Should Anet Allow the Community to Make ADDONS?
I don’t like the idea of in-game addons, or out of game botting/hacking/macro’ing utilities. However, I love the idea of community created apps for the “Expanded Experience”. In-game UI only needs a few slight tweaks, not all that much though.
It says the body length must be at least 15 characters…. There, now I can use my intended response.
Aspiring Brotherhood [PACT]
Fort Aspenwood
Anet should only allow user generated content as long as it does not:
Interfere, negatively, in the game’s mechanics
Provide unfair advantages to players
Follows Guild Wars 2 lore and theme
User generated content should also be submitted to Anet for review and implementation; no user should be allowed to install add-ons.
the problem with letting add-ons is that this means ANet would have to judge every single one of them to make sure they don’t cause some sort of exploit. even texture packs could be used to make the whole world bright and white, and enemies dark, black spots that stand out like a sore thumb.
I believe Anet already has a decent in-game UI and, although there is room for improvement there, it would not be such a problem allowing in-game UI tweaks by the consumers versus third-party problem addons that could really muck the game up.
No … addons always bring in automatism and that is a terrible thing.
What some would see as a few tweaks to the UI, others might view as a total overhaul.
I did not say anything about adding bot type programs.
I don’t know of any automation addons, even if you are speaking of another game what ones are you referring to a link to the addon site and name of, would be nice.
Well that’s not very nice, would you like to do some work then hand it in for approval then later see it in the game without any credit.(of course any idea’s that we give Anet though the forums, is their property since we are posting on their site) Some other MMO’s have had addons so popular by the community it was included in the game later on down the line.
I don’t see how one person having a addon that lets him tweak his UI, is gonna affect your game, if you do not have it installed, thus no muckage.
I am talking about addons that give you information, that helps you, but doesn’t play the kitten game for you. Like do you like gathering this addon http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/gatherer for wow lets you mark your minimap with nodes you have found so you find the node location again. Which does not go out into the game and get the nodes, it just give you back the info that you got before.
Oh and Bruno they allowed a texture mod before in GW1 called Texmod http://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/TexMod if you was trying to make a good point, I don’t see it.
I personally enjoyed using the gatherer addon for WoW and would like to see something like that in GW2 as well but considering Anet doesn’t like to release their API for such mods, we’ll probably never have the opportunity to use any.
There could also be potential exploits down the road after the releasing of API as well, so it’s understandable.
Yeah what exploits was that , that Blizzard had to deal with after they released the API.
When did I mention Blizzard’s issues?
If you want to know what kind of rubbish releasing API resulted in, look at Jamba. A WoW mod that lets one player dual box up to as many clients as they want with almost full automation using WoW API.
I just want a freaking notification in my chat window when a friend signs on without having to turn on game messages.
My vote goes to No. I don’t want to start having people say I HAVE to have certain addons in order to even do dungeons. Where’s the fun in that?
If Deadly Boss or some other stuffs like that appear, what fun is it to conquer a dungeon using your own instincts and skills then? Definitely no addons pls.
I don’t want to one day having to go to a friends place or LAN party, and have to RE-DOWNLOAD ALL the addons i need just to even enjoy a game. This was one of the worst aspects of WoW.
Give us Mounts, Anet! Pretty Please with Chocolate, Whipped Cream, Cherry and Mayonnaise? d^_^b
Good heavens no. I don’t like how addons end up becoming mandatory to do certain things in any MMO that allows them. Not to mention most of them would probably end up making me look at my UI more or take away any skill (deadly boss mod warnings).
S/I/F engineer Z/R/D guard
I like addons, but when I want them, I play a game that allows them and is designed around them. GW2 is not that game, and I do not want it to be that game.
The sad fact is the second you allow addons, you start rolling down the path that addons become required to be most effective.
I’m not sure how I feel about add-ons. I suppose if there’s some restrictions of what the add-ons can access and modify on the screen, then I wouldn’t mind.
