Same size character models

Same size character models

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sakulos.7963


I belive that in spvp characters schould have the same size.
Skill casting animations are much harder to recognize on Asuras,
for example: Banish Guardian Hammer 4th skill.
If player is able to see what’s coming, he is able to counter it! That would make GW2 more enjoyable to play but also watch on streams or spectator (when it’s ready).

I know that hitboxes are the same for every model.
That’s just an idea, and many games used the same model to make game more fair and competitive.
What do you pvpers and Anet think about that?

[nRBL] Next Rebel guild leader

Same size character models

in Suggestions

Posted by: DDog.4350


I belive that in spvp characters schould have the same size.
Skill casting animations are much harder to recognize on Asuras,
for example: Banish Guardian Hammer 4th skill.
If player is able to see what’s coming, he is able to counter it! That would make GW2 more enjoyable to play but also watch on streams or spectator (when it’s ready).

I know that hitboxes are the same for every model.
That’s just an idea, and many games used the same model to make game more fair and competitive.
What do you pvpers and Anet think about that?

No trouble with this at all tbh. And i play norn.

Same size character models

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fred Fargone.3127

Fred Fargone.3127

Uhm, oversized asuran are funny on Halloween, but it’d be horrible to see them all the time. (Although on towns ect. it saddens me that nobody will ever notice what I am wearing, since I’m so tiny they don’t even see me.)

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Same size character models

in Suggestions

Posted by: Coppermine.2164


Arguably, I think your problem is not regarding the character model size but how the skill effects are easily recognized during casts due to most animations/effects are relative to a model’s size.

I disagree that it would be much fun to watch all races on same sizes; it destroys the original concept this game was built. Asuras are small and Norns are huge and other races goes in between.