(edited by Ryth.6518)
Should the 'Downed' state be removed?
No, I enjoy the mechanic.
Downed is not dead. You are fully aware of that since you are asking for downed to be removed so people just die.
Being downed you still have a health bar and you don’t lose aggro. It’s not a permanent state which can only be reversed with specific abilities.
And someone who dodges is clearly someone you are more likely to want on your team. It’s not as if everyone just acts like a tank because they know they have the downed state to fall back on.
in the list of developers I have the least faith & trust in.
Congratulations ArenaNet!
Yes, I believe it should be removed. It was a real head-scratcher upon first coming to GW2. Exactly what state of being is modeled by the downed state? I mean, IRL, I’m using my skills to fight until I’m dead. The downed state seems artificial and counter-intuitive. Just not clear on the advantage of including this in the game. I agree with OP on this one.
If they do decide to remove it for PvP, I think they should leave it in for PvE. It’s nice to have that 2nd chance every now and then when things go bad.
It’s your Near Death experience, You’ve been beat to heck and back but not quite dead yet so you’re fighting for your life
I like it a lot. Specially when you manage to kill that mob in the last minute and get rallied up.
Yes, I believe it should be removed. It was a real head-scratcher upon first coming to GW2. Exactly what state of being is modeled by the downed state? I mean, IRL, I’m using my skills to fight until I’m dead. The downed state seems artificial and counter-intuitive. Just not clear on the advantage of including this in the game. I agree with OP on this one.
Agreed. I personally just don’t think it’s working out and is promoting not only bad behavior but also a concept that this game is too easy. Take out the downed state and you’ll see a whole new view on this being a zergfest/easy game.
If they do decide to remove it for PvP, I think they should leave it in for PvE. It’s nice to have that 2nd chance every now and then when things go bad.
2nd chances IMO should be about support abilities…so if we are say comparing this to WoW, having something like a ‘battle res’ is a 2nd chance that I’m ok with. Continuing seeing people go in downed states multiple times in a fight is honestly ridiculous.
Maybe 1 time and then that’s it, but overall, I think it’s a mechanic that has to go and we can add some new ‘battle res’ type things to maybe a few support roles/skills.
It’s your Near Death experience, You’ve been beat to heck and back but not quite dead yet so you’re fighting for your life
You’re ‘near death’ experience is called being at 1% or 5% or 10% health.
Being rallied up should be someone bringing you back from the cusp of death before you reach 0% health.
Again I understand what they were trying to do, but it really removes a lot of skill honestly.
Basically the downed state is you weren’t good enough to beat something the 1st time.
(edited by Ryth.6518)
I like it and would rather retain it. It gives the opportunity for other players to quickly rez you back into the fight. It gives you that extra chance in case you got hit with a sudden crit but that was this close to dying anyway. And if you can survive long enough to Mist (which I generally can if my Ele pets are out), then you can get even further away, making rezzes/rally easier.
Going right to death is more punitive than this game needs.
It’s really not the same as dying at all. When I’m down, I don’t need someone to get me back to my feet…I can do it myself…providing the people who are with me can get the monsters off my back long enough to do it. Try that with traditional death mechanics.
Honestly, if you want it removed, you’re doing it wrong. Even in PvP, I have been able to defeat my opponent from a downed state, get back on my feet, and turn the battle around on them. Again, try that in another game when you’re dead. You can’t.
I don’t think ArenaNet needs to touch it.
80 Necro, 80 Ranger, 80 Warrior, 80 Mesmer, 80 Engineer.
I think it should be removed for PvP. I think it’s horrible that they get more health, then when come out of the state automatically have another health increase with a heal that’s cooled down.
Nothing irritates me more than going 1v1 and downing my opponent with 500/1000 hp left, have him down me, he pops back up and finishes me off.
I understand there is strategy to this and I can either stop attacking and let him down me so i can rally on him, or run away, heal, and come back to finish him off. But I think this is counter-intuitive and I really just don’t like it.
The downed state is part of the big break Anet did from the traditional MMO.
I personally like it. It makes my gameplay more dynamic.
Don’t think of the state as a second chance. Think of it more as part of a fighting strategy, at least this is how I look at it.
