Secondary condition for 25-stack conditions

Secondary condition for 25-stack conditions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kojiden.8405


So this is a suggestion for traits. People have complained that stack conditions only go up to 25. The idea is that if you’re at 25 stacks that trying for any higher is useless and thus limits how many condition builds can be on a team. I assume Anet’s position is that they want a cap so that not everyone plays condition builds and monsters end up having 100 stacks of bleed.

So I think that something that could be done instead is to create traits that proc when an enemy has, say, 20 stacks of something. So for example let’s say there’s a trait that states “if an enemy has 20 or more stacks of Bleeding, you have an X% chance to apply Burn for Y seconds (Z second cooldown) whenever you apply a Bleed”. Another example might be “if an enemy has 20 or more stacks of Vulnerability, you have an X% chance to apply Weakness for Y seconds (Z second cooldown) whenever you apply a Vulnerability”. I think something like this could bridge the gap from what the players want and from what the devs want. It could also promote teamwork among similar builds (like 2 bleed builds both having the trait to keep burn up more often).

You could also do something more interesting and make up all new conditions. Like instead of Burn maybe there’s a chance for the condition Zippidy Zoo Wop that makes an enemy fall down every X seconds. I don’t know. That’s just a stupid example.

Secondary condition for 25-stack conditions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Gnat.9405


This still doesn’t solve the issue concerning the cap. This just adds more things that can cap. Also, the reason caps exist is because of server space not build diversity.