Social things to do in town

Social things to do in town

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zalzan Kavol.9048

Zalzan Kavol.9048

I love GW2!

But, I find I really miss the social aspects other more mature MMO’s have in them. For example, in LOTRO they have a great music system where people play instruments, and give concerts in town of music they have created, often as groups. They also have probably 20X as many emotes available to use, mostly with associated graphics. The emotes (and some instrument skills) were sometimes cash store items, or achievement rewards, and were always sought after. They also had many dances available, that you could learn during festivals or buy in the cash store. They really made a difference in the social cohesiveness and immersion of the game.

I would really love to see GW2 develop some more and better social non-crafting or group finding activities. Thanks for your consideration, and keep up the good work!

Social things to do in town

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lord Arhan Warmark.7098

Lord Arhan Warmark.7098

I too would love to see more emotes available. The first Guild Wars definitely had more available. I would also love the ability to buy extra dances. It would be great if an entire guild could do the same dance. I know it doesn’t add to gameplay… but I would pay to have my character doing the hustle… or the Elaine dance one of my characters did in the first Guild Wars.

Social things to do in town

in Suggestions

Posted by: Umei.7052


Ngl I’d LOVE some more of those musical instrument things (and of course some more emotes and dances xD). Only possible problem that I’ve seen ppl saying would happen would be that ppl would start spamming random notes everywhere. Only thing I can think of would be to have a mute button for ppl playing the instruments so it blocks w/e noise they making er sumthing… but again would loooooooove moar muscial instruments/ more social fun items/emotes/dances etc!