Semi- Invisible Stealth
Semi-invisible isn’t 5% as great as completly invisible. You’re visible even if transparent, in games where opponents are transparent you spot them (I remember headshotting many transparent explorer’s on Battlefield 2142 and they were almost invisible, just leaving a slight blur when moving). It’s useful in a shooter to be harder to catch, but in a game like GW2 you would be spotted and target by every AoE.
Also, people could change set up to make your shape more visible and easily spot you (this is how I did some jumping puzzles where you can’t see the plataforms).
In my experince, even a blip on the minimap is enough for stealth to be rendered useless. Thieves stealth so the enemy won’t know where to swing, if the enemy did know then stealth would need a buff to compensate, something like a passive evasion stat, because it and thief with it, would lose 90% of there already poor defensive capabilities.
Part-time Kittenposter
What’s needed is Anet to make a statement one way or the other to shut the crybabies up. This same thing happened with “night-capping” in WvW. It was cried and cried about until Anet finally made a statement and basically said: it’s intended, deal with it, it’s not going to change. Now people post off hours recruitment threads for their servers instead of daily QQ threads.
Until Anet stands behind their system and points out they believe it’s a L2P issue and nothing more (or not) the QQtrain will never slow down.
I honestly don’t care what route they go. Stand behind their design or total overhaul, just either stand behind your system or don’t and communicate with the player-base. The incessant crying is annoying as hell and makes it hard not to jump in and argue with idiots when surfing these forums.
Another huge problem for me personally is that I have now built an armor/weapon set for every possible spec. I found the one I enjoy the most (S/D – D/x) and the only thing left to do is “pimp it out” looks wise. I’m currently working toward one of the cheaper forge recipes (I’m amazed GW2 has gotten me to start PvEing). If I go through all that to end up having something about the build made crap or changed to be un-enjoyable it would ruin the game for me. I can’t imagine how people deal with getting something as time consuming as a legendary then having that weapon set ruined by a patch.
(edited by Stiv.1820)
This idea has been suggest more often than any other suggestion and I think it’s a terrible idea.
We don’t need to cater to the people who cry. Crying and overpowered abilities are two different things.
Do people cry about mesmer portal? Not really, because it doesn’t result in their death directly.
Until Anet stands behind their system and points out they believe it’s a L2P issue and nothing more (or not) the QQtrain will never slow down
I couldn’t agree more Stiv!
Ferg Crossing
semi-visible – omnomberry ghost
semi-invisible -targetable with tab
I only agree with an lower stealth time , if thief can get traits to benefit from protection /aegis / stability or regeneration when enter stealth or when stealth ends.
in curent situation , thief can stealth 80% of battle, and the rest of 20% is stunnned knocked back/down cripled chilled with his lool defence/hp
People complain but if you really look its mainly about c&d and backstab burst. The biggest joke of it all is everyone that I know that has complained about thief I convinced to roll one and know they get it and they see how you can easily counter it if you know what to do.
It was 2 vs 20 but its ok we got’em both!
Stealth is Thief’s only damage-defense(beside plain running away),so it stays where it is.
And for those who haven’t learn to deal with it by now:…My condolences!
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