Show "Last Online" on Guild Roster

Show "Last Online" on Guild Roster

in Suggestions

Posted by: qJake.2813


Not being able to see who has an active account and who doesn’t is really irritating in a large guild. If people haven’t logged on since the launch weekend, I don’t want them in the guild anymore, and right now there’s no way for me to tell who those people are. Even worse, if someone with a L80 character starts an alt, they show up as a L1 character in the roster.

We really need the ability to see how “active” players are in guilds, and adding their “Last Online” time in the Guild pane would certainly go a long way.

Guild Leader, [RR] Reddit Refugees
[NA] Sanctum of Rall

(edited by qJake.2813)

Show "Last Online" on Guild Roster

in Suggestions

Posted by: JaveyHavok.1840


I agree, I’m in a rather small guild (30 members) but even in those small numbers it’s hard to figure out which accounts are the ones that have been inactive, and I know there is quite a few who have been MIA since launch.

AN, I would love to see his feature.

Oh! And of course since we have the option to be Invisible to others I would like the system to mark me offline x amount of minutes ago since I went Invisible.


Show "Last Online" on Guild Roster

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rage The Numbers.7943

Rage The Numbers.7943

I think this is a much needed feature that, once again, was in GW1.

Rage The Nornynorn – Guild Leader [RR] Reddit Refugees
Sanctum of Rall – Visit the site for Recruitment!

Show "Last Online" on Guild Roster

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bakanyaka.9368


Agree. We need this feature.

Show "Last Online" on Guild Roster

in Suggestions

Posted by: BrunoBRS.5178


i’d like it, but for the same reason i like that feature on my steam friend list: it makes it easier to know when to expect people to be online, or if they’ve been busy recently or something.

LegendaryMythril/Zihark Darshell

Show "Last Online" on Guild Roster

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lecco.5861


I agree.

That would help a lot to control in-game members.

Lecco – Guild Leader
[UL] Ultimate Legion – Sanctum of Rall

(edited by Lecco.5861)

Show "Last Online" on Guild Roster

in Suggestions

Posted by: gibzy.7329


agreed, a definitely needed addition

Azazel Guild – Casual Russian PvX guild on Ring of Fire

Show "Last Online" on Guild Roster

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mimir.4690


I agree, this definitely needs to be added to GW2, just as it existed in GW!

Show "Last Online" on Guild Roster

in Suggestions

Posted by: Foghladha.2506


Yes pretty please with sugar on top. If Guild Sizes are an issue in the stability of the game then give us the ability to removed “Dead Accounts” and trim some of the fat.

Benjamin “Foghladha.2506” Foley
Founder, Gaiscioch Community [GSCH] | Gaiscioch Magazine | Twitch | YouTube | Twitter
Proud Resident of Mercenary Server Sanctum of Rall | 6 Year Extra-Life Charity Event Participant

Show "Last Online" on Guild Roster

in Suggestions

Posted by: Axma.3172


Absolutly agreed with topic starter! It will be very usefull to have such ability, and also will be great to see the account name of characters in guild bank history.

Axma – Guild Leader
[LC] Luck Catchers { Seafarer’s Rest }

Show "Last Online" on Guild Roster

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nicolas.9820


Signed. Such functionality is a MUST.

Defendre, aider et pas livrer!

Show "Last Online" on Guild Roster

in Suggestions

Posted by: TheMidgardWatcher.2647


Agreed with topic – this feature must be in game!

Ring Of Fire
Elementalist 80lvl
Representing Azazel [AZZL] Guild

Show "Last Online" on Guild Roster

in Suggestions

Posted by: Avririon.8693


I agree. It is necessary for the guilds.

Show "Last Online" on Guild Roster

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kasier.2905


I agree with this. It was invaluable in GW1. I dunno why it wasnt included in GW2 but I would like to see it come back.

