Skinny female in Guild Wars 2
Because mcdonalds doesnt exist in Tyria. Seriously though I only agree that Norn female should big thicker
I don’t know where you come from but the largest human female body size is pretty bloated looking. She looks overweight by about 40 lbs, which is a lot. that is not skinny.
Maybe what you are asking is to have the option to make a severely obese woman.
I’ve now got the image of Rosie O’Donnel running around in plate armor swinging a sword. Thank you for that XD
I wonder why they made very skinny girls with big boobs and chubby girls with tiny cherries.
It works the other way around in the real world :p
I was actually surprised at how stocky some of the female models were, I thought that was a nice touch by Anet.
Fooling around with the human female int he character creator, I noticed that the only model with hips had little bust – it’s either/or.
I was also puzzled to see that two pairs of models were exactly identical in shape, but one of each pair had visible ribs when viewed with no armor, and the other did not.
Of course the game is a fantasy and there is no reason why the gamemakers or players should apologize for having characters who embody a particular fantasy image – but it’s weird that development money was spent on a difference that will never be seen during play, while no choice was provided of more realistic figures for those who want them.
I agree with you totally, I would love to have a female with meat on her bones. I’m actually surprised people think these characters are “fat”. You have seen fat girls before, right? Even the largest option on the largest character is average weight.
because fat girls don’t exist according to the art director. same reason with the overwhelming majority of heavy and light armor being revealing. only skimpy women allowed in this game.
I agree with you totally, I would love to have a female with meat on her bones. *I’m actually surprised people think these characters are “fat”. You have seen fat girls before, right? Even the largest option on the largest character is average weight. *
It’s all relative depending on where you live/culture.
In America, the largest human female model would be considered average (I haven’t looked at the male option) or even probably “small”. In Asia, the average is much closer to the default female model; which is to say, rather skinny (though shorter). They would view the large human female model as severely obese. i say this from the pov of an asian american working in Asia for the last 20 years.
The commonly accepted average for a European, American and Asian can be 100lbs in difference.
Usually, when I use the term “fat”, I am referring to the obviously visual extra padding built up around the frame, which is… well… fat. And most certainly, we could say the the largest female model in the game has a lot of extra padding – hence fat, which is very different from big/heavy boned (like the norn female default).
I agree with you totally, I would love to have a female with meat on her bones. *I’m actually surprised people think these characters are “fat”. You have seen fat girls before, right? Even the largest option on the largest character is average weight. *
It’s all relative depending on where you live/culture.
What’s culturally acceptable might be relative but what is fat/obese is a medical fact based on your body size. Your height and frame determine what is a healthy weight range for you. To be considered fat you need to be 20% above that. The definition of fat is the same for every person worldwide. American’s have a serious weight problem. That doesn’t mean it’s normal and/or healthy to be overweight.
This is also a fantasy game. I think they have enough variety in weight amongst the races compared to most games.
it would also help if females did not have absurdly long legs in this game.
i don’t get video game designers’ contempt for female bodies, anyway.
you can make them look a bit fat also you know, but not really fat…… enough to make them not thin….
Archeage = Farmville with PK
it would also help if females did not have absurdly long legs in this game.
i don’t get video game designers’ contempt for female bodies, anyway.
The feeling that a person or a thing is beneath consideration, worthless, or deserving scorn.
Disregard for something that should be taken into account.
With the amount of flak the gaming industry has been getting lately, they have been nothing but considerate. Contempt certainty isn’t the correct word to use.
Too bad they have giraffe necks.
because fat girls don’t exist according to the art director. same reason with the overwhelming majority of heavy and light armor being revealing. only skimpy women allowed in this game.
This is just ignorant. First and foremost, there are far fewer “skimpy” looking ANY armor-types in this game than there are non-skimpy. Even the ones that are “skimpy” usually aren’t really – they’re sexy at most. There are of course the few exceptions like the human underboob cultural tanktop (which is medium armor btw), but it’s really not that bad.
Additionally, ANet has repeatedly stated that the reason you can’t have obese characters, or grandpa characters, is because your character themselves is supposed to represent the ‘ideal’. Sorry, not being able to run 10 seconds without getting winded, or passing out at the top of a flight of stairs – is not ideal.
I’ve now got the image of Rosie O’Donnel running around in plate armor swinging a sword. Thank you for that XD
Now I have that image in my head. I definitely LOLd at that. “HAVE AT THEE FOUL BEAST!”
Because they run everywhere….
it would also help if females did not have absurdly long legs in this game.
i don’t get video game designers’ contempt for female bodies, anyway.
why would you think they have a contempt for the female body? It’s stylised. Even the male toons are stylised such.
