Serious oversight on Total Transformation Kit

Serious oversight on Total Transformation Kit

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ludacrits.3857


Why did you offer the ability to change gender but not give the option to change your characters name along with it. I mean seriously, who wants a male player with a girl name or vise versa.

Serious oversight on Total Transformation Kit

in Suggestions

Posted by: TehPwnerer.7215


That’s actually a very good point, thank you for bringing that up. I was actually about to do this today but now knowing they don’t come with name changes as well I will probably hold off until they do.

Good catch.

Serious oversight on Total Transformation Kit

in Suggestions

Posted by: Joseph Skyrim.2470

Joseph Skyrim.2470

That’s actually very funny, but yes – quite an oversight given that this is using the account name.xxxx (4 numbers) method for ID instead of character name itself.

Alternatively it’s intentional and they’re making a shop item for the name change bit.

Serious oversight on Total Transformation Kit

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ludacrits.3857


That’s actually very funny, but yes – quite an oversight given that this is using the account name.xxxx (4 numbers) method for ID instead of character name itself.

Alternatively it’s intentional and they’re making a shop item for the name change bit.

Ya, I figured it may be intentional to suck some more money out of you but in all honestly, why sell a pack to change gender and then make you buy another pack to change your name. That is just Ludacris, pun intended. If thats truly their master plan, then just make the Total Transformation Kit a bit more to include the name. Though, I think they just screwed the pooch on that one, because it makes litterally no sense at all to have them seperate.

Serious oversight on Total Transformation Kit

in Suggestions

Posted by: Joseph Skyrim.2470

Joseph Skyrim.2470

Actually I just had a thought. If “soulbound” stuff is linked to a character name then that would probably be an issue – and bad planning on ANet’s part. :P

Serious oversight on Total Transformation Kit

in Suggestions

Posted by: Awesome.6120


Actually I just had a thought. If “soulbound” stuff is linked to a character name then that would probably be an issue – and bad planning on ANet’s part. :P

Forced name changes exist, making that theory moot I think.

[SFD] – Maguuma

Serious oversight on Total Transformation Kit

in Suggestions

Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781

Illconceived Was Na.9781

I don’t think soulbound stuff is linked to the character’s name:

  1. They made this mistake in GW1 (and sort of retro-kludged it for name changes).
  2. When people are asked to change inappropriate names, they don’t have to do anything special for soulbound items.

I think, however, this is why the item won’t tell us the name of the soul to which the item is bound.

John Smith: “you should kill monsters, because killing monsters is awesome.”

Serious oversight on Total Transformation Kit

in Suggestions

Posted by: Siphaed.9235


That’s actually very funny, but yes – quite an oversight given that this is using the account name.xxxx (4 numbers) method for ID instead of character name itself.

Alternatively it’s intentional and they’re making a shop item for the name change bit.

Ya, I figured it may be intentional to suck some more money out of you but in all honestly, why sell a pack to change gender and then make you buy another pack to change your name. That is just Ludacris, pun intended. If thats truly their master plan, then just make the Total Transformation Kit a bit more to include the name. Though, I think they just screwed the pooch on that one, because it makes litterally no sense at all to have them seperate.

“To suck more money out of you”….did you really just say that? Here’s a fitting clue. Total Character Makeover is less than $5 total, or FREE if you use Gold-to-Gem conversion. In WoW, a single Appearance Change costs $15 and a name change is $10 without an option otherwise.

So,…it’s actually cheap for this game…or completely nothing if you farm the gold (2-3 days worth of “light” farming).

So I don’t see this as an oversight as the OP thinks it is, just that they have yet to include the character name-change options.

Serious oversight on Total Transformation Kit

in Suggestions

Posted by: Archmortal.1027


Actually I just had a thought. If “soulbound” stuff is linked to a character name then that would probably be an issue – and bad planning on ANet’s part. :P

Forced name changes exist, making that theory moot I think.

Yes, but if the name and appearance are not linked together then it would have potentially caused problems by changing both at once with one code/item. Forced name changes don’t change the character appearance at all, you’ll notice.

I’m not entirely sure why anyone expected a name change along with an item whose name implies nothing but cosmetic changes either way, but to each their own.

Serious oversight on Total Transformation Kit

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ludacrits.3857


That’s actually very funny, but yes – quite an oversight given that this is using the account name.xxxx (4 numbers) method for ID instead of character name itself.

Alternatively it’s intentional and they’re making a shop item for the name change bit.

Ya, I figured it may be intentional to suck some more money out of you but in all honestly, why sell a pack to change gender and then make you buy another pack to change your name. That is just Ludacris, pun intended. If thats truly their master plan, then just make the Total Transformation Kit a bit more to include the name. Though, I think they just screwed the pooch on that one, because it makes litterally no sense at all to have them seperate.

“To suck more money out of you”….did you really just say that? Here’s a fitting clue. Total Character Makeover is less than $5 total, or FREE if you use Gold-to-Gem conversion. In WoW, a single Appearance Change costs $15 and a name change is $10 without an option otherwise.

So,…it’s actually cheap for this game…or completely nothing if you farm the gold (2-3 days worth of “light” farming).

So I don’t see this as an oversight as the OP thinks it is, just that they have yet to include the character name-change options.

