Here is how I would do the “Scavenger hunt”.
Before I start the values given are what I personally would find acceptable/doable but in others eyes may seem to low or to high.
Basically to start the whole process there is a NPC in lions arch he is stood next to the Mystic forge called “Scavenger Samuels”. When you talk to him he tells you a story in text of a weapon that could be yours! its power is capable of becoming “Legendary”. After this he says if you do some things for me I might be able to obtain such a weapon for you. You then have 2 options,
A. Where do I begin?
B. No thanks.
(You choose A)
He says firstly you need to acquire “Gift of the Precursor” for me. This is done by putting the following into the Mystic forge.
1.Gift of Gold = 25g bought from Miyani.
2.Gift of the Achiever = X crowns (the new Achievement system)
3.Gift of Knowledge = 4 Jumping puzzle coins, 2 coin = 4 scraps, you obtain scraps from any jumping puzzle chest meaning you need to do 8 to achieve this you then put 4 scraps into the mystic forge to create 2 coins.
4a.Gift of Crafting = recipe can be bought from Miyani for 2g, It requires 5 Globs of ectoplasm, 10 of each tier 5 fine material (potent venom sac etc)
OR (not sure which would be better)
4b. Gift of Karma = 250k Karma, bought from Miyani
You now place all 4 into the mystic forge to get “Gift of the Precursor”
Once you have obtained this item you return to Scavenger Samuels and he says excellent! but how do I know you are worthy of such a weapon? I need to see your power, your strength and your determination! this isn’t easy for me to get so i need to see you fight!
Your then given a new update to do 2 objectives.
1. Get 100 WvW kills insignias (these are not badges of honor :P they are given when you kill a player you can only obtain 100)
2. 120 of 1 type of Dungeon token (so TA or CoF or HotW for example)
3. 30 Fractal relics
4. Claw of a Dragon (this will be obtained through doing one of the dragon events and looting the chest)
Now you have all of these put them into the mystic forge to create “Gift of Worth”
Now you go back to Scavenger Samuels.
Well done! so you were worth the effort I put in to obtaining these weapons! now you have Gift of Worth and Gift of the Precursor you may select which one of these you would like.
You are Presented with a list of the Precursors you select one and he says “A fine choice but are you sure you want X” you can preview the weapon and stats etc.
Lets say I pick “The lover” after saying yes I am sure it gives me String of the Lover and Short-bow Stave of the Lover.
Now you have 4 items to place into the mystic forge which are
“Gift of the Precursor”
“Gift of Worth”
“String of the Lover”
“Short-bow Stave of the Lover”
This creates me “The Lover” which is Account bound.
Personally I would make it Account bound so you cant just sell it on but I wouldn’t go as far as Soulbound but that’s just me.
After all of this Scavenger Sam sticks around in Lions arch and you can talk to him and he offers to sell you another Precursor now you have proved your worth for 150 gold.
I feel this still makes getting one from a random drop, mystic forge or chest exciting and an amazing moment but it allows people who aren’t lucky or don’t have multiple characters to just buy one if they want to.
The Crafting/Karma one is sort of a option I didn’t know which would be more accepted by the community as for a legendary right now you need to farm like 1 Million karma and although to me it doesn’t take the long you add another 250k to that people might go insane :P/
Overall the “Scavenger hunt” idea is amazing and the amount you could do with it is Incredible its an area that I think would be a lot of fun to work on and I can remember the Dev’s name but they must be having some fun with this.
Also the values I gave through out this were just what seemed reasonable to me, Would be awesome to hear your thoughts on what you feel the Scavenger hunt system might entail and the numbers you think they might get us to do.
Apologies for some of my English.