With that said, some add-ons might turn the game into PvUI (Player vs UI) instead of PvWhatever. I know back in my WoW days, some of my former raid partners would rely too much on add-ons to get by. For instance, HealBot for healers, Deadly Boss Mods for general raiding, aggro-related add-ons for tanks, Recount for DPS roles, and so on … and when a patch gets released that breaks most of those add-ons, they tend to play subpar that night. It’s kind of sad. Granted, I used some of these add-ons, but I’ve used them less over time. For instance, I used DBM less when the built in UI started broadcasting its own raid warnings. I think before I quit playing WoW, I ended up with two add-ons installed: Auctioneer and Bejeweled (yes, as in the PopCap game). Auctioneer because trying to mass-dump a bunch of stuff in the auction house was a pain, and Bejeweled so I could kill time during AFK breaks in raids.
On the other hand, I do have a few suggestions in mind for UI improvements. For example:
- Mass Mail to Guild Members: Allow Officers or someone with appropriate guild permissions to send mass-mailing correspondence to all members to their representing guild.
- Extra Toolbar for Consumables: It should be a three-slot bar in which you can place the following items in a designated slot: Food consumables (“Apples”), Potion/Tuning Crystals/Sharpening Stones (“Wrenches”), and Black Lion Boosters.
- Equipment Set buttons: These existed in GW1 but only for weapons. It would be nice if the Hero panel had a button for changing entire gear sets. For instance, I have three sets: full Berserker’s glass cannon, a Conditions/Toughness set, and a Magic Find set. It would be nice to change sets with just a press of a button.
That’s just the first three I could think of, but I do have more ideas at hand.
I am Fleeting Flash, in-game dungeon cosplayer of Reddit Refugees [RR] .
i only want anet created expansions. into cantha. i need to know how the asians are faring in all this dragon nonesense.
1 word: No
Otherwise it would be like playing poker with gadgets showing chances of winning etc etc
No, absolutely not.
Even minor quality of life add ons should remain banned, as if they’re tolerated people will push for other add ons to be accepted and then we’ll end up in a position where if you’re not using a dozen different add ons you’re at a massive disadvantage. And that, to me, is just plain cheating.
I am talking about addons that give you information, that helps you, but doesn’t play the kitten game for you. Like do you like gathering this addon http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/gatherer for wow lets you mark your minimap with nodes you have found so you find the node location again. Which does not go out into the game and get the nodes, it just give you back the info that you got before.
When you have add-ons like Gatherer, people tend to find the “most optimum gathering path”. This means players (and also bots) will be patrolling maps in static configurations, grinding mat gathering from node to node, “Automatism”.
Other mods, like damage meters, gearscore’s, etc – don’t interfere with the game, but add an unnecessary judgementalness to a playerbase that has every right to play the game their own way without being judged as a poor player.
Honestly, other than a few slight UI tweaks (like engi’s being able to see turret health), and maybe some colorblind support, the game doesn’t need any other add-ons. Nothing you could add would be of any value to a player, other than automating in-game processes (whether directly or indirectly).
Do you have any idea how much more work it would add to ArenaNet’s plate to monitor add-ons? Obviously they would need to approve sanctioned add-ons to avoid cheating and then they’d have to set up an authentication system to ensure only sanctioned add-ons were added. I think it would just be faster to make suggestion, let them implement it (or not) and not add another complex system onto the game.
Hell yes. An addon API would be greatly appreciated.
The answer is No.
No they should just listen to people suggestions and add the necessary features.
Simply no, if you like addons – go play WoW. Simple as that. Learn to play the games as they are meant to be played and stop complaining
I have no particular preference for add-ons.
If, however, they were to be done, I would suggest that ANet provide direct oversight of them. I might even suggest that approved add-ons be distributed through the store, and via no other mechanism.
In that way, add-ons that provide exploits or unfair advantages can’t be integrated into the game. And if it becomes apparent that an add-on is becoming a “must-have” addition to the game, it can be reviewed for either “official inclusion” (because it’s good) or forcible “bricking” (because it’s effect on gameplay is detrimental).
Absolutely not. Addons are an interesting idea but in practice, as proven by WoW, horrible.
Addons that show loot tables and stuff are cool or that show a numeric value for enemy health would be cool. But as was proven by WoW addons can become terrible fast. For instance if they are allowed someone will with out a doubt create an addon that will tell you what ability to use and when to use it based on what is going on around you which makes the game horrible.
