Signets for Elite Skills

Signets for Elite Skills

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zaoda.1653


Ok so I noticed the warrior has this elite skill which happens to be a signet. If you guys know me, you know I love signets and their passive effects.

What I find frustrating however, is that so many professions have the exact same elite skills, and NO signets. Examples?

‘Reaper of Grenth’
‘Avatar of Melandru’
‘Hounds of Balthazar’

There needs to be more elite skills, but more specifically, signets as elites. The amount of times I ended up deleting my character simply because he couldn’t keep up in WvW because of the lack of speed skills, is countless. I have missed many caps because my character might as well have been a tortoise – while everyone else and their constant 25% increased movement signets cruised past me.

I suggest giving all professions AT LEAST a signet as an elite skill which has a passive effect of 25% increased movement speed.

I also suggest more elites in general, as mentioned before, the 3 elite skills above are on pretty much all my characters, regardless of which race or profession I chose… why is this?

I like the sylvari’s cultural elite skill of the seed turrets… why can’t we have more elite skills and diversity like that for all professions? For example, for a human guardian, perhaps you could have an extra ghost/spirit/spirit weapon or two as an elite, or even a good healing/protection skill that spreads to nearby allies for more party support (and no, the tomes are frustating to use, because you constantly have to remind yourself what each skill actually does, and by the time you look at them, the elite is over and done with anyway).

Just a few suggestions that have been running in my mind anywho. What do others think?

Forever a supporter of more male skimpy armor

(edited by Zaoda.1653)

Signets for Elite Skills

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tuomir.1830


You do realize that the three elite skills you listed are the human racial elites, right? No other race gets them, but all human characters do.

Only fools and heroes charge in without a plan.

Signets for Elite Skills

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zaoda.1653


Ah no I didn’t realize. Regardless, 7 elite skills isn’t much of a variety anyway, especially when usually 1-2 of them are the only ones used, for example ‘renewed focus’ for guardian (any race) and ‘take root’ for sylvari guardian. The rest I NEVER use because they’re either too short of a duration (summon mistfire wolf + tomes), or too frustrating to use (tomes)

Forever a supporter of more male skimpy armor