Show "Last Online" on Guild Roster

in Suggestions

Posted by: Decessa.5903


Just adding my agreement. With a 500 person guild, with many others waiting to join, we have no way of knowing who isn’t logging in/representing so we can give other more active people a chance.

Show "Last Online" on Guild Roster

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nels the Cornwhisperer.8025

Nels the Cornwhisperer.8025

Why not? Kind of pointless, because it’s pretty easy to tell when someone’s not online, and hasn’t been for a while, especially if you actually know the person, but it couldn’t hurt. Got my vote, +1.

How far that little candle throws its beams!
So shines a good deed in a naughty world.
- William Shakespear

Show "Last Online" on Guild Roster

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dahrken.3542


We really need this in game ASAP

Show "Last Online" on Guild Roster

in Suggestions

Posted by: Yata.8932


Yes I would like this as I don’t know if some of my members have signed on recently and I just was not there to see it, or they are just AWOL.

Show "Last Online" on Guild Roster

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shanaeri Rynale.6897

Shanaeri Rynale.6897

Really essential for any guild of more than about 50, GW1 had it so GW2 should have had it.

I’d also add a revamp of the roster screen to make it look it less like an excel spreadsheet and more like a guild roster. The guild roster is in serious need of revamping to be anything other than barely functional

I would have it as such

DVDF xx online, yy representing out of nn Members

Leader 1/1
Shanaeri Rynale
Senior officers 5/10

ZZZ Last logged in 2 hours ago
Members 145/260

hfhf Last logged in 4 hours ago
wewq Last Logged in 2 days ago.
So and so last logged in 10 days ago.

Guild Leader of DVDF since 2005

(edited by Shanaeri Rynale.6897)

Show "Last Online" on Guild Roster

in Suggestions

Posted by: pumpkinlykos.6954


Not being able to see who has an active account and who doesn’t is really irritating in a large guild. If people haven’t logged on since the launch weekend, I don’t want them in the guild anymore, and right now there’s no way for me to tell who those people are. Even worse, if someone with a L80 character starts an alt, they show up as a L1 character in the roster.

We really need the ability to see how “active” players are in guilds, and adding their “Last Online” time in the Guild pane would certainly go a long way.

Please introduce this feature along with “last represented” or even better percentage of in game activity represented.

Show "Last Online" on Guild Roster

in Suggestions

Posted by: Amen.2630


We need last time represented!!! feature even more!

Show "Last Online" on Guild Roster

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ivinedra.9843


It is something that is tracked by the system already (for the daily logon influence), all we need is for it to be displayed on the Guild Roster! Great idea +1

Lux Arcana [Lux] – Guild Wars 2 Recruitment Officer

Show "Last Online" on Guild Roster

in Suggestions

Posted by: AriaSilverfyre.8702


Signed. This was such a nice feature in GW1. Please add it to GW2

Guild Leader of ’"The Gryphons Aerie [REST]": A PvE/RP family
Join Us –

Show "Last Online" on Guild Roster

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nimee.9785


I agree! With the guild cap of 500, guilds need a way to determine deadweight or increase the guild cap so it doesnt matter if members are not as active.

Also alliance chat or custom created chat channels are needed for larger guilds that have two guilds cuz they are over the 500 member cap or for guilds that want to create an alliance for wvw or other events…..

Show "Last Online" on Guild Roster

in Suggestions

Posted by: mihopoulas.6307


It’s not good when you are going to reach 500 members and some spots are taken by wow fanboys that now play the kung fu panda 3. Please put a Last Time Online feature so we can kick people that just fill space.

Commander of Greek Titans [GRTS] – Gunnar’s Hold

Show "Last Online" on Guild Roster

in Suggestions

Posted by: eleozz.9056


i agree, this is very important for large guilds

we can’t manage the guild roster without the last login “stamp”

Spartians Gr [SPGR] Officer
Diamon Devona/Human Elementalist

Show "Last Online" on Guild Roster

in Suggestions

Posted by: tsukiko.3827


Please add an opportunity to see the time of last visit in guild roster.