Skills that are random

Skills that are random

in Suggestions

Posted by: bhansen.7251


Skills that when used causes a random effect should be changed to flat out give one specific effect. This would be cool because it removes randomness from pvp. Maybe change skills with random effects to match the mesmers meditation skills, where u prepare them in advance.

Skills that are random

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


It’s impossible to remove randomness from PvP as long as things like critical and damage ranges in weapons exist.

But the fact is that people tend to avoide these skills since they are unpredictable.

Skills that have only random effects should have at least one fixed effect.

No exceptions!

Skills that are random

in Suggestions

Posted by: Hateborne.7942


Things like Chaos Storm and Chaos Armor are…surprise…CHAOTIC. I will say that the time between applications should be decreased (i.e – every 0.5s instead of every 1.0s), or the applied effect should be increased (i.e. – such as stackable conditions causing three stacks instead of one).

Everything about MMORPGs are chance based. The chance to get rare items, the critical hit chance, X% chance to trigger flame blast AoE, etc.

