in Suggestions

Posted by: Erebus.7568


okey i made another thread about this but apparently i was unclear and people didnt seem to read the thread and just responding to the title so i will try to make myself more clear this time

i would like the ability to switch class in endgame.
like in gw1 they allowed you the oppotunity to switch class at any time to enjoy that gameplay while not having the harsh lvling grind there.

gw2 have the perfect pve for lvling a char up, i really find everything sooo well made from heart quest, exploration, dungeons etc. (balance is totally off and need soo much work but the content in it is so freaking awesome and the atmosphere in it is really good).
here is the issue once you lvled from 1-80 relvling becomes a really harsh grind, yes there is the story which is new but thats a very minor potion of the lvl grind you now need to redo and the completion feeling you get from finishing everything is not there the second time around and especially not the third or fourth time.

i really feel like it would greatly benefit the game to allow us to keep our char which we have come to love and just be able to switch class as we wish (let it be on a skill trainer so that it doesnt break any balance issue’s there might be by switching in the middle of the field.)

this worked perfect in gw1 and people loved it when it was introduced and for good reasons, gw 1 and 2 is all about the completion and building of ONE char and forcing us to have several chars and the grind that comes with it to lvl them up makes it an annoying gameplay feeling which doesnt go with the very nice none grindish feeling the rest of the game have

thats my thoughts on this

PS: actually the balance team did a bangup good job on the XP gain for everything, the xp gain is perfect and you can do what you like and lvl +- in the same speed, gotta give them props for that since that most have been insanely hard to balance out


in Suggestions

Posted by: Erin.7521


There are a few questions that I think need answering.

Firstly why do you need to swap classes? There seems to be no push apart from if it is simply because you want to try something different, and if so why does it need to be instantly maximum level? What is it from your main character you are so attached to?

The whole world is designed for multiple characters per person. The huge variety of personal stories is one element you picked up on but what you didn’t mention is the events in the world. There are a lot of them meaning when you return to explore an area you are likely to see events that you did not see with your first character, which really does mean there is much less of a grind.

There is also the lack of endgame as a different stage, so experience and enjoying a new class happens from level one so going straight into maximum level is not required to get that new experience.

As for getting attached to one character surely that is to do with things such as equipment, achievements and other things of that nature. Those are nearly all either account bound or class specific. I am not sure what it is you would gain from switching that characters class that you would not have simply by creating an alternative character.

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in Suggestions

Posted by: Account.9832


Since the personal stories aren’t even tied to your profession (class), I think this should be pretty easy to implement.

It shouldn’t be just “at endgame”; you should be able to switch whenever you wanted. Even if it’s a paid option (ex., 400 gems – half of what it costs to add a new character slot, since you’d have to pay with each change), it would probably appeal to people who prefer to focus on a single character.

Personally, I’m an altoholic, but this seems like a good suggestion.

- Al Zheimer


in Suggestions

Posted by: Dragonhero.1852


I think its a good Idea not my thing personally but I can see how it could work without to much of an issue.


in Suggestions

Posted by: Vaerah.4907


i would like the ability to switch class in endgame.
like in gw1 they allowed you the oppotunity to switch class at any time to enjoy that gameplay while not having the harsh lvling grind there.

Elementalist player spotted!


in Suggestions

Posted by: Erebus.7568


the reason for this suggestion is that i find the game to be REALLY crazily boring grindish when i started lvling my fourth charecter.
and i would like to try out different classes in endgame to get a feel for how they play what they do etc. and mostly to have the ability to test stuff making it easier for every one to contribute with valid thought on different subjects.

for me its mostly becouse i like the exploration and i like to do everything on every map and like to come back now and then to do stuff there but i do not like to have it feel like a second job and having to be forced to use x hundread hours to lvl a class with same race etc as my main but just to test something out or try a funny combo etc.

i really do feel like in a game where the focus is so much on the completion of everything having to restart that entire process to test out new classes especially since there is no noticible reward, just makes it feel like a really hard and meaningless grind.
and since there is no way to lvl much faster the second/third/fourth time around the lvling gets REALLY heavy and it gives the wrong feeling from what it should and really have on the first class you lvled.

i however do not see any real negative in giving people this ability and i really dont feel like this should be a paid thing, if so it should be a ONE time paid thing meaning you pay for the ability to switch to class x and then you can switch forward and back again whenever you feel like it and are at a trainer, so that you can have the feeling you want to that day without feeling too restricted


in Suggestions

Posted by: Kaz.5430


GW1 only let you change your ‘secondary’ profession (the one you picked at the end of the tutorial).

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in Suggestions

Posted by: rgrwng.4072


i chose to play as an elementalist for my main character, though it seems all classes are secondary /Mo, because everyone can heal themselves (i assume). they took the strictly monk class out and distributed its class skills across the other characters.

changing classes should just require a re-roll.


in Suggestions

Posted by: Nick Naughty.4690

Nick Naughty.4690

Gw1 the primary profession could never be changed, and what was I reading about end game, isn’t the whole game suppose to be end game with all the downscaling etc.


in Suggestions

Posted by: Loosifah.4738


In other words the OP is lazy and doesn’t want to take the time to level a new character.


in Suggestions

Posted by: Nick Naughty.4690

Nick Naughty.4690

In other words the OP is lazy and doesn’t want to take the time to level a new character.

Agree with you.

I also think the OP is narrow minded, this is the end game —-—> dungeon.

Its almost like the whole game is reductant.


in Suggestions

Posted by: Prophet.6954


Per your mention of the frustration from leveling a 4th ‘toon’:

Whilst I do NOT envy the time it takes to level each toon, especially over a short period of time, where the stories aren’t fresh, and are tedious, it’s best NOT to. Stick with 1-2 for awhile. Then after a few months, you can start your 3rd when the stories have been lost to your memory, and pick a different race, different upbringing, different order, etc, and keep it as fresh as possible.

