Small UI suggestions

Small UI suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nkuvu.2570


1. Widen the character selection area on login screen.

I purchased three extra character slots, so that I can have one character of each profession. But I’ve found that with eight slots, I have to scroll to see all. Please widen the selection so I can see eight characters at once. Scrolling for just one character feels silly — though if I had more than eight, scrolling would be expected.

2. Enable hotkeys for logout/character select.

In Guild Wars 1, I could hit F12, C, right arrow, enter — and I’d log out of my current character to the next in line. In Guild Wars 2, F12 works. But then I have to click buttons for logging out to character select, as well as changing which character I want to play.

3. Keep collapsed/expanded selections persistent.

When I collapse the cooking materials section of the collectible items in the bank, if I switch to production/discovery then back, the cooking section is expanded again. I’d like the game to remember this state — even if it’s reset on logout.

Small UI suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tommy.6572


3. I agree with. It should always remember the state. Even when you quit the game and start it up again in my opinion. This needs to be fixed allover the game. All of the tabs reopen as soon as you leave a tab/window.

Small UI suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kristov.6724


Hope you don’t mind me piggy-backing on your post, but since these were minor UI related suggestions it made sense to post here:

  • Add audible or visible notification of incoming whisper messages (ping or a ui element just letting us know there’s a new chat message"
  • Implement options for changing chat channel colors in the chatbox. (Guild chat blends into the background while obnoxious map chat makes my eyes bleed)
  • Allow collections to deposit immediately into the collection tab. Under most circumstances we can craft without removing them from the bank, so why not have them loot directly there anyway? We’re going to just deposit all every time anyway, right?
  • Add more collection slots to handle interim crafting supplies like dough or insignias