Shape shifting class

Shape shifting class

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vathez.4632


I suggest a new class for any major patch or expansion coming out in the future. The class can use shape changing abilities as it’s F1, F2, F3, etc. skill bars and like the Elementalist, each one has its own abilities but no need for a weapon when changed into a creature. I believe the best name for the class would be a Druid or something like that.

Shape shifting class

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nels the Cornwhisperer.8025

Nels the Cornwhisperer.8025

No. We have norn. We don’t need norn to turn in to a class. Go to WoW if you want to play a shapeshifting druid.

How far that little candle throws its beams!
So shines a good deed in a naughty world.
- William Shakespear

Shape shifting class

in Suggestions

Posted by: Colonel Kernel.7506

Colonel Kernel.7506

That was my thought, Nels, when I read the title.

However, I like the OP’s idea. It would depend on how it was implemented of course.

It might be an interesting twist to give the option to purchase alternate Forms with Skill Points (since there are an effectively infinite number of SP available).

There would have to be something to differentiate the forms from the Norn spirit forms though.

Shape shifting class

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lazmira.5408


This could always turn into a mini-game of sorts? Turn into a creature and use their skills in a combat arena?

Shape shifting class

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nels the Cornwhisperer.8025

Nels the Cornwhisperer.8025

Kernel, there’s just too many problems.

What do you suggest that isn’t a bird, bear, cat, or dog. How do you work them for all the races? How do they all animate, what are the skills for each one. How do their weapons work.

And if they have no weapons, do they simply get stats that scale with their level? How is that fair to everyone else who has to actually upgrade their stuff.

And what about underwater? Do they get special aquatic forms? And how do you balance that?

How do you balance them at all? A weaponless, shapeshifting class with access to four forms, 20 different weapon skills with no weapon required, and who knows what for utilities.

And how do you explain it? Where did they come from? Does this supposed druidism simply spring up and kick the Druids that already existed in the game as followers of Melandru out?

And why, look, the entire norn race are just big human druids. The thing that defined the race from the second conversation you ever had with one is now common to every race on tyria.

I could go on, but I don’t want to.

How far that little candle throws its beams!
So shines a good deed in a naughty world.
- William Shakespear

Shape shifting class

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vigilence.4902


Great idea. While the Norns can shapeshift, they aren’t a class. Its a limited racial ability with a 4 minute cool down.

A real class that has specific forms, each with unique combat abilities is wanted.

(edited by Vigilence.4902)

Shape shifting class

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vathez.4632


Nels, you thought about this too much which shows you have no life. It’s just a suggestion. I didn’t think about technicalities and stuff like that, it was just a idea I had and I’m sure I’m not the only one. If the people that can make this stuff happen actually like the idea, I’m sure they’ll figure something out.

Shape shifting class

in Suggestions

Posted by: Apaulcalypse.5826


Yea i would love a shape shifting class I really want one. They are my favorite class in any game that offers them. This is the only thing i was disappointed with in the game was their was not one. Also norns don’t count I’m sorry but i dont wanna be an overgrown human to play a shape shifter =(

Shape shifting class

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nels the Cornwhisperer.8025

Nels the Cornwhisperer.8025

Well, maybe this story isn’t right for ya... Shapeshifting druids, tolkein elves, non-stone dwarves, knights on horses... they just dont’ exist here.

How far that little candle throws its beams!
So shines a good deed in a naughty world.
- William Shakespear

Shape shifting class

in Suggestions

Posted by: Colonel Kernel.7506

Colonel Kernel.7506

Kernel, there’s just too many problems.

What do you suggest that isn’t a bird, bear, cat, or dog.

Shark, Skelk, Drake, Bat, Ooze, etc, etc, etc. Whatever’s in the game already.

How do you work them for all the races? How do they all animate, what are the skills for each one. How do their weapons work.

Races are irrelevant, changing into an animal changes your character model. Many of the animations are already in the game for their wild counterparts.

And if they have no weapons, do they simply get stats that scale with their level? How is that fair to everyone else who has to actually upgrade their stuff.

Or make the shapeshifter have reasons to stay in human form so they have reasons to use level appropriate gear.

And what about underwater? Do they get special aquatic forms? And how do you balance that?

What’s the first animal I listed? Shark! But there are amphibious animals in the game, and other aquatic animals. Have ANet do as they did with Skills, some can be used underwater, some can’t. Some forms can be used on land, some can’t.

How do you balance them at all? A weaponless, shapeshifting class with access to four forms, 20 different weapon skills with no weapon required, and who knows what for utilities.

Elementalist is balanced with 20 abilities and no weapon swap. Heals and utilities would have to be balanced by ANet, who already seem to have done a pretty good job balancing the rest of the game.

And how do you explain it? Where did they come from? Does this supposed druidism simply spring up and kick the Druids that already existed in the game as followers of Melandru out?

Or make the new Druids followers of Melandru.

Nevertheless, this is a point I will gladly concede to you. Lore is very important (whether other people recognize this or not) and this would stretch the lore pretty far.

And why, look, the entire Norn race are just big human druids. The thing that defined the race from the second conversation you ever had with one is now common to every race on Tyria.

Animists, yes. Druids, no I don’t think so.

Yes, they have a unique racial ability. No, I don’t want to see a shapeshifting class step on that uniqueness.

I am personally on the fence regarding this suggestion (contrary to my first post in this thread). I suppose ANet could do this properly, but it would take a lot of stretching of the lore and I am not sure how it could be done without diminishing the Norn.