Shrink # of instances to population demand

Shrink # of instances to population demand

in Suggestions

Posted by: quaintpancake.2597


Instead of having 50 instances of Timberline Falls with 20 people in each, just run it as 4 instances with 250 people (or 10 instances with 100 people).

This would really add a ton of atmosphere back into the game. Some zones (like Orr) are pretty much unplayable at this point, because even a group of 3-4 friends can’t complete most of the events.

Shrink # of instances to population demand

in Suggestions

Posted by: Hoffman.7543


When the game was first released, one of my favorite things about Guild Wars 2 was the combination of seeing so many players around me leveling up, along with being rewarded for playing with them (instead of being punished like in most mmorpgs). Now as I level my alts, it’s rare that I ever see other players; the majority of the dynamic events I complete are done by myself, which is rather discouraging to me.

A change like this is one I would highly recommend, as it recreates that feeling of community the game once had, and would synergize so well with the mobs are tagged, loot is distributed, and events are ran in Guild Wars 2. There’s a reason other mmorpgs are shifting to this model… =)

Shrink # of instances to population demand

in Suggestions

Posted by: robinsiebler.3801


How about some kind of balance/user selection? An empty DE is no fun, but neither is one that is a visual spamfest.

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Shrink # of instances to population demand

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kantharr.2308


Yes, please lower the amount of instances so that the zones will be more fun. It’s not really fun fighting a champion with one other person but I loved it at the beginning of the game when there was 30+ people fighting one champion.

Shrink # of instances to population demand

in Suggestions

Posted by: SlimDante.6875


I’d have to agree, being stuck in an area trying to solo a champion that spawned on your head with nobody else around is never fun.

Love, Strength, and Self-Control.
First Officer of the Shadowheart Pack on Kaineng