Server Forums.

Server Forums.

in Suggestions

Posted by: JMadFour.9730



I’m having a heck of a time trying to decide which Server to transfer to from Yak’ s Bend.

Tarnished Coast is ALWAYS full, so I am looking elsewhere, but server forums would allow me to get a little bit of a taste of the server communities and would help make the decision easier.

Plus it would allow the servers to form more of a bond, without the need to create a separate website that the majority of players won’t know about.

“Quaggan is about to foo up your day.” – Romperoo

Server Forums.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Umei.7052


hmm well sanctum of rall is pretty laid back and not too talkative and lacks drama :_( everyone is helpful ( but its like 50/50 response thing though, sometimes ppl respond to questions about quests an when they do they helpful an nice and other times there are just crickets ) but if thats what u like its perfect – and server forums are a really good idea :o

Server Forums.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Brazensage.1328


I transferred from Gates of Madness to Tarnished Coast months ago. I know it doesn’t help your case, but I kittening love it here. I was a part of Yak’s bend for most of the betas and I liked it too. Any real reason you want to move?

Server Forums.

in Suggestions

Posted by: uhohhotdog.3598


It would be a good idea in order to create more of a community feel in each server.