That’s like asking why the Masters never sculpted fat, short people… why are they all Adonis-like with 6 packs and muscle definition everywhere? Is it because they despise the human form? Or is it because they admire it or admire what that ideal represents, which is more important than the actual product.
They have short females in the game; they are called asura and they are really cute. REALLY CUTE
Apparently in Tyria all fat accumulates at the chest region. >_>
Honestly didn’t have too much of an issue as far as weight and “thickness” goes (though more options would be grand), but the lack of a flat-chested option for humans and big humans was rather annoying. Glad I happened to favour Sylvari.
A shame fun things could not simply be fun.
if you think any of these female models are fat, you need to go to a US high school and completely rethink shapes.
Why are all the sylvari bodies flat chested? Where are all the large gourded sylvari gals?
i feel like i need to lock my bedroom door with them chunky female norns….phwooarrr
it would also help if females did not have absurdly long legs in this game.
i don’t get video game designers’ contempt for female bodies, anyway.
why would you think they have a contempt for the female body? It’s stylised. Even the male toons are stylised such.
That’s like asking why the Masters never sculpted fat, short people… why are they all Adonis-like with 6 packs and muscle definition everywhere?
Not a fan of Reubens, I guess?
Have you notice even on the largest body size the girls in GW2 is still very skinny? Is that because of the dragon war and foods are on short supply? But strangely the male can still be fat
Personally I prefer my girls a bit more beefier and more “gifted”
Oh I don’t know maybe it is because you RUN around the ENTIRE WORLD on your own too feet? Can’t even park your bottom on a mount and have the poor beast do it for you, nope. You walk. Everywhere. Always. Just try to imagine how many kilometers an average guild wars character would cover every single day of their existence.
If real life was anything like this you would be in dire straights with your “more plump girl” interests and the western world would be a lot higher regarded by the rest of the world. I would be a lot happier.
Most of the body types are not too skinny and the bigger ones in fact are chubby, not average. This is what’s wrong with the world, fat culture!
@Imaginos: Why would the Sylvari need breasts? They don’t even mate or reproduce.
- Rhéidyn :: Thief
Most of the body types are not too skinny and the bigger ones in fact are chubby, not average. This is what’s wrong with the world, fat culture!
@Imaginos: Why would the Sylvari need breasts? They don’t even mate or reproduce.
You are absolutely right with your first statement, the more we accept this state of “well I don’t even have to go to the shop for a sausage roll I can have someone deliver it to my door via the internet” the more the people and our children become doomed!
However on the topic of Sylvari breasts: You only need breasts to mate or reproduce? I assure you they are a world of more wonderful and recreational uses… I distinctively remember one of my stories introduced me to the concept of Sylvari “loving freely”
or something…
(edited by Bassario.3465)
Aren’t sylvari bodies hard anyway, since they’re made out of plantsy materials? What good are tree breasts for. :P (I might be wrong though, haven’t gotten much into the lore, so correct me if I’m wrong!)
- Rhéidyn :: Thief
Aren’t sylvari bodies hard anyway, since they’re made out of plantsy materials? What good are tree breasts for. :P
Maple. Syrup.
But I think they’re supposed to be fairly soft and fleshy in general. Like a stem or a vine.
I wouldn’t expect their melons would be as hard as… well… melons. <_<
A shame fun things could not simply be fun.
This entire topic has made my night. Just putting that out there. Very amusing. To be honest, I don’t see a problem with many of the body types, they seem varied enough.
People always have a problem with body types in games like this…
Will people just not be happy until you can make the princess from Fat Princess?
OP makes more sense when you replace ‘skinny’ with ‘fit’, and ‘beefier’ with ‘fat’.
you can make a Norn female rubenesque. But I haven’t seen anyone make a toon like that yet.
Because Spinners are the best. Nuff said =P
I have a seriously hard time imagining anyone being fat in this game other than maybe scholars that do nothing but read all the time. Just think how active your character is in the game lmao.. it would be impossible to be fat. inb4 metabolism etc.
I know… has anyone SEEN the ridiculosity of the sheer amount of cooking recipies out there? You can make stuff like… onion rings, various cakes, many types of sandwiches, omelet and just about anything you could think of.
For people who are… ummm… ‘unique’ and really desire to have a chubbo for a hero then the answer lies right there in the cake mix! Say if u eat a few pieces of cake in the same 24 hours u put on weight, eat a dozen for example and you are on your way to Lard-Ville in a matter of days and your thighs are suddenly causing minor earthquakes when they rub together.
Of course with this brilliant system tailored to realism you should be entitled to all the health problems that come with this new, glorious… physique, Oh! as well as skills!