Also, save one character slot for pvp and try out some if the difference race/class combos. It’s a safe way to test out what you would have as lvl 80 after having leveled 15 times and bought all skills and exotic armor.


in Suggestions

Posted by: Loosifah.4738


Honestly I just started my second character(which is level 15 now) and with a different choice when creating the character(Growing up poor in the streets as a human rather than being wealthy) the entire opening story is different.


in Suggestions

Posted by: Mimir.4690


This is a feature that I would never use. I would rather just create a new character. While I’m not sure that the storyline will change for the characters if you change the profession, there are different aspects of the profession that affect character creation. For example, for a Guardian you must select one of three items (two shoulder pads and one helmet) that represent something, while a Thief has something similar with a mask, a hood, and a headband. It may not affect future storylines, but it does change the character.


in Suggestions

Posted by: Prophet.6954


Having created quite a few characters so far, as far as I can tell it changes what free armor you start with lol. I recreated a character several times as I just could NOT create him the way I wanted, and the way he looked during character creation didn’t seem to be the way he actually came ‘out’. The story options didn’t appear to change in any way.


in Suggestions

Posted by: Redfeather.6401


I really mourn the loss of secondary professions.
It’s like if “Cheech and Chong’s Next Movie” got rid of Cheech and only kept Chong. ;_;


in Suggestions

Posted by: Johnny Whoa.8126

Johnny Whoa.8126

Personally I love this idea. I love using my main character and I’ve never been good at switching off to alternates, but I’d still like to try out other professions without a grind. I think this could be an interesting thing, maybe a gem store implementation.

I’d be interested in trying it, at least. But it would have to have a limit to other professions of your type (ie, my Ranger could only switch to Thief or Engineer as Adventuring Class types), otherwise your armor would be unusable on other classes.


in Suggestions

Posted by: Hydrophidian.4319


okey i made another thread about this but apparently i was unclear and people didnt seem to read the thread

I think they read the thread. They just didn’t agree. I don’t think the general response is going to be any different in this new thread. To reiterate my own concerns:

  • I think your request runs counter to the design philosophy underpinning the game. We’re given 5 character slots at the outset, with the option to buy more. So, the expectation is clearly that, if we want to play another class, we need to make a new character. Your request would undermine this, so it’s not likely to be entertained just based on this point alone.
  • Having multiple class options at the cap is an advantage and an achievement earned through play. Yes, it’s a time investment. As this is an MMO, time investments are pretty important to long-term playability. This probably shouldn’t be trivialized.
  • Leveling in a class is one of the big ways in which a player learns how that class operates. This shouldn’t be so easily bypassed. Team endeavors would be plagued by players who didn’t actually know what they were doing with their class.
  • Not everyone plays the same way or has the same preferences. Many players would not see leveling and exploring again as a ‘waste of time’. Many players (myself included) enjoy playing and leveling several characters simultaneously. This also shouldn’t be disregarded.


like in gw1 they allowed you the oppotunity to switch class at any time to enjoy that gameplay while not having the harsh lvling grind there.

This is, at best, misleading. Players aren’t given the ability to switch out their primary profession in GW1. This was succinctly addressed in your previous thread by the poster who essentially stated: A warrior/elementalist is not the same as an elementalist/warrior.

i really feel like it would greatly benefit the game to allow us to keep our char which we have come to love and just be able to switch class as we wish

You should be aware that this will make no sense at all to a great many players. It’s also not in keeping with the presentation of the lore. Class is a defining attribute of a character, be it your own or an NPC. Logan is not suddenly going to become a Mesmer. If my Elementalist were anything other than an Elementalist, she would be essentially changed.

You might view “character” as nothing more than “thing that holds stats and stuff”, but I’d guess you’d be in the (distinct) minority there.

Please keep in mind:
- It’s not all about you.
- “Grind” is relative.
- No one is forcing you to do anything.

TL;DR: No, thank you.

(edited by Hydrophidian.4319)


in Suggestions

Posted by: Adine.2184


Just a few things

1 ) you could NEVER change your Primary class just your secondary

2) you could only use Runes and armor related to your primary

3 ) You couldn’t use all attributes of your seconday in Guildwars as one was a "primary " attribute only avaiible if it was your primary class .

4 ) you had to be Ascended to switch secondary

on to GW2 issues

1) Changing classes would wipe out any skills you knew other than racial requiring you to buy them all again

2) if you went from a light armor class to a heavy or medium all your armor is now striped and rendered useless

3 ) your weapons ethos would be different possibly rendering them useless and stripping them from you

4) it would make the 4 other character slots pointless

You’re going to have no clue how to trait or play the class properly since you never leveled up with it rendering you useless .


in Suggestions

Posted by: Arghore.8340


Disregarding the topic, but i would like to ask you to NOT use all caps in your topic header the next time… tnx for your understanding

We are peace, we are war. We are how we treat each other and nothing more…
25 okt 2014 – PinkDay in LA


in Suggestions

Posted by: Blacklight.2871


I’ve never seen games that offered as a “feature”, the ability to fundamentally retool your character into something completely different, as being the least bit attractive. To me, when you can change something like that, you no longer have a character to play, just skeleton that you hang different modules off, whenever you feel like it. As if it were a battleframe in Firefall or a Mech in Mechwarrior.

I prefer characters remain just that — characters. Unique in their abilities, their weaknesses and their histories. And when I tire of a character, I make a new one.

By the way, I am also a long time GW1 player and my characters remained true to their classes, even if the opportunity was present to change them. I might have borrowed abilities from other classes for my builds, but fundamentally, they were unchanged.