Show "deaths" in sPVP matches?

Show "deaths" in sPVP matches?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Walorx.5129


I like to see how many deaths I got in a match along with my kills. It’s not a huge deal, but it’s just something intresting I thought would be nice to see at the end of a match. It wouldn’t be too hard to imput into the UI and I feel it would be a good addition to seeing how you’ve fared in the match!

Vöz – “Stand in the red circles, they heal you”

Show "deaths" in sPVP matches?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Space Monkey Pilot.7135

Space Monkey Pilot.7135

Yes! I am a huge fanatic of PvP and it seems just wrong that the only details you get are kills and points earned.
Where are my deaths, damage done, healing done, average life span, kill streaks, assists?
Just something to view in between matches to graph how I’m doing. If one strategy is better then another or even how beneficial a slight switch of runes is.

Edit: I realize that not everyone is so interested in such things, so why not a “details” button that shows a complete list of how you fared in the match compared to others.

(edited by Space Monkey Pilot.7135)

Show "deaths" in sPVP matches?

in Suggestions

Posted by: BrunoBRS.5178


doesn’t it show at the bottom of the UI together with all the other minor stuff?

EDIT: just checked, and nope.

but i worry about the KDR freaks that this would create, even if it only show your own deaths.

LegendaryMythril/Zihark Darshell

Show "deaths" in sPVP matches?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Space Monkey Pilot.7135

Space Monkey Pilot.7135

but i worry about the KDR freaks that this would create, even if it only show your own deaths.

Hmmmm… Agreed. That would be the one thing I would worry about. I’ve seen too many pvp systems fall to people who put more focus on their KDR then actually winning.

Show "deaths" in sPVP matches?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

deaths are not shown in the spvp scoreboard for a good reason.

i prefer to keep it that way.