I think it would break the game rather quickly. Since there is no dedicated healing, or res spells, the downed state provides a player with a last stand, and the ability to be resed by another player / res themselves if they’re lucky.
I actually think this promotes teamwork. Your poor teammates caused a strain on the rest of your group. Wouldn’t this qualify as a teamwork? Or well, a lack there of? You had to carry the dead weight. As you would with any team based activity.
Being downed is not a good thing. But it is recoverable given that people are paying attention. Which I believe, is the idea.
no. it makes group fights interesting, especially when you have to switch from all out DPS to “to the rescue” all of sudden.
Should Downed be removed?
PvP: Yes
PvE: Don’t care
I think it would break the game rather quickly. Since there is no dedicated healing, or res spells, the downed state provides a player with a last stand, and the ability to be resed by another player / res themselves if they’re lucky.
I actually think this promotes teamwork. Your poor teammates caused a strain on the rest of your group. Wouldn’t this qualify as a teamwork? Or well, a lack there of? You had to carry the dead weight. As you would with any team based activity.
Being downed is not a good thing. But it is recoverable given that people are paying attention. Which I believe, is the idea.
There can be spells like this if you removed the downed state. Just saying that from the people I’ve played with, they feel they are doing better then they really because of this ‘state’.
Maybe the best thing to do is not bring them up…that will teach them to focus more. =)
It definitely needs to go for PvP…for sure.
It took some getting used to, but I like it now. Sometimes, you can recover and save yourself portal fees and repair fees you’d have otherwise incurred.
Raf Longshanks-80 Norn Guardian / 9 more alts of various lvls / Charter Member Altaholics Anon
Plus it’s there to counter the lacks of big heals from the dedicated healers.
in the list of developers I have the least faith & trust in.
Congratulations ArenaNet!
1. The fact that anyone can resurrect downed or fallen players is amazing. It is one of those quality of life aspects of this game that you sorely miss when you play something else.
2. “Zerging” bosses. While I get what you are saying Most runs are substantially long enough that you cant really “zerg” them. (Not to mention 5 people is not exactly a zerg). A lot of them hit HARD and can down you in just 1 hit. Some bosses because of their mechanics if you go down, your dead. This makes the fights binary in a sense that IF you dodge on time, you live. IF you miss a dodge ( out of endurance, lag, miss timed it) your dead. Not being able to run back is punitive.
3. If people are being reckless with it …Let ….them….die.
4. In WvW its generally pretty easy to finish people off. If someone is downed they are [almost] as good as dead.
Its a good mechanic. I am glad to see that they thought different when they added it to the game.
Perosnally I think no.
I like it, and I don’t really see this ‘bad behaviour’ that some are talking about. All I see is ‘TY’ typed in chat more than any other MMO I’ve seen.
Furthermore, I like the idea that I can have a close fight with something/someone and come out of downed, even if no-one is there, if I can just take that last 5% health off. It works for me.
I feel like the underlying reason people are asking for it to be removed is that people feel like they are being ‘hobbled’ when they are downed, and no-one really likes that, but I feel like that emotion is something that other games have bred in us. Like so many other things in this game, even for someone like myself who feels positive about it, I feel like some of the mixed feelings I have are because of the expectations I have; the stuff that I’m not used to.
The more and more I get over the pre-conceptions, the more I enjoy these features.
Yesterday I went toe to toe with a Skill challenger, and he downed me just as I got him to about 3%. I finished him of course, but it had me wondering for a while, and I commited to the fight, even though I thought I might lose. That made the finish more satisfying for me.
In PvP, I don’t really feel like it’s an issue, as I’ve seen many downed guys recover to causeme problems (isn’t that a good thing in competitive games?) because I haven’t been able to co-ordinate a finish (interupted), and it lengthens engagements.
If anything, the only thing I think the downed state might benefit from is a suicide button for pathological losers… ;-)
I like it so much I actually make it part of my strategy.
When the odds aren’t good, say I get in over my head with number of mobs, I spike one mob then leave it close to death and star on others, then if I’m downed I finish the spiked one and rally back up either to keep fighting or run and live to fight another day.
