. But then if you are the sort who is happy to enjoy all different kinds of content rather than pigeonholing yourself into one- which research indicates is a vast majority of the game’s base- a bonus 5 brings them out of their PvX shells into the other, and literally everyone benefits.
I think we could really salvage some ectos out of this level 80 rare coding error. I’ll be the first to sign.