Several suggestions for immersion and roleplaying

Several suggestions for immersion and roleplaying

in Suggestions

Posted by: pizzamurai.8326


I’ll just do it the simple way.

1. A biography box like City of Heroes had. Nothing too massive, just something we can put little unique snippets about our characters in so others can see them (or links, for those who want to really write a novel on their characters and share it

2. More open houses in the world. I see so many houses and buildings… but only like 5% of them I can go inside. I know player/guild housing is on the way, but I’d like to see more open houses so we can RP in the world itself rather than in small groups by ourselves.

3. Chairs are in the world, but we can’t sit in them. I know this would be difficult for races like the Charr, but I think we should be able to at the very least be able to attempt sitting in chairs that would be appropriate for us to fit in. (and if chairs are too small for us to sit in within our races own towns… why are they there in the first place?)

4. Interactive emotes/dances. Emotes like hugs, kisses, high fives that one initiates and the other can accept or deny it. And dances like… the waltz.. the tango… salsa… same premise as before. One person offers, the other can accept or deny the request.

That’s it for now.
Though pretty please make something special with player/guild housing… not something you just buy and then upgrade, the upgrades of which just get placed for you and such. Allow us creativity in building our dream homes/bases!