Send mail to yourself

Send mail to yourself

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mc Stabby.2509

Mc Stabby.2509

For the first time last night (and ive only been playing the game some 6 days) I found myself needing to log into another toon so I could collect a trading post purchase for a new toon I was making.

The problem I had was that I then couldnt send these items to my other toon. These were only bags so its not something that might be soulbound or something.

I like how the trading post purchases can be collected by any of my toons, and in my case last night it was a good job as the trading post merchant in the human starting area (to the left of the queensdale area) was not interacting.

But then when I tried to send myself the bags I got an error message telling me I cannot send mail to myself. Either I did something wrong, or its not possible.

Which then begs another question….Account bound items. How do I get those from 1 toon to the next ?

Send mail to yourself

in Suggestions

Posted by: Player Character.9467

Player Character.9467

Which then begs another question….Account bound items. How do I get those from 1 toon to the next ?

Try the bank?

Mail is essentially free infinite storage, being able to mail yourself would remove and impact of an inventory limit…

Send mail to yourself

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mc Stabby.2509

Mc Stabby.2509

Which then begs another question….Account bound items. How do I get those from 1 toon to the next ?

Try the bank?

Mail is essentially free infinite storage, being able to mail yourself would remove and impact of an inventory limit…

So all toons share the same bank space ?

I have to admit I didnt check or know this. But I still think being able to mail to yourself might be easier when it comes to lower level toons or new toons made, and then simply limit the mail storage you can have. At the point of full, your mail box rejects mail or returns it, this would then limit any impact on your inventory.

Send mail to yourself

in Suggestions

Posted by: Esplen.3940


Also, you can just ask someone you know/trust to return to sender mail items. That’s what I do when I don’t feel like using my Personal Banker Golem’s.

Send mail to yourself

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mc Stabby.2509

Mc Stabby.2509

Also, you can just ask someone you know/trust to return to sender mail items. That’s what I do when I don’t feel like using my Personal Banker Golem’s.

Thats assuming you have someone with you though, and you then mention a very key point. TRUST.

If you willingly hand over an item and they decide they would rather keep it and sell….you are in essence out of pocket.

I know there is a method and mechanic in place (bank) but I stand by my suggestion with the amended points in my last point so as not to impact inventory space.

Send mail to yourself

in Suggestions

Posted by: Genavelle.9516


Yeah you can use the bank to transfer items between characters.

Although I have to say, I would like it if when you pick up things at the trading post, there were an option to only take some of the items. I mean as it is, the button says “Take all” as if you could choose to not take everything. So it would be kind of nice if you just wanted to pick up your gold, or one specific item. It’s not that big of a deal, but it might be kind of nice.

I am a WvW player.
Maguuma Server
Ranger and Necromancer.

Send mail to yourself

in Suggestions

Posted by: Euthymia.4807


Also, you can just ask someone you know/trust to return to sender mail items. That’s what I do when I don’t feel like using my Personal Banker Golem’s.

Thats assuming you have someone with you though, and you then mention a very key point. TRUST.

If you willingly hand over an item and they decide they would rather keep it and sell….you are in essence out of pocket.

I know there is a method and mechanic in place (bank) but I stand by my suggestion with the amended points in my last point so as not to impact inventory space.

Mail space is already limited, and they aren’t going to let you mail yourself for the reasons already mentioned.

Either guy more bank space or more inventory bag space. Those are your ONLY two options.

Send mail to yourself

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mad Queen Malafide.7512

Mad Queen Malafide.7512

I would just like to warn people, that mail is not infinite storage. Due to mail-server errors, some players have lost a small fortune when their mail went “missing”. So for those of you storing tons of mail filled with expensive items…. store that in your bank, or on an extra character. Or you may end up losing all of it.

“Madness is just another way to view reality”

Send mail to yourself

in Suggestions

Posted by: Esplen.3940


I would just like to warn people, that mail is not infinite storage. Due to mail-server errors, some players have lost a small fortune when their mail went “missing”. So for those of you storing tons of mail filled with expensive items…. store that in your bank, or on an extra character. Or you may end up losing all of it.

I only use it for temporary transference, such as to a character I am making so I can save the personal banker golem. It’s just something I like to do not need to.

Additionally, using players on your Followers tab is helpful as those people have added you, and therefore should respect you. Try to find someone you recognize there.

Send mail to yourself

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mc Stabby.2509

Mc Stabby.2509

Yeah you can use the bank to transfer items between characters.

Although I have to say, I would like it if when you pick up things at the trading post, there were an option to only take some of the items. I mean as it is, the button says “Take all” as if you could choose to not take everything. So it would be kind of nice if you just wanted to pick up your gold, or one specific item. It’s not that big of a deal, but it might be kind of nice.

Actually that right there would be a nice little tweak. Cause I normally have a habbit of using just 1 toon to do my buying or selling for all other toons and as such usually houses all the currency.

So im with you on that one.

Send mail to yourself

in Suggestions

Posted by: matjazmuhic.1649


If you have a thrustworthy friend you can mail items to him and then he can mail them back.