So, Improving PvE?
Fix the broken camera! Seriously, this thing needs to go. It spazzes out when it is too close to the floor, or starts zooming in and out whenever a blade of grass gets in between you and the camera. I have seen better cameras in 3D platforming games from the 90’s! That is embarrassing! And the Fov is horrendous, causing many players head aches and making them sick. Zoom out the FOV, and fix the camera.
Currently, most of the DEs happen too often and are over too quickly. It would be better if they slowed them down some and improved the rewards. Also, there need to be more metaevents in general.
In GW2 you can’t find the story by walking up to someone with a big exclamation mark above his head. You have to look for NPC chatter, look for monuments, books, etc.
If there happens a event and people complain about the lack of backstory:
1. They joined the event when it already started
2.They didn’t listen to the NPC’s
3.They didn’t listen afterwards or didn’t follow the NPC after the event (do it, it’s cool!)
While I know it’s harder and it took me a while to get used to it (When I was lvl 30 I started doing everything slowly and talked to a lot of NPC’s)
There’s also a lot of silly stories that get told through NPC’s. I have to agree entirely with wouw on this. By taking your time and enjoying the scenery (and NPC’s) you learn a great deal more and have more fun (in my opinion) than by just plowing through events.
Of course it’s slower and requires the right frame of mind. (Sometimes, I just wanna grind or kill things and other times I want to take my time and enjoy the game.)
I would kind of like something like a quest log but really thinking about it every game I play that has a quest log I always end up with a big backlog of quests that I dont end up finishing.
I do quite like how as it is you have map completion and general exploration and then as you are doing that if you take the time to talk to people and have a look around you will notice things happening (sometimes you can trigger them yourself) and then those things chain to other things and before you know it you just spent a whole lot of time doing something you never went in intending to do (and presumably having fun or why the heck are you doing it).
I would definitely like a larger time span on some events though, killing nageling giant feels kind of pointless because i logged off for dinner after having this epic fight with a group of people to kill it and then by the time i logged back on again it was back already -_-. Then in Dredgehaunt cliffs I did an event to help an npc kill an arctodus because he wanted its fur for a rug, did that and had to answer the door, came back to the game and i dont know what the hell he did to his rug but he needed a new one already and by looking at the chat log I could see it was only 4 minutes between both times.
I would have to say that Anet should increase the time for some events and increase the waiting time for others (ex the troll in queensdale).
Personally I like killing big monsters and I feel like they should add more “BAMs” or bigger monsters to PvE, although I know the shatterer , claw of jormag, Shadow Behemoth etc. are there for that reason; but I dont really like waiting an hour or so to kill them, I would like to just run out into the world and find a big veteran/ champion and kill it (like the oak hearts). Thats just my opinion (im pretty sure I am just blind and run past all the big veterans)
In GW2 you can’t find the story by walking up to someone with a big exclamation mark above his head. You have to look for NPC chatter, look for monuments, books, etc.
If there happens a event and people complain about the lack of backstory:
1. They joined the event when it already started
2.They didn’t listen to the NPC’s
3.They didn’t listen afterwards or didn’t follow the NPC after the event (do it, it’s cool!)While I know it’s harder and it took me a while to get used to it (When I was lvl 30 I started doing everything slowly and talked to a lot of NPC’s)
Hey, Wouw.
- I’ve got this one so many times before.
As stated above, I think the Dynamic Events and all that a nice way of implementing what is happening “now” as a contrast to the Quests, which tell a story of what might have occurred since some time prior or such.
The thing I don’t like about having to listening to NPC’s is when it is eavesdropping, which I wouldn’t do in real life, meaning I wouldn’t automatically do it in a game either.
- The exceptions for me are when they are tied to the Dynamic Events, which are all the more nice if you’re there from the start. Those are the best experiences I’ve had.
- Problem is that they don’t care whether or not the players are there. Still nice, but it would also be nice to have something to back the player up, something which might wait till he actually is there.
- I think adding lore through panels for, say, the Points of Interest. Having some background story as to why those certain points are particularly interesting.
- In GW1 there were background lore tied to each outpost and city in the game. I felt that as an awesome touch, because suddenly I could relate to the areas a lot more.
- But what is most important about that is that they were in-game, unlike some story arcs which had to be read upon the GW2 page (so don’t tell me you people are against “walls of texts” in quests )
- Wooden Potatoes has just released a video about the Living Story, where he discusses it with pros and cons. I agree with a lot of his arguments, but mainly when he says that there could be done so much more to the lore within the game and how it is presented.
- I think a good story is essential to keep players interested, along with permanent content for meta gamers to do.
I would kind of like something like a quest log but really thinking about it every game I play that has a quest log I always end up with a big backlog of quests that I dont end up finishing.
I do quite like how as it is you have map completion and general exploration and then as you are doing that if you take the time to talk to people and have a look around you will notice things happening (sometimes you can trigger them yourself) and then those things chain to other things and before you know it you just spent a whole lot of time doing something you never went in intending to do (and presumably having fun or why the heck are you doing it).
I would definitely like a larger time span on some events though, killing nageling giant feels kind of pointless because i logged off for dinner after having this epic fight with a group of people to kill it and then by the time i logged back on again it was back already -_-. Then in Dredgehaunt cliffs I did an event to help an npc kill an arctodus because he wanted its fur for a rug, did that and had to answer the door, came back to the game and i dont know what the hell he did to his rug but he needed a new one already and by looking at the chat log I could see it was only 4 minutes between both times.
