Server Transfer Queue

Server Transfer Queue

in Suggestions

Posted by: Belzeber.4351


I’m sure there’s a lot of you, like my self, who’re stuck on servers they don’t want to play on and for whatever reason that we went there, its been taken care of and we want to return. However, that’s a problem if your original server is always full and there’s no way for you to know when it’ll be open except by mindlessly logging in and out for the list to refresh so you can see. For those of you with crappy connections, this wont help at all because by the time you finally get to see the log in screen again, there could have been a space opened up and you just manage to miss it.

I propose that there be a queue to join the full server once it’s opened. I’m stuck on a server I exchanged to for a friend’s sake since he’s been there waiting for CD to open for the past few weeks and nothing. I decided to go over there and spend some time with him only to find out a few hours later that they opened up all the server caps so I had let my friend know he could get to go to CD and I’ll be there in a week. Of course, CD could be full by then and I’ll be the one stuck on a foreign server and left out of my guild’s activities for longer than I intended to. With server transfers soon coming, it’ll be even harder for me to get over there since Gems are skyrocketed to ridonculous prices and I cant just purchase them.

I don’t think it’ll be a bad idea at all to have a queue for server transfers. Instead of there being a prompt though like when you’re in an overflow, the transfer should be instant once your turn on the list comes up to avoid others being held up.

Server Transfer Queue

in Suggestions

Posted by: ovoToxin.3950


I second this idea. It’d be nice to have a set-and-forget mode of doing this instead of logging on and off for hours hoping to get a spot instead of playing or doing something else.

I highly doubt it will be added before the 28th though. So fun times, right?

Server Transfer Queue

in Suggestions

Posted by: Errant Venture.9371

Errant Venture.9371

Pretty unfortunate. I’ve spent HOURS trying to transfer for over a week now without seeing my desired server become available =(

The Battle Bakery [vPie]

Server Transfer Queue

in Suggestions

Posted by: akanibbles.6237


At this point, I’m stuck on a server I don’t want to be on, it’s not my guilds server but CD.

If I’m still here when the 28th comes I’ll unlikely be doing any WvW, just guesting on my guilds server for PvE instead (or doing something else).

That means I’ll be taking up a CD spot I don’t even want.

(edited by akanibbles.6237)

Server Transfer Queue

in Suggestions

Posted by: David.4821


Or, anet can remove the server caps until the 28th.

Server Transfer Queue

in Suggestions

Posted by: DeWolfe.2174


I’ve been rallying the players on JQ to log out for the 15 minutes, after reset, each night this week. Yet, it’s only marginally helping. Hoping they do something about this situation.

[AwM] of Jade Quarry.

Server Transfer Queue

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mystic.5934


definitely part of the reason a server is full is because someone in that server is trying to move out but can’t because the server they want to move into is also full. having a queue could also take these switches into account (if server A and B are all full, and someone from A wants to move to B and someone from B wants to move to A, it will switch them)
You don’t want them to remove the server cap. If they do, then when they re-enable it, any player in there over the server cap would be expelled and probably sent to a random server. since you would of been the last to join (because you needed the expanded cap to get in), that person would be you.
I’m curious how logging out helps the situation? wouldn’t you need to switch servers in order for it to not be full?

Server Transfer Queue

in Suggestions

Posted by: krazycarl.4580


Server Transfer Queue

in Suggestions

Posted by: akanibbles.6237


If they expand the cap, it will let people in, if they then reduce the cap it just means people won’t be able to transfer until the cap is no longer reached.

Server Transfer Queue

in Suggestions

Posted by: Catisa.6507


SHoulda thought of how to get back before you left. Caps exist for a reason.