Single-player dungeons

Single-player dungeons

in Suggestions

Posted by: Stelleriath.3829


I think there should be an option to do dungeons on your own, where obviously the enemies will be made fewer and weaker. This is because when I want to do a dungeon, I have to spend loads of time looking for a group to do it with, which is boring and a waste of time. I am sure many other people have the same problem.

Single-player dungeons

in Suggestions

Posted by: Chamone.6890


Nope. Stand near dungeon, say “LFG” in map chat for maybe… 3 minutes? bam, you’re in a group.

Alternatively: Join a big guild and start getting friendly with people in the guild, you will easily be able to start a dungeon run whenever you like.

This is strictly a multi-player game, playing on your own should never really be an option.

If you’re looking at dungeons as a way to grind out money, some kind of job that you have to do over and over and other people are an annoyance that slow you down, then maybe you need to re-evaluate why you are playing this game.

Single-player dungeons

in Suggestions

Posted by: Stelleriath.3829


This game is not purely a multi-player game; the personal storyline is almost entirely single-player.

Either way, Single-Player Dungeons would only add more choice to the game. They won’t hurt anyone.

Single-player dungeons

in Suggestions

Posted by: Chamone.6890


Well, not exactly. They would hurt the devs who would have to spend time and money developing them, they would hurt players by providing them a way to be anti-social but still get loot, they would hurt the game overall by making it more confusing for new players and less appealing as a pure multi-player game.

You’re right that certain elements of the personal story are designed to be done solo, but actually every single step of your personal story can be done co-op. I’ve done virtually every mission on mine with at least one other person in my party, it’s way more fun that way.

Tellingly, the Personal Story is widely regarded as the weakest part of the game overall. Nobody really talks about how much fun they had wandering around Orr with Traherne, but everyone talks about a cool experience in a 5-man dungeon or in a big group in WvW.

Single-player dungeons

in Suggestions

Posted by: Corax.7381


What Chamone said. Although some MMOs cater to soloists more than others, A-Net has wisely made the distinction between singleplayer content and multiplayer content. But you argue: “You can do your Personal Story with friends! That makes it singleplayer OR multiplayer. So why should multiplayer content not also have a singleplayer option?” Because if you group up with your friends for a Personal Story quest, you’re not taking away from other people grouping up with their friends for a Personal Story quest. In other words, because the content is designed to be singleplayer, if you add others, the only thing that changes is the difficulty – it becomes easier. However, if you have content that’s designed to be multiplayer, and then you add a singleplayer option so that people don’t feel like they need to work with others, you can see how the content suffers. There will be less people to group up with, partly because they actually enjoy soloing, but mostly because grouping will be seen as the harder, less efficient method (unless A-Net buffs the rewards of grouped dungeons so substantially that soloists would complain. Loudly).

TL;DR: Some content is singleplayer, some is multiplayer, that’s fine. 90% of the game isn’t so explicitly defined, and that’s a good thing. But for the content that is, there’s nothing wrong.

“Quaggan will kick your tail so hard it slaps you in the face!” – Willoo

Single-player dungeons

in Suggestions

Posted by: Stelleriath.3829


I agree that some things are more fun in a group, but some people just like to do things on their own sometimes. I do not think that there is anything wrong with multi-player; on the contrary, it adds more depth and fun to a game. But sometimes you can be limited by other people (or lack of them). For example, once I went to do Sorrow’s Embrace, but there was nobody there. I would prefer to do dungeons with other people when I get the chance, but sometimes this just isn’t an option. This is why I think Single-Player Dungeons should be implemented, so that people will not suffer as a result of other players not being there.

Single-player dungeons

in Suggestions

Posted by: captaincrunch.6731


I thought the devs said early on that every part of the game would be playable solo if you wanted – including dungeons.

There’s no harm in providing soloable dungeons at all. You guys are grasping at straws to say otherwise.

Single-player dungeons

in Suggestions

Posted by: Stelleriath.3829


Thanks, captaincrunch. It’s nice to know I am not the only one who thinks dungeons should be soloable .

Single-player dungeons

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tumbero.3945


I think also some solo dungeons will be very nice . i really like the idea much.