Thanks for the response to you too.
- I agree that the Dynamic Events should have a larger time span, maybe some more Dynamic Events that can be triggered in between to have something to do in the meantime.
I can relate to the problem with quests that just never gets finished and such, but they were never really that big of a deal for me. Sure they were annoying up until the point when I said “Fair enough, I might get back to you some other time.”
- My problem with the way GW2 has done it is that players seem to think that they are “done” with a particular zone just because the “check list” has been filled. It’s a lonely ride from low to max level now and players are rare to find in the Open World. I liked it better that I could find quests hidden around as I explored, or that there were a lot of quests to do in a village, because I’d spend a lot of time there, get to know the inhabitants of said village. That was more laid back for me (and mind you, that is just how I have experienced it )
- I think some sort of “Triggerable Dynamic Event” Hubs might help in that direction, because most times, if I take it slow or try to take it slower, I just end up wandering aimlessly around and feel like I’m wasting my time instead of enjoying it (and mind you, I can also relate to just taking it slow and finding funny NPC remarks).
- I hope for GW2 to become even greater with time, and I think that when Cantha and Elona are released, the game will look significantly different and work better than it does now, because it has the potential to do so.
- I’m excited to see what features are released in the next few months.
The issue with events occurring too often is simply that there not enough dynamic event in an area, so a lot of the issues in pve I see are caused by event density. If there were more events per metre square you would see repeats less, and its something I’ve wanted to see happen since launch with just trickles of events added to areas so more happens.
In terms of rewards for events they currently have the perfect system its just under utilised and that is Karma. The current problem is that there isn’t enough stuff to buy with karma, if they added new weapon skins to karma merchants that are unlocked by winning meta events, material sacks, recipes for crafting skins and other fantastic things I haven’t thought of the gw2 reward system would be perfect. If people could actually get what they want from karma then the reward to effort ratio for doing events would be fine.
I would have to say that Anet should increase the time for some events and increase the waiting time for others (ex the troll in queensdale).
Personally I like killing big monsters and I feel like they should add more “BAMs” or bigger monsters to PvE, although I know the shatterer , claw of jormag, Shadow Behemoth etc. are there for that reason; but I dont really like waiting an hour or so to kill them, I would like to just run out into the world and find a big veteran/ champion and kill it (like the oak hearts). Thats just my opinion
(im pretty sure I am just blind and run past all the big veterans)
I’d like for more variety between areas, when it comes to encounters. I feel like that the levelling is only a hinderance when the stakes doesn’t increase along with the new zones. It’s just the same old bandits, centaurs and all that in Kryta, par example.
As for the World Bosses: Remove the Timers and make it a unique thing to bump into those encounters.
- There are supposed to be Dynamic Events that spawn when the World Bosses are not defeated and start taking over places, which means that because of the timers we are missing out on a lot of content.
- Supposedly big changes should be coming to the World Bosses’ mechanics and such. Looking forward to seeing that implemented.
The issue with events occurring too often is simply that there not enough dynamic event in an area, so a lot of the issues in pve I see are caused by event density. If there were more events per metre square you would see repeats less, and its something I’ve wanted to see happen since launch with just trickles of events added to areas so more happens.
In terms of rewards for events they currently have the perfect system its just under utilised and that is Karma. The current problem is that there isn’t enough stuff to buy with karma, if they added new weapon skins to karma merchants that are unlocked by winning meta events, material sacks, recipes for crafting skins and other fantastic things I haven’t thought of the gw2 reward system would be perfect. If people could actually get what they want from karma then the reward to effort ratio for doing events would be fine.
Nice addition!
- I’ve also been wanting more Dynamic Events since launch (well, not since launch, but since I had to save Nebo Terrace three times before I could set my foot out of there without it getting attacked). There is simply a lack of thing’s to do around the places.
- Talking to NPC’s is what I must do according to so many others, and while that is all well and great, I did not buy Guild Wars 2 to do social groups with NPC’s. More story put into Tasks and or quests. Something repeatable would be nice.
- To be fair, I enjoy the new rewards that come with Achievements (which are really just an excuse for having quests). Makes it more worthwhile to me and I enjoy it more.
I would have to say that Anet should increase the time for some events and increase the waiting time for others (ex the troll in queensdale).
Personally I like killing big monsters and I feel like they should add more “BAMs” or bigger monsters to PvE, although I know the shatterer , claw of jormag, Shadow Behemoth etc. are there for that reason; but I dont really like waiting an hour or so to kill them, I would like to just run out into the world and find a big veteran/ champion and kill it (like the oak hearts). Thats just my opinion
(im pretty sure I am just blind and run past all the big veterans)
Can’t agree more with Gabriel on this, used to be that there was a lot of chatter in the map chat on the starting maps on the topics of new classes or events that pop up or other random talk. Now, at least on Darkhaven, in the human starting map of queensdale, the only thing you seem to see in the map chat is hordes of people just hunting or asking about the champions roaming around the map. Hard to tell if they are just farming these events only or what but it seems that the queensdale map needs some change to the event timers on these larger events like this where the champion events should feel somewhat special (getting a group together to take down) instead of seeing them pop up every 5-10 minutes with a roaming pack of adventurers killing them non-stop instead of doing more in the rest of the game world.