Server lock eww

Server lock eww

in Suggestions

Posted by: JazzyJet.2046


I dread the day when we will be locked into servers. It’s the only major problem I have with the game. Many of us have several groups of friends who don’t want to leave their server because they also have many friends there.
So at some point you have to chose which friends you will play with. Which is a lame way to make an MMO these days. It’s always been a problem with WoW and other games like it.

When people can’t play with all their friends they lose interest in the game.

People dont’ want to make characters on multiple servers. (which I dont think is even an option)

The whole point of an mmorpg is to make an epic rpg become multiplayer. If I can’t play with friends I might as well be playing a singleplayer game.

Paying to switch servers is fine for some people. But with people like me I will have multiple friends in multiple time zones who are all important to me so paying to switch just isn’t an option.

GW1 was special because this issue never came up. GW1 set a standard that has been missed.

Possible suggestions to change the current system:
*Leave server changes open as it is now but perhaps limit server changes to once a day or something. It would be abused at times but I feel the plus out weighs downs.

*Change the WvW so that it mixes people as is needed. It’s cool to have WvW but really we don’t care who we’re fighting. It rotates all the time and we can’t see the players names anyways.
Then parties could phase together in PVE from whichever server they are on.

Please give any input or ideas you can! I’m sure this has been talked about lots, but if we are to make ArenaNet notice we have to keep our voices up.

It’s all about love and eating burritos

Server lock eww

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ascari.2839


When the free server transfer ends, the guesting system will be enabled. That is basically the same as a free server transfer, except it’s PvE only. You can’t do WvW or sPvP on a world where you are only a guest.

Server lock eww

in Suggestions

Posted by: kitanas.3596


When the free server transfer ends, the guesting system will be enabled. That is basically the same as a free server transfer, except it’s PvE only. You can’t do WvW or sPvP on a world where you are only a guest.

actually I think you can still do sPVP while guesting. the only thing that guesting lockes you out of is WVW, as that is the only place where such a lock out makes sense.

Server lock eww

in Suggestions

Posted by: nachtnebel.9168


Simple answer: Guesting System.

As a guest you can play on each server, you just have to accept some downsides like not being able to do World PvP. On the other side, if they do it correctly, you won’t really be playing on the server you choose a lot since the system should automatically kick you into the overflow zones whenever there are natives that can’t play on their server because of you or other guests.

Salix Babylonica (Necro), Tharnath (Guardian), N Faculty (Mesmer),
Occam Pi (Ele), Acaena Elongata (Warrior), Finja Salversdotir (Ranger),
Bytestream (Engineer), Vim Whitespace (Thief)

Server lock eww

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ascari.2839


When the free server transfer ends, the guesting system will be enabled. That is basically the same as a free server transfer, except it’s PvE only. You can’t do WvW or sPvP on a world where you are only a guest.

actually I think you can still do sPVP while guesting. the only thing that guesting lockes you out of is WVW, as that is the only place where such a lock out makes sense.

Hmm, yeah, would make sense if sPvP was still possible…
I checked the wiki ( and you are right, sPvP should be possible. Only world versus world PvP won’t be possible as a guest.

Server lock eww

in Suggestions

Posted by: JazzyJet.2046


Oh that’s great news thanks for the clarification