SBI Firstborn.
(LX) Legion

Single-player dungeons

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ronah.2869


I would opt for the possibility of entering dungeons with any number of players from 1 to party max, We could solo Mad King even with broken armor, so why not solo if we don’t have time to waste in LFG chat system

Single-player dungeons

in Suggestions

Posted by: uknortherner.2670


Anyone who has tried running a dungeon with a random group will know first-hand what a pain it can be. From people breaking off from the group and trying to speedrun (and sending mobs back the other way when they die), to elitists insisting on no MF armour, I have found the experience to be far from fun. For me, the ability to run dungeons solo, but with a difficulty level high enough to not make it a walk in the park would be ideal.

I stole a special snowflake’s future by exercising my democratic right to vote.

Single-player dungeons

in Suggestions

Posted by: Strzalka.9451


Personally, I have never had trouble finding a group for any dungeon, story or exp.

That being said, are you seriously complaining about not being able to find FOUR other people for a dungeon. You must be new to MMO’s because I’ve never seen or heard of any MMO with dungeons designed for such a small number of people.

And you say single player dungeons wouldn’t hurt anyone? I disagree. Chamone.6890 explains it best.

And the dungeons that currently exist can be played solo. Your probably not going to be able to complete them, but you can kill mobs and clear the occasional boss. I have done so. And to say we are grasping at straws for thinking this is a bad idea… LOL. You are grasping at straws by defending your post with the idea that you can’t find 4 other people to group with. Just because you can do things solo, doesn’t mean you should. It is an MMO after all.

Diabel Zwierze/Ranger
80’s – Necro/War/Ele/Guard

(edited by Strzalka.9451)

Single-player dungeons

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ronah.2869


That being said, are you seriously complaining about not being able to find FOUR other people for a dungeon.

The problem is finding people who don’t kick you out from the party before the end boss, people who leave you alone there because you are a noob or people kicking you out of the party after seeing you are not max level.
So, soloing the dungeons won’t create more anti-socials, it will just give a fair chance to everyone to complete a dungeon at least in story mode.

Single-player dungeons

in Suggestions

Posted by: Strongheart.5629


+1 Chamone

Single player dungeons is a horrendous idea. You probably should play Skyrim and not an MMORPG.

I have not had a problem finding groups to run dungeons.

Norn – Warrior
Yak’s Bend

Single-player dungeons

in Suggestions

Posted by: Adine.2184


Because everyone knows Massively MULTIPLAYER Online Games are ment to be played solo….
Keep dungeons the way they are

Single-player dungeons

in Suggestions

Posted by: balow.3759


I love playing the game with my small guild. When I say small I mean only 4 people. It is my very small guild for me and my family to get on and play but the problem is only me and my dad play often. I would love to see an option to do dungeons solo or even with just two people.

Single-player dungeons

in Suggestions

Posted by: ShadowStorm.6823


This game is an MMO. It’s made for multiplayer. Although I would like to see a multi-server group search function for dungeons, as I’d like to not spend hours trying to find a group on just my server (at ANY time.) There is no reason anyone should have to wait around for a group.

Single-player dungeons

in Suggestions

Posted by: Cenobite.2769


I can see both sides of the argument here. It really isn’t that hard to find a group (and I play in one of the less populated worlds), and this IS an MMO after all. That said, I’d personally like to see a solo-able version for story mode (and story mode only).

My reasons for this may be a bit unusual: due to the area I live in, my internet connection can be, shall we say, a bit spotty. It’s perfectly possible for me to be going along lag-free one minute and then suddenly drop as my connection speed goes down the kitten. (It can stay that way for hours, too.) What’s worse, it’s largely unpredictable. Consequently, I prefer to avoid putting myself in situations where others are relying on me to make it through a given piece of content. That doesn’t mean I wouldn’t like to SEE said content, however.

(And before someone comes along and says “Sorry for your troubles; go play Skyrim,” think about it for a moment. Is saying what amounts to “love the current system or GTFO” really a useful response, particularly in a SUGGESTIONS sub-forum?)

Single-player dungeons

in Suggestions

Posted by: tom.7468


I personally think its enough singleplayer content the game was designed for playing in groups so don’t like this idea.
Party search would make it easier to group up for dungeons this is something they should implement.