Yeah, I did just say that and thanks for the super economics lesson, I really enjoyed that. I made no mention of it being expensive but maybe you missed that. My point was, and still is, why offer something to change your gender but not allow a name change along with it? Its just plain poor planning. And since you like to reference wow, when you purchased such things in wow, like gender change, it was accompanied by the ability to change your name. One thing to change gender and then another to change name is redundant and unnecessary. Package it all in one for a price, and THEN I suppose you could have a cheaper one with JUST a name change for those who like the way they look, but wish they hadn’t called themselves “All Names Were Taken”. My guess is, if people want to change their name, they’d probably like to give their character a makeover at the same time, thus making the need to combine them all the more senseable. I suppose your the kind of guy who would like to get in line to pay for your hamburger, and then get back in line to pay for your fries seperately. Yup, makes perfect sense. Opps, forgot the drink, back in line I go. Or…….I could package things together in a way that’s convenient and makes sense.

(edited by Ludacrits.3857)

Serious oversight on Total Transformation Kit

in Suggestions

Posted by: Culwenimos.1594


Can you get your plastic surgeon to change your name after a sex change?

Nope, it’s a separate service.

A point to consider is that here might be issues with name changing that they need to discuss and resolve before releasing it. Like bots who earn enough gold to gems to change their name to avoid tracking, causing bot reports to become obsolete.

I do agree that having a name that contradicts your gender does suck. They will probably have a name-changer next, stand-alone or if you’re lucky as a complete package.

Cosmetics can be costly and you might have serious side effects!

Serious oversight on Total Transformation Kit

in Suggestions

Posted by: ndrangles.5183


I don’t see why they couldn’t release a name change since we have these umbrella IDs that all our characters connect to. I hope they do put out some kind of name change, because I’ve gotten sick of my main’s long name and I feel bad when people struggle with how to type it. It’s so long and complicated that people call me like 5 different nicknames based on how they shorten it. I have no idea why I chose it, lol.

Majyyks [Os] – NSP

Serious oversight on Total Transformation Kit

in Suggestions

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


Oh I’m sure name games are coming it’s simply a matter of how long.

Serious oversight on Total Transformation Kit

in Suggestions

Posted by: PhilKingz.4809


Sounds strange, but im strictly against those cosmetic-changes. Dont get me wrong. I just observed what happened in other mmo’s. The result was that often some styles became a trend and a lot of people looked quite the same like Son-Goku-Superstar. Imagine you’ve put a lot of work in your character to create a unique and suiting look for you and everybody just mimics it. It steals atmosphere from the game.

But on the other Hand: “Changing Names” would be a nice feature, indeed. Why im against changes in appearance but for changing names? Names are unique and you cannot use the same name twice to steal the unique features of a player. In addition gw2 names are global. Means there is not much room for you name. Nearly every one-word-name is already choosen. Often occupied by inactive Players. As a result a lot of people chose stupid names to avoid the name-war. This also destroys the atmosphere, since people cannot change their stupid names, even if other players draw attention to that and the approached player, named cheesecake for example, is willing to take another name. I dont get why Gw2 allowed one-word-names, but with global server enviroment either. It’s simply clumsy. Force everyone to choose a second name, or better, give legacy names that can be hided. I dont know one mate that really got his name and everyone is adding stupid pre- or suffixes because of that.

So people, please take a stand. Do you think similar? What should Arenanet do? A lot of Players are leaving this great game, because they are so many minor flaws.

Serious oversight on Total Transformation Kit

in Suggestions

Posted by: rgrwng.4072


then how would they solve all the armor look-a-likes? larger characters all look like space marines, and necros look like the mesmers and elementalists. with all the cosmetic armor sets, they drown out the unique ones. there is no way besides possible armor choice to differentiate players from each other.

i changed my asuran and hairstyle of my ele, so far. but some hairstyles make my character’s head look smaller.

Serious oversight on Total Transformation Kit

in Suggestions

Posted by: robinsiebler.3801


I am going to put on a Johny Cash record and create A Boy Named Sue

This message was brought to you by a Kitten with a Keyboard

Serious oversight on Total Transformation Kit

in Suggestions

Posted by: synk.6907


I am going to put on a Johny Cash record and create A Boy Named Sue

This message was brought to you by a Kitten with a Keyboard

“My name is Sue; how do you do?!”

Serious oversight on Total Transformation Kit

in Suggestions

Posted by: Edenwolf.6328


It’s not an oversight, it’s a money making scam.

Alistat the White-Guardian, Edenwolf-Thief, Grimtech Jones-Necro Borlis Pass

Serious oversight on Total Transformation Kit

in Suggestions

Posted by: Caedmon.6798


Why did you offer the ability to change gender but not give the option to change your characters name along with it. I mean seriously, who wants a male player with a girl name or vise versa.

They are planning to implement that,maybe in dec ? Its done when its done,obviously.btw theres a ticket you ..can’t buy,in the broker with a Name change tag,so it already kinda of exists.
And it should be seperate btw,name change really isnt a cosmetic thing.

(edited by Caedmon.6798)

Serious oversight on Total Transformation Kit

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jyenh.5739


Name change is separate and is coming in a future update . Also, I believe the reason why they don’t include them as one package, thus increasing the price, is to not disadvantage those who do not want to change their gender, but merely their basic appearance. For example, people rushed through creation at the start and ended up with eyes they didn’t like or they didn’t like how their head was sized in-game. So I would believe it would disadvantage more people than it would advantage them.