Solution for Dungeon first-timers.
No. Trippling the rewards is a horrible idea sorry. It’s already way too easy to get dungeon armor we don’t need another reason for content in this game to get boring too soon. 180 tokens for 1 path? Really? That’s 1 part of your armor straight away. Then another part for path 2 then a third for path 3. That means 3/6 dungeon armor within a space of as little as 2 hours for some dungeons?
I think you find it abit hard to find a group and take it too personally. It’s hard for everyone to find exp groups now adays and trippling rewards wont make it any easier. Nor is it impossible to get a group for a exp as a “first timer”. If by first timer you mean the same lvl the dungeons unlocks then maybe alittle harder, but you’ll find only about 1/3 will actually care if you’re lvl 80 or not. I don’t think i’ve ever been told i can’t do a dungeon because of my lvl. The only hard dungeons are lvl 80 anyway.
However, if you class a “first timer” as someone who just has never done it before regardless of lvl, well that makes this idea even worse. A dungeon like Arah where it takes upto 2 hours for exp and you get a fair amount of money anyway, you want to go ahead and tripple those rewards just because it’s someones first time doing it? Or AC where it takes around 60-90 mins to complete all 3 paths which already gives out about 1-2g for doing all 3. if they was trippled that’d be 3-6g and 540 tokens just for spending 1 hour doing AC with a “First timer”.
This idea sounds to me a quicker way of farming dungeons instead of actually trying to help players get a group.
(edited by EliteZ.1682)
“The only hard dungeons are lvl 80 anyway.”
I saw that and then saw the username and it made sense.
As for the rest, why don’t we just ask for a Farmville type of game , since farming is what most people seem to want to do.
(edited by ElixireL.5190)
“The only hard dungeons are lvl 80 anyway.”
I saw that and then saw the username and it made sense.
As for the rest, why don’t we just ask for a Farmville type of game , since farming is what most people seem to want to do.
And what does that mean ay?
There is abit of a difference between intensive farming and giving out triple rewards just because people cry about not being able to get a group for a dungeon. I lvled up one of my alts purely doing dungeons and I never was once told sorry you’re too low lvl. So no, why should they tripple rewards for people just because they group with someone who hasn’t done the dungeon before. It’s a stupid idea.
What do you suggest for FoTM when they release the change that someone on lvl 1 can do lvl 20 fractal aslong as someone in the group has unlocked that lvl? Give out tripple rewards because they are parting with a lvl 1. No. So why would exp dungeons need it.
No. Trippling the rewards is a horrible idea sorry. It’s already way too easy to get dungeon armor we don’t need another reason for content in this game to get boring too soon. 180 tokens for 1 path? Really? That’s 1 part of your armor straight away. Then another part for path 2 then a third for path 3. That means 3/6 dungeon armor within a space of as little as 2 hours for some dungeons?
I think you find it abit hard to find a group and take it too personally. It’s hard for everyone to find exp groups now adays and trippling rewards wont make it any easier. Nor is it impossible to get a group for a exp as a “first timer”. If by first timer you mean the same lvl the dungeons unlocks then maybe alittle harder, but you’ll find only about 1/3 will actually care if you’re lvl 80 or not. I don’t think i’ve ever been told i can’t do a dungeon because of my lvl. The only hard dungeons are lvl 80 anyway.
However, if you class a “first timer” as someone who just has never done it before regardless of lvl, well that makes this idea even worse. A dungeon like Arah where it takes upto 2 hours for exp and you get a fair amount of money anyway, you want to go ahead and tripple those rewards just because it’s someones first time doing it? Or AC where it takes around 60-90 mins to complete all 3 paths which already gives out about 1-2g for doing all 3. if they was trippled that’d be 3-6g and 540 tokens just for spending 1 hour doing AC with a “First timer”.
This idea sounds to me a quicker way of farming dungeons instead of actually trying to help players get a group.
Oh I knew that someone like you will show up. No I dont have that problem I’m already a Dungeon Master however I remember what was it like before.
And yes first-timer means someone that never did the dungeon before but I’m really surprised that there are actually people I have to explain the meaning of it.
Anet did something similar during the betas – awarding karma for helping with someones story.
Maybe I should also explain this – indeed it would be 540 tokens for all 3 paths in a dungeon however only 1 time if the players wanted to get that amount again they would have to find another player that is a first-timer as the previous would no longer be a first-timer.
This isnt so people will earn their gear quickly but to motivate experienced players to teach the new players who lack the experience.