I like being able to customize my interface but outside of that addons quickly take away from being able to play the game in an even fair playing field.
There are add-ons that I have seen in other games that I would like to see in GW2:
a) An inspect feature. Let it be opt-in only.
b) The ability to chat with people inside the game from an external IRC channel.
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Purely graphical UI addons, yes, absolutely, as this is a huge step to making the game more accessible.
Anything else, nah, I’d rather not.
Of course, I have no idea how isolated their UI graphics code is from the rest of the game’s code, and therefor can’t say if maintaining such a distinction would be feasible for the team.
Purely graphical UI addons, yes, absolutely, as this is a huge step to making the game more accessible.
Anything else, nah, I’d rather not.
Agreed. I actually like the UI to the point where I wouldn’t bother changing it, but there are a few other interface issues like not having HPs above mobs 100% of the time, which kind of irks me when I have several on me.
Outside the realms of UI – This is stretching it, but maybe an “Outfitter” type mod (for those that may remember that from afew years ago) that allows you to store and change multiple gear/weapon sets immediately.
Players generally want more and more when it comes to addons and this..
My vote goes to No. I don’t want to start having people say I HAVE to have certain addons in order to even do dungeons. Where’s the fun in that?
Indeed. That’s just the beginning.
When did I mention Blizzard’s issues?
If you want to know what kind of rubbish releasing API resulted in, look at Jamba. A WoW mod that lets one player dual box up to as many clients as they want with almost full automation using WoW API.
You agreed that you liked gather for Wow so I thought your whole statement was about how the API in wow had issues that surely would follow in gw2 if they did the same.
well one thing about Blizzard is they allow multi-boxing which should not be an issue there. And GW1 they had little programs like multi loader that allowed multiple game accounts to run at the same time. I now know Anet’s stance on multi-boxing which is they do not allow it. And I think that they will probably have that same stance on not just releasing the API, but allowing addons no matter what types, as they would not be able to fully control the things the community might make.
But yeah something like that could have a problem with a game like GW2 that is fully over ran with Bots, like a kittenroach infestation they can not get rid of them fast enough. But from what I seen of the bots in game so far they do not need the API to mutli-box and fire the same button at the same time.
well one thing about Blizzard is they allow multi-boxing which should not be an issue there.
The issue there is that the player isn’t actually sending key strokes to the additional clients at all, the mod has it’s own set of api that it sends to the other clients in the party that in turn use the Blizz API to automate what they do in relation to the player that they’re all following.
In short, Blizz don’t allow this type of automation and nor do other MMOs, but because they’re so ’lax now with their api standards it slips through the cracks and players are free to use it.
But yeah something like that could have a problem with a game like GW2 that is fully over ran with Bots…
But from what I seen of the bots in game so far they do not need the API to mutli-box and fire the same button at the same time.
There are multiple type of bots utilizing multiple elements to automate or follow a leader/player. Just because there are no sets of API to aid a bot, doesn’t mean someone isn’t capable of writing a bot that will function at all.
More to the point of exploiting, I’d be scared to see what an Elementalist could do with a comprehensive set of API calls and 4 stances with little to no cooldowns in-between spell sets.
Having written and supported a third party API for a piece of retail software, I’d have to say no. I’d rather see ANet’s resources going toward other things that only folks with access to the code base can do.
I have used add-ons for other games – quest helpers, raid frames, and auction stuff, none of which I need in GW2. There’s nothing so annoying in the UI that I can’t wait for ANet to fix it. And yeah, I understand a lot of folks aren’t as patient as I am, but I’d rather wait for it to be done right than find out an add-on project I’ve come to depend on has been abandoned and doesn’t work with the latest patch. And I’m sure ANet doesn’t want to have to deal with people complaining that the patch broke some third party add-on.
The one thing that had the possibility of making me want an add-on, ANet addressed by making the TP data available through a web connection so that sites like GW2Spidy could gather what folks want to know instead of each player having to stand there in game and run an add-on that scans all the prices.
He might start thinking he knows what’s right for you.
—Paul Williams