Screenshots auto-naming

Screenshots auto-naming

in Suggestions

Posted by: dugzino.4923



at first, I didn’t mind the automatic naming (gw001 > gw002 > and so on…) but now, my guild wanted to create a gallery where guildies could upload their screenshots.
The problem is, we can’t mass-upload (like 400 screenshots) cause we get name conflicts..

Maybe, if you could do like

Could help for future guilds that are about to do the same thing.

Screenshots auto-naming

in Suggestions

Posted by: MeSako.6082


Or better yet: charactername-year-month-day-number.


Screenshots auto-naming

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vick.6805


I’m going to give my file naming OCD free reign for a moment:

As a screenshot addict, I rename my screenshots based on the zone they’re taken in, so that if I want to find a given area on another character, or want to show a guildie something that’s especially cool, the file name tells me the general area where I was. The character name, as MeSako mentioned, would be a good way to prevent duplicate file names when uploading. As one final note, a three digit ID number is definitely necessary at the end for those of us who create a ton of files.

TL;DR: Add zone name and a three digit ID number. Building upon MeSako’s examples: MeSako-Blazeridge Steppes-2012-10-17-001

Screenshots auto-naming

in Suggestions

Posted by: robinsiebler.3801


Or even better, give me the option to supply a custom string when I take a screenshot.

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Screenshots auto-naming

in Suggestions

Posted by: mkeiichi.5324


I second this; as a fellow screenshotaholic and game modder, I take thousands of shots in every game I play.

Being able to supply a custom string affix would be very useful, but I’d settle for Vick’s $name.$region.$date format if it had to be hardcoded.

Screenshots auto-naming

in Suggestions

Posted by: zogrim.6925


I find this ridiculous. At this moment this request should be under Very Low priority…

Screenshots auto-naming

in Suggestions

Posted by: tzko.2370


FYI the current maximum for screen shots in the folder is 999. When you move them to another folder to make please GW2 restarts the counter from 001, Which means you will end up with duplicates by yourself after due time and screenshotting :S