Scaling Down Levels Should be an OPTION not Forced

Scaling Down Levels Should be an OPTION not Forced

in Suggestions

Posted by: Eiken.6821


Here is the thing.
I feel GW2 is pretty much done with for me. I am a group person who enjoys rushing to 80, getting the best gear, and helping people. The only reason I play games is to help newer people level up or through tough situations. While at first the scale down was cute and fun, it should be an option in my opinion.

Now, I’m not saying it should be an option with no sacrifice. I’d do it similar to the Aion “Mentoring” System. No drops, No exp if you choose to stay your level. Have it something you can switch on and off (just like mentoring)

I’d really love to go help my friends, but I feel more like I should make another character to level up beside them since it’s going to be a long journey anyway since I get scaled down…but I can’t bring myself to start over another character. I think an option of being scaled down or not would help a lot of people keep a bit of interest in the game. End game, map complete, all exotic gear….kinda boring.

Scaling Down Levels Should be an OPTION not Forced

in Suggestions

Posted by: TottWriter.8591


Scaling isn’t there for you to be able to gain XP in lower areas (though it’s an awesome feature).

It’s there to stop high-level characters spoiling the area for other people by one-shotting their way through all the mobs and events. Whether you intend to spoil things or not, that would be the end result of optional scaling.

I don’t see this ever being a feature that is implemented I’m afraid.

To buy character slots or not to buy character slots. That is the test of my restraint.

Scaling Down Levels Should be an OPTION not Forced

in Suggestions

Posted by: Naryoril.6507


No, because you can kill the fun for other people. Imagine 3 level 80 characters running around in a lvl 20 area making any event absolutely trivial, even more than they often already are.

If you play in a lvl 10 area with your full exotic lvl 80 character you are already extremely overpowered the way it is.

And does it really help your friends if you just do all the work for them?

Scaling Down Levels Should be an OPTION not Forced

in Suggestions

Posted by: Eiken.6821


That’s sad :/

No I don’t intend to spoil. I am a person who is nice and helpful of others. I typically run a healing class/profession just to be able to help people out who are struggling. I can understand the people running around and 1 shotting a whole area being rather annoying. And at 80, I’m not really looking to gain levels, just looking to help others but the way the game is built…it’s more like a console game that you play through then leave, I feel like I’ve ‘beat it’ and now ought to move onto another one where I’d be more needed/of more assistance to.

Scaling Down Levels Should be an OPTION not Forced

in Suggestions

Posted by: SevenSigma.7462


The current downscaling still makes you a god in lower-level areas, so I really don’t see the problem here.

And you think making earlier areas even more trivial than they are now for level 80 characters would make things more interesting? No thank you.

Edit: read my reply and realized it sounded a bit aggressive. Not my intention. Anyway, if you feel like you’ve beat the game… have you tried dungeons? WvW? Cool new skins for your armor and weapons?

(edited by SevenSigma.7462)

Scaling Down Levels Should be an OPTION not Forced

in Suggestions

Posted by: Cinder.4865


Downscaling does not prevent you from helping anyone else. In fact, personally, I’d say it makes it more enjoyable.

Scaling Down Levels Should be an OPTION not Forced

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ronah.2869


These are the consequences of rushing to the max level. It was your choice. You cant blame anyone for not having what to do now. Sorry. You should try other games with a high leveling curve. Jade Dynasty can be a good cure for your rushing habits. It has about 300 levels and a lot of money involved in the process

Scaling Down Levels Should be an OPTION not Forced

in Suggestions

Posted by: EnochDagor.6185


I am also going to disagree with you Eiken. Ruining it for others is one reason. But there are SO many others.

Powerleveling (which has plagued MMO’s since EQ1).
Ruining the fun for people of that level (already stated).
Trivializes the 100% Map Completion (just get to 80 and steamroll everything).
Exploitable (get a 2nd account, have that account normal level and have your lvl 80 kill everything while the 2nd account get’s the rewards for DE’s and such).

It will never fly. If it does then ANet would be shooting themselves in the foot.

You can help your friends and such by simply going to these zones and playing along with them. While every class can solo the content in the game, things do go much better when you are duo’d or more.

80 Elementalist – Sanctum of Rall
Various other classes for figuring out how to kill em (thief, warrior, mesmer, etc…)
War is much more fun when you’re winning! – General Martok

Scaling Down Levels Should be an OPTION not Forced

in Suggestions

Posted by: Voltic.6912


I really like the scale down feature. When your 80 and go to zones under the 75 – 80 range you have such a huge advantage as you may have lost hp’s but you have the skills and traits still so you can still get exp towards the skills and pretty much cake walk through everything else.

So 2-5 shotting instead of 1 shotting isn’t that big a deal to me and still gives the people in that level range a chance to get in on the kills. When I was in my 20’s and trying to figure out why another 20’s elementalist was killing stuff so easily and not coming close to dying I didn’t realize there was a scale down feature.

Scaling Down Levels Should be an OPTION not Forced

in Suggestions

Posted by: munkiman.3068


Just being there with your buddy is a big help, content doesn’t need to be easy to be able to help people. I ran the 1-15 zones quite a few times with MF gear on an 80 and the content was mostly a cakewalk with my level appropriate friend. We even took down a few Champs as a pair.

