Server size...
I feel like the chance is slim as long as there are less than full servers. Your best bet right now is to keep trying, especially at off-peak hours.
I hope its not Desolation you’re headed to. =/
I’ve been with desolation from the beginning. From the first BWEs.
When we were winning,
When everyone left us,
When we were losing…
And now that we are winning again, everyone just decides to hop back in? Gee… Talk about winning team joiners.
I kinda hope they didn’t increase the server sizes, much for the forementioned reason.
People who can’t tend to call the opponent troll, scream something utterly incomprehensible
and finally result to personal insults.
I am actually trying to get to Tarnished coast, since that is where the RP community is. I am currently on Sanctum of Rall, which is kinda awesome when it comes to the WvW scene.
I have been having almost this exact same problem recently, except made worse by the fact that I can only play on weekends (peak hours). I haven’t been able to play with my guild in like, more than a month because the servers are constantly full.