Scenery Transparency

Scenery Transparency

in Suggestions

Posted by: Boogiepop Void.6473

Boogiepop Void.6473

Please implement some form of scenery transparency. When fighting in caves or buildings, it is hard to see what you are doing because your camera keeps getting shoved into your back. When fighting around trees, you cannot see anything because the trees are in the way. We should not have to fight the camera or the scenery.

Scenery Transparency

in Suggestions

Posted by: ManLove.2457


We should not have to fight the camera or the scenery.

Yea we have rabbits to kills first, but lol srsly its f**kin annoying.

If you can see this then I broke something badly…

Scenery Transparency

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mimir.4690


I’ve run into this issue a couple times. I’m totally okay with trees blocking entrances for Vistas or Skill Challenges, but when I’m in a fight and the angle is awkward… Then chances are, I’m going to die because I’m not aiming correctly.

Scenery Transparency

in Suggestions

Posted by: robinsiebler.3801



A kitten who hates the camera

Scenery Transparency

in Suggestions

Posted by: Narkosys.5173


Yes please fix the camera issues.
Jumping puzzles it pulsates in and out and makes me want to vomit. Or slams against the rocks and cant see anything and cant zoom out cause it wont let you.
Then there are all the blocked crap that gets in the way and it is an unnecessary issue that makes me irritable very fast.
I have to fight the game, people and bugs. I shoudnt have to fight the kitten camera too.

Scenery Transparency

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ronah.2869


This issues is very annoying for jumping puzzles, especially if you have a very tall character like Norn or Charr.
I am ok, with trees blocking the view. I can hide behind them from ranger foes

Scenery Transparency

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rhase.2047


As a charr, even of the tiniest variety, I sign this. It makes jumping puzzles PvC (player versus camera). The difference in puzzle difficulty between my “itty bitty” kitty and my small sylvari is immense.

Simply making the camera able to zoom further out would help with the big character issue, I imagine.

Scenery Transparency

in Suggestions

Posted by: Azaziel.3608


Of all the jumping puzzles I’ve made, probably half of them has been by pure memory and guessing, ’cause I had no idea where exacly I was or where I wanted to go.

Scenery Transparency

in Suggestions

Posted by: foresterr.3180


Oh dear Gods.
Getting the camera into a position when you suddenly know kitten about what the kitten is going around you happens almost every single time I get into a building or another enclosed space, and is the only thing in the whole game that gets me close to ragequitting.
Please, Arenanet, allow scenery to get transparent, or introduce first person view, or whatever, but do something about that. Please.