Server slot swapping feature

Server slot swapping feature

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rieselle.5079


I want to go to server Y, but it is currently full.
Someone on server Y wants to come to my server, but my server is also full.

Let there be a feature where we can swap our servers and everyone is happy.

I dont mind if the feature is a simple player to player request, and we manage finding partners via a forum or some other community mechanism.

But it’s better if it’s a fully automated system where I merely apply to swap to server Y and the system automatically swaps me over if somone on server Y has applied to my server.

Of course, the popular servers will have very long queues of people applying for a swap, but at least there will be some people that get to be on their desired server.

Server slot swapping feature

in Suggestions

Posted by: EnemyCrusher.7324


I think queuing to change servers is a great idea. (Player for player swapping, not so much.)

Light of Honor [Lite] – Founder / Warmaster
Sorrow’s Furnace Commander
“You’re the mount, karka’s ride you instead, and thus they die happy!”-Colin Johanson

Server slot swapping feature

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kantharr.2308


This was suggested before but I support the server queuing idea greatly. Would of been helpful back when the game first came out. I had to spend hours literally just to switch world.