Single player option to select scaling factor

Single player option to select scaling factor

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tacit.7425


A large part of my play for any game is single player. I believe most players in GW2 play as single player at least occasionally. I acknowledge that there is a component of players that get bored if PVE play gets too easy. I would like the game to acknowledge that not all players want to fight and risk death every step of the way. My suggestion is for GW2 to insert a slider in the options section allowing individual players to select a scaling factor for single player PVE play…say from 0-10. The player would have to qualify for a higher scaling factor by acquiring the appropriate experience e.g. by completing multiple lower level areas in order to build a level advantage, explore, gather etc.

Single player option to select scaling factor

in Suggestions

Posted by: Arcadius.1247


I dont see how this would work since anyone can join an event you are in, how would the game decide whos scaling to favor?

Single player option to select scaling factor

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bwembo.8531


I am in agreement that the scaling can be annoying, at times, and a means of toggling that on or off should be an option. My reason for that is when things like the instances are making me run back to lower level places, I do not want to fight my way through all the creatures. It takes too long to deal with that and takes away from my playtime to progress. The easy alternative is using the waypoints, of course, but at level 20 one does not have an abundance of copper to do that. I also like to run so I can gather some resources for my crafting skills. So to mine one node of copper ore takes me quite a few minutes because I have to kill my way to it. I believe, however, if grouped to help a lower level player, the higher level should be scaled back so they are actually helping.