The Path Least Travelled, Gunnar’s Hold
Screenshot mode / toggle for UI
The Path Least Travelled, Gunnar’s Hold
If you did abit of research you would find that there are already 2 ways of doing this in the game. Firstly, to hide all UI simply press Ctrl Shift and H . I also remember reading somewhere there was a way to take a screenshot which hides your UI on the picture without you having to manually do it, but i’m not sure if this actually works or how to do it
They had some problems with the high res screenshots.
As soon as there was something like sunflare/bloom
water surfaces/reflections they somehow messed up.
The high res screenshot hid the UI automaticly i think.
I think the stereoscopic screenshots still hide the UI…
everything else was allready said by EliteZ
If CTRL SHFT H is too much (as it is for me, I want a faster keypress), you can go into keybind options to set it to something else. I have my UI toggle on F11, nicely near the Print Screen key.
I do miss the high rez option even though I run the game on high settings anyway.
I agree with the CTRL+SHIFT+H combo.