Set up for 360 controller in your game

Set up for 360 controller in your game

in Suggestions

Posted by: Talon Vector.5748

Talon Vector.5748

i know many dis agree with this but it would b nice if u had a configure option to allow us to map key board and mouse funtions to use a 360 controller with your game, i m sure it would b hard to use with all classes, but still i get soooooooo tired of using a naga and a mouse and a keyboard to play games. Please let me know if this is even a thought 4 u all in this game and if not could u maybe tell me what is a good add on to down laod to make this a possibility. thank u =)

Set up for 360 controller in your game

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jumpers.5069


you can. use joy2key.

Set up for 360 controller in your game

in Suggestions

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

errr no i think not.

gw2 is meant to be play with a keyboard and mouse.

Set up for 360 controller in your game

in Suggestions

Posted by: XxCoOkyxX.8042


use xpadder, it works perfect and can be used for every class, easy

Set up for 360 controller in your game

in Suggestions

Posted by: Arkulin.3421


This is a picture extracted from gw2.dat file. Game was constructed to be played on consoles and among other things, that`s why we have FoV problems on a PC, but during development it got stopped I guess.
