Show fellow guild-mates on the map

Show fellow guild-mates on the map

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bron.9647


I like how when you’re in a party, you can see your party members as little blue dots on the map. A guild-mate of mine suggested that you should be able to see fellow guild-mates on the map in the same way (like as little gold dots). I personally think this would be an awesome feature! Imagine you’re exploring in an area and you notice a gold dot nearby on your map, you might decide to meet up with them and do stuff together. Or imagine your guild is getting a bunch of people together to do an event, some mapping, WvW, or some other bit of fun.

Show fellow guild-mates on the map

in Suggestions

Posted by: Counciler.7438


This sounds like a good idea, though it may get cluttered with large guilds. Maybe with these ideas?

The gold dots only show up on the local part of the minimap, so you don’t have a cluster of gold dots because of a guild group way off in the distance. However , the gold dots would show up on the world map though for that zone, so you can still -find- that cluster of guildmates.

Show fellow guild-mates on the map

in Suggestions

Posted by: kagejuin.4713


no, even better. be capable of turning it on or off. i WANT to know where all my guild members are. so.. chyeh.

make it toggleable

Show fellow guild-mates on the map

in Suggestions

Posted by: robinsiebler.3801


I don’t want to just see guild mates. I want to be able to see everyone in my immediate area (up to a reasonable performance threshold, which should be an option) on the map. This would help with DEs that you think might be empty.

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Show fellow guild-mates on the map

in Suggestions

Posted by: Azaziel.3608


I like to stalk people so I say yes to this!!!

Show fellow guild-mates on the map

in Suggestions

Posted by: Deadman UK.5473

Deadman UK.5473

Been suggested before but I still like to see it implemented!