Server loyalty reward

Server loyalty reward

in Suggestions

Posted by: Katsumoto.9452


Ok it is rather obvious that with daily free transfers, people hop onto winning servers in WvW constantly. This can leave some servers which were doing nicely in a sudden terrible state of woe, whereby you have to lose for a month before you reach the rock bottom where you belong, and can start having a real match again.

Of course, at the moment being rid of free transfers could prove detrimental as those servers with poor communities will be as such for a long time to come. There’s idea’s around disabling WvW participation or lengthening the period between transfer’s which are all fine, but seem to be treating symptoms rather than the cause.

Server loyalty should be rewarded instead. Idea’s to reward it, or rid us of some incentives for being disloyal.

1) Daily achievements. Cannot be attained if you swapped server on that day.
2) Weekly loyalty bonus. Get a small sum of money and a black lion key or something.
3) Monthly achievements. Larger rewards for people on a server for a full month.
4) For every day you fight for the server you were on at the start of a new match-up, you get a WvW siege item or something. Every day extra increases odds of a costlier siege engine (eg, day 1/2 most likely items are arrow carts or rams, 3/4 cata’s and ballista’s, 5/6 trebs and on 7 there’s a chance of a siege golem).
5) If a player hops server over X times a month (number open for discussion) they receive a symbol by their name for disloyalty for the remainder of the month. Not sure on this one but possible.
6) If you swap server, any orbs held by your new server benefit you in no way for the remainder of the matchup.

Just some idea’s. More can be added, not all need implemented. The idea is just to reward people sticking to a server and penalise WvW glory seekers.

Aurora Glade [EU]

Server loyalty reward

in Suggestions

Posted by: Thaliff.6297


Excellent ideas. I like 6 the most but all are good, and 5 should be a month from being rewarded, not cycled by calendar month.

Server loyalty reward

in Suggestions

Posted by: zTales.4392


I love your ideas, so +1.

Bri Dragonblight – Ranger | Bri Iceblight – Guardian
Northern Shiverpeaks

Server loyalty reward

in Suggestions

Posted by: fellyn.5083


Giving increased karma and gold rewards might be a nice incentive, too.

Server loyalty reward

in Suggestions

Posted by: Moose Rooster.4927

Moose Rooster.4927

It’s an interesting idea, but honestly it is way toooooo long term. The people who are switching are there for the short term, they are there for the bang and to say they have always been on what ever FotW server they are on.

Server loyalty reward

in Suggestions

Posted by: SteepledHat.1345


I love 6. Bandwagoners are lame.

“Failure to remain calm is the sign of a weak mind.”

Server loyalty reward

in Suggestions

Posted by: Smelly Bookah.6957

Smelly Bookah.6957

Free server transfers will be closed some time in the future and instead guesting feature will be introduced (which allows you to play pve as a guest on any server u want, but u cant represent it on wvwvw). Not sure why it hasn’t been done yet. I think A-Net should work on it instead of adding any new stuff.

Server loyalty reward

in Suggestions

Posted by: Snow White.9680

Snow White.9680


I hate all the server swapping. These are great ideas.

Server loyalty reward

in Suggestions

Posted by: Katsumoto.9452


Keep this thread high Any other additions to the list from you guys would be welcome. One said about some being too long term and I can certainly see why you said that. I’ve tried to keep most of them inside the week timeframe as that’s the duration of a WvWvW match.

To be honest the ones that’ll have the most impact are probably 4 and 6. A losing server with loyal people could bust out of a tight spot with the siege rewards and 6 limits the effect of a dominant server being even more dominant with a large transfer to their server.

Extra ideas:

7) As for increased gold and karma idea. Would you guys agree that having that in a similar format to the number 4 idea would work? Throughout the week in WvW you gain increased rewards for each day you assist in WvW for your server. On the 7th consecutive day the difference between a hopper and a loyal member of a server could be significant.

8) Server buffs from your servers PvE and PvP cannot be used by someone who has just transferred till the end of the match taking place. Additionally no guild buffs can be used either.

Aurora Glade [EU]