Saved builds

Saved builds

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fantastic.5298


They have it in gw1, it would really help in every respect.

Spvp: allows players to adapt to whatever comp they have and what comp the other team has. Usually whatever build you and your team go in with is what you run. So when ANET’s kittenty solo que puts 4 thieves together who are all running glass builds you aren’t SOL against anything with a legitimate bunker. Same thing goes for maps…. I need an entirely different build for Skyhammer and Spirit Watch and its just irritating to have to redo all the traits

WvW and PVE: The two are put together because whatever I’m currently running dungeons with, I’m also running WvW with and vice versa. It will usually be in favor of a solo pvp build because my build is more important to me when I’m fighting someone 1 on 1 than when I’m running a dungeon or in a zerg. Doesn’t mean I don’t want to contribute more to dungeons and wvw groups, I just don’t feel like retraiting every time I decide to do something else in the game.

I don’t care how you offer it to us, just put it in the game so that I can switch traits on a whim (not within an actually tournament). Give us a single saved build on each char and charge us on the gem store for additional ones, I don’t care and I’m sure many others don’t either

Saved builds

in Suggestions

Posted by: MajorValtiel.6310


Or at least let us have a trait build for PVE and WvW seperatly. Like pvp. So when changing my trats in WvW it won’t affect the ones i have in PVE and vice-versa.

My point is that your point, is pointless.