Such as:
faster movement down hills!
noxious gas that stuns enemies for several seconds.
projectile vomiting that causes blindness and has a 25% chance of the target to vomit on his allies
and of course: the ability to eat an Asura in pvp if you can actually catch one.
Man I have all the best ideas….
Ok lets have a show of hand here. How many people here want to see a obese female with revealing armor ?
You can’t run around the world fighting all the time and be that skinny either, you’d build muscle; just compare how athletes are and there you will see. The “fat” phenotypes only look fat because you can only have a tiny head. Every character had to have “head size” scaled up to look decent IMO.
You can’t run around the world fighting all the time and be that skinny either, you’d build muscle; just compare how athletes are and there you will see. The “fat” phenotypes only look fat because you can only have a tiny head. Every character had to have “head size” scaled up to look decent IMO.
There are different types of fitness. Look at people who do cross training which is more similar to what our toons would be subjected to. They are typically of the lean variety. Muscle yes, but very lean and generally small in size.
Those muscle bound beefcakes you see on TV and walking around are bulking up in the gym. The guys who participate in iron man competitions are typically leans because they are acclimatized for endurance. You only really bulk up doing heavy weights in a controlled setting.
If you read books on Special Forces/Special Operations, you will see that during long operations in the field, they usually come back much leaner, lighter than when they first started. If you look at pictures of special forces in the field for long periods of time, you see most of them are extremely slim and not bulky at all. See SAS, there are a lot of pics of them in the field.
Likewise look at female runners, lot of muscle, very cut, but very lean to the point of skinny.
I was fairly disappointed that the tiny waist body had large bimbo breasts, and the flat-chested one had boy hips. I don’t see why you can’t mix and match.
I was actually impressed with the variation in the female Norn body types. Seeing a visibly stocky woman in a game of this sort is a first for me, any way. And even if they are not playable body types, I was pleasantly surprised to see women of varying sizes at least existed all over Tyria. There are clearly women in Hoelbrak who prefer a life of worldly pleasures over hunting, running and killing. I find that to be a bit more immersive actually, than Barbies everywhere.
What is a bit off though, is the age/voice matching in some places. The armor repair vendor in Hoelbrak sounds to be about 150 years old, may even have typical “old woman” dialogue, but has a portrait of a 20 year old. The elder woman outside of the one of the lodges (Wolf?), similar. Sounds ancient, but has the body of a young woman. Not complaining, mind, just amused.
Because they run everywhere….
^ best point
Although the skinnier they are it does seem like the bigger boobs they have and the larger the littler the boobs are lol doesn’t make much sense.
I want my GW2 females to be thin at the waist but thick at the ankles. Make it happen Anet.
Windows 10
Anet should have just implemented a slider option into the game for body builds..
There, now everyone is happy. People can make people chubby, medium, or scrawny to their tastes.
I can’t say I can agree with you Mantis.
I can’t say I can agree with you Mantis.
Because they couldn’t possibly hit a middle-ground…
Especially considering one of your images shows the effect unconstrained sliders have on faces and we do have sliders for those.
A shame fun things could not simply be fun.
Maybe what you are asking is to have the option to make a severely obese woman.
So what if s/he is? We can make severely obese human males and norn males (the thick sylvari male is also pretty fat), so why can’t we make severely obese females?
Though I disagree with you that the thick female human shape is obese, she looks well-built like she spends her life working in a farm (farm women are very strong and healthy, and yes, it shows on their body)
hold on while i make the quoting system actually work for me…
As much as I force my human character to run all over the place in this game with barely a pause to catch her breath, it’d be really odd if she was obese.
My character gets more exercise than I do. O.o
I know… has anyone SEEN the ridiculosity of the sheer amount of cooking recipies out there? You can make stuff like… onion rings, various cakes, many types of sandwiches, omelet and just about anything you could think of.
For people who are… ummm… ‘unique’ and really desire to have a chubbo for a hero then the answer lies right there in the cake mix! Say if u eat a few pieces of cake in the same 24 hours u put on weight, eat a dozen for example and you are on your way to Lard-Ville in a matter of days and your thighs are suddenly causing minor earthquakes when they rub together.
Of course with this brilliant system tailored to realism you should be entitled to all the health problems that come with this new, glorious… physique, Oh! as well as skills!
Such as:
faster movement down hills!
noxious gas that stuns enemies for several seconds.
projectile vomiting that causes blindness and has a 25% chance of the target to vomit on his allies
and of course: the ability to eat an Asura in pvp if you can actually catch one.Man I have all the best ideas….
Man this guy really DOES have all the best ideas