[TAO] Founder/Owner and Administrator for the NSP Server Website

Scaling Down Levels Should be an OPTION not Forced

in Suggestions

Posted by: Redscope.6215


I’m missing how you can’t help out at level 80 when you’re sidekicked to a lower level.

If by ‘help out’ you mean demolish/power level, no, you can’t do that.

I would venture to say that the lower level areas in this game are much more enjoyable even as a sidekicked character because you have more options in your encounters. It would be nice to have more level 80 areas added but I don’t mind heading back to places I’ve missed since combat isn’t reminiscent of an elephant trampling an ant mound.

And even though you’re sidekicked, when you’re a geared level 80, you will notice a difference in power from the appropriate-level characters in the area.

Scaling Down Levels Should be an OPTION not Forced

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fildydarie.1496


In Guild Wars 1, when my son was having trouble with a mission, (with rare exception) I wouldn’t join him because, if I did, I would effectively complete it for him, dooming him to have more difficulty with the next mission.

In Guild Wars 2, when he is having trouble with content, I join him, because the content gets harder with more people, and I do not completely trivialize it for him.

Just go and group with your friends—that is why there is downscaling, so you can do that without having to make an alt.

Also, Guild Wars 1 was designed with the intent of being a PvE game that people would play through once—PvP was not expected to blossom the way it did. When an expansion was released, it was expected that players would come back. They didn’t expect people to stick around and farm the way they did. The subscriptionless model was based on this premise—that people would play, have fun, then move on, and maybe return later. If you’re just waiting for more story content to devour, you’re doing nothing wrong by moving on. This isn’t a roach motel game, where you will return to find your once top-tier gear is now vendor fodder because you didn’t keep “current.” You’re at the end—play it because it is fun.

Edit: My spelling was more horrifying than Grenth’s hoary nipples.

Hutchmistress of the Fluffy Bunny Brigade [FBB]

(edited by Fildydarie.1496)

Scaling Down Levels Should be an OPTION not Forced

in Suggestions

Posted by: SevenSigma.7462


This isn’t a roach motel game, where you will return to find your once top-tier gear is now vendor fodder because you didn’t keep “current.” You’re at the end—play it because it is fun.

I wish I could +2 you.

Scaling Down Levels Should be an OPTION not Forced

in Suggestions

Posted by: pdg.8462


I totally disagree with the OP. Down scaling is a very good thing. And it’s one of the things I like most about GW2. Claiming you cannot help out lower level people is disingenuous. Of course you can still help lower level folks. You just cannot one-shot, steam roll content.

Scaling Down Levels Should be an OPTION not Forced

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rehk.6574


Disagree with the OP, downscaling is an AWESOME feature and is there for a good reason. The only thing making it optional would do is ruin the fun for low levels if a high level is in their area farming. Farming would become WAY too easy and inflation would become a worse problem than it already is with the small amount of bots that are in the game.

You can still help you friend. I assure you. I don’t understand why you think you cant just because you are not “super one shotting and owning” everything or making it a complete and total cakewalk as opposed to lending your support as a character and beating the content at a level where its fun for everyone.

No challenge = no real meaning to defeating content.
Challenge = more gratification when you beat content.

Scaling Down Levels Should be an OPTION not Forced

in Suggestions

Posted by: AegisRunestone.8672


I love the downscaling in this game. It’s one of the things that makes it great! You can play with lower level friends now and not steal XP.

Scaling Down Levels Should be an OPTION not Forced

in Suggestions

Posted by: TheDaiBish.9735


That’s sad :/

No I don’t intend to spoil. I am a person who is nice and helpful of others. I typically run a healing class/profession just to be able to help people out who are struggling. I can understand the people running around and 1 shotting a whole area being rather annoying. And at 80, I’m not really looking to gain levels, just looking to help others but the way the game is built…it’s more like a console game that you play through then leave, I feel like I’ve ‘beat it’ and now ought to move onto another one where I’d be more needed/of more assistance to.

Whereas you might not, it wouldn’t stop other people being [insert expletive here].

And there are other ways you can help people: Dungeons, WvW, Getting points on the map guarded by Champions ect.

Life is a journey.
Time is a river.
The door is ajar.

Scaling Down Levels Should be an OPTION not Forced

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tekietee.5037


When you’re scaled down to say level 20, you still have your Level 80 Traits (Yeah 60 more traits than them), and your Level 30 Elite Skill, and all the extra little buffs from your Equipments (even as it is scaled down) is all better than just a level 20 players.

You already have a HUGE bonus compared to them, and can take down anything in a matter of hits and can actually tank the mobs no problem.

If you think the game needs a removal option of scaling, or after playing for 100 hours and you feel like this game has nothing more to offer you’re crazy. 500+ Hours on my Warrior and going.

*Keep Level Scaling, Maybe even harshen it.

Scaling Down Levels Should be an OPTION not Forced

in Suggestions

Posted by: Aeson Thackery.5927

Aeson Thackery.5927

Scaling isn’t there for you to be able to gain XP in lower areas (though it’s an awesome feature).

It’s there to stop high-level characters spoiling the area for other people by one-shotting their way through all the mobs and events. Whether you intend to spoil things or not, that would be the end result of optional scaling.

I don’t see this ever being a feature that is implemented I’m afraid.

This exactly. High levels could just roll right through other wise. Would destroy the whole dynamic.

Hope its never implemented, nor do i support it at all.