Pro tip when you see someone go down while a fighting an “easy” mob don’t stop to rez! finish off the mob and see them rally back up (I even ask for this when I go down)
The downed state is a last ditch effort for your character to stay alive. It has it’s own penalty of giving you less and less HP and does actually stack to a point where you’ll just die and not have the chance to be downed. You are also generally stuck to one spot and anyone coming to your aid is also locked in action.
It is not a “just run in and get downed, someone will always come help me”. I have seen people just run in to things expecting to be saved, but generally after a couple times, people just ignore them as it’s not worth risking themselves.
Personally, I like it. For me it’s an “oh kitten, help!” moment and I think it keeps the action going. I really enjoy that anyone can res at any time without needing to spec or slot for it. I like that if more people do it, it goes faster.
downed state in pvp is the worst thing about this game. i have no idea how they felt this would add to the experience. It rewards zerg over skill. even if you could kill 3 vs 1 you never would be able to finish them all due to the downed state and how powerful it is. It simply promotes the wrong type of gameplay in PvP. Keep it a PvE thing only, i’m fine with that.
downed state in pvp is the worst thing about this game. i have no idea how they felt this would add to the experience. It rewards zerg over skill. even if you could kill 3 vs 1 you never would be able to finish them all due to the downed state and how powerful it is. It simply promotes the wrong type of gameplay in PvP. Keep it a PvE thing only, i’m fine with that.
Actually a VERY good point. I wasn’t even thinking about 2 vs 1 or a 3 vs 1…
Probably the best reason for having it removed for PvP.
I love the downed state mechanic. In fact, I suggested a very similar mechanic in the City of Heroes/Villains beta, but they were too set on making traditional roles and mechanics. It would be a great system for superhero games.
I think it adds strategy and fun overall to both PvE and PvP. Some players just hate anything and everything different.
dont. u. DARE. remove the downed state
It rewards zerg over skill. even if you could kill 3 vs 1 you never would be able to finish them all due to the downed state and how powerful it is.
Playing Guild Wars 1, I became acutely aware that ‘finishing’ someone in that game is actually rather difficult. I’d often watch the top matches, and see something like a LoL state of attrition. In other words, if even one of your team is dying within the first ten minutes of the game, you are in a really bad position.
Remember the kill count isn’t so important as point control here. The downed state prevent steam rolling and promotes map strategy over what you call ‘skill’ which makes me think of the cookie cutter builds and rotations, and rock-paper-scissors of things like warcraft.
(edited by Methesda.5198)
dont. u. DARE. remove the downed state
nice. I know what you mean. It’s the worst thing in the world to finally… FINALLY find a game that you love, and have others coming in seemingly wanting to turn this game into a carbon copy of the mainstream.
No. I love it in every game that has it. I’m playing Borderlands too, and Second Winds are awesome. And in Left 4 Dead, I saved a teammate countless times and survived the nightmare thanks to being down instead dead.
Some things to consider in down state is this: you can’t be going down constantly over a short period of time. When you go down, you get a “Death Penalty” that reduces the amount of Downed HP you start with when you enter downed state repeated times, possibly to the point where you practically start with no Downed HP and go straight to Defeated state. You lose Death Penalty over time but the unskilled players probably get downed repeatedly to the point of instant death.
Downed State is pretty much here to stay, but Anet could tweak the Death Penalty mechanic a bit. Maybe DP could last longer and become more harsh in PvP depending if you got downed by the enemy’s finisher, or by straight damage. That way, some PvP players might reconsider their tactic: “Is it worth it to use my Finisher or just beat the downed guy senseless?”
I am Fleeting Flash, in-game dungeon cosplayer of Reddit Refugees [RR] .
Ah come on the helping of a downed player makes up most of the team play why would we want that removed O.o It is one of the most amazing and original ideas gw2 has.
I loved the downed state! Im glad it’s here and here to stay. No, it shouldn’t be removed.
In PvE and sPvP, no.
But I sometimes wonder if WvW wouldn’t be better off without it, all it does is cause zerging to be even more effective, nobody can ever get a kill with so many ressurectors around. I saw two zergs the other day meet each other in a canyon, duked it out for HOURS without anybody gaining or losing an inch of ground or getting a kill. It was, frankly, the most boring thing I’ve seen in this game thus far.
You might as well ask Anet to remove a region from the game and make Asura a non-playable race. Bad idea.