“This isnt so people will earn their gear quickly but to motivate experienced players to teach the new players who lack the experience.” Really? So if someone wants gear straight away do you think it’ll be hard for them to say “LF1M for AC Exp must never have done it before”. that’s all you’ll see. Yeah give rewards like karma for doing it with someone who hasn’t done it before, but giving someone half of the dungeon gear within as little as 2 hours? Now seriously you can’t think that’s the right way about it? There is no need to be so drastic to go and tripple the rewards. Increase it abit but not that much, or atleast don’t increase the ammount of tokens you get, just the actual mob drops
“This isnt so people will earn their gear quickly but to motivate experienced players to teach the new players who lack the experience.” Really? So if someone wants gear straight away do you think it’ll be hard for them to say “LF1M for AC Exp must never have done it before”. that’s all you’ll see. Yeah give rewards like karma for doing it with someone who hasn’t done it before, but giving someone half of the dungeon gear within as little as 2 hours? Now seriously you can’t think that’s the right way about it? There is no need to be so drastic to go and tripple the rewards. Increase it abit but not that much, or atleast don’t increase the ammount of tokens you get, just the actual mob drops
“This isnt so people will earn their gear quickly but to motivate experienced players to teach the new players who lack the experience.” Really? So if someone wants gear straight away do you think it’ll be hard for them to say “LF1M for AC Exp must never have done it before”. that’s all you’ll see. Yeah give rewards like karma for doing it with someone who hasn’t done it before, but giving someone half of the dungeon gear within as little as 2 hours? Now seriously you can’t think that’s the right way about it? There is no need to be so drastic to go and tripple the rewards. Increase it abit but not that much, or atleast don’t increase the ammount of tokens you get, just the actual mob drops
I don’t know about tripling the rewards, but I would love a way to make hardcore dungeon runners treat me a little better when it’s my first time. You can even ask in map chat LF1M, first time
and inside, the pugs will say “why are we not skipping the trash??”
It feels like a cheap one-night stand, where the one is using the other to get what they want. It’s really unfriendly and often degrading. If a group all want to speed through a dungeon, that’s cool. But anyone who doesn’t want to is treated poorly and it’s hard to distinguish and sync with others who want to experience that dungeon a few times before it becomes … industrial in its gameplay.
“This isnt so people will earn their gear quickly but to motivate experienced players to teach the new players who lack the experience.” Really? So if someone wants gear straight away do you think it’ll be hard for them to say “LF1M for AC Exp must never have done it before”. that’s all you’ll see. Yeah give rewards like karma for doing it with someone who hasn’t done it before, but giving someone half of the dungeon gear within as little as 2 hours? Now seriously you can’t think that’s the right way about it? There is no need to be so drastic to go and tripple the rewards. Increase it abit but not that much, or atleast don’t increase the ammount of tokens you get, just the actual mob drops
Thats just the thing they wont – why? Because first-timers ARE NOT A RENEWABLE SOURCE unlike the daily 60 tokens. Indeed it would be like this at the start but after a month the first-timers would start running out. More over first-timers are people it is their choice to join a run and they dont necessarily have to be first timers for whole dungeon but only for one path. Another thing is that it is impossible to know if someone is or is not a first-timer aside for their word for it.
The real change will be that instead of the usual “LFM experienced only” more people will use the uncommon “LFM first-timers welcome.”
And whats with the half of the dungeon gear talk? 540 tokens is enough to buy a two-hander or a weapon set and only if its main-hand and off-hand because a dual main-hand costs 600. The dungeon gear nor tokens cant be sold anyway so I dont see the problem. Unless the problem is the fact that you like to brag to new players that you have exotic gear and they dont.
The exact way that the rewards are given is largely irrelevant to the suggestion at hand. Triple them, double them, quadruple them…it doesn’t really matter. The point is that the OP wants some sort of system put in place that encourages experienced players to not exclude first-time runners.
I think this is reasonable. Lets decide whether or not we support the idea of a bonus like this in the first place before arguing over the specifics. (that way the devs can get to work on the system as a whole and tweak the numbers later, lol)
Yeah and i agree there should be a system which encourages people to play with first timers, but triplling the rewards for everyone isn’t the right idea. And as for half the gear, helm,gloves and boots all cost 180 tokens, so that’s all 3/6 of armor from doing all 3 paths of a single dungeon now if you look at how it takes about 60-90 mins to do all 3 paths of both AC and CM thats 540 tokens for an hour and a half.
I disagree with what you say about fist timers runing out. There are always new people joining, always people lvling up alts. Most lvl 80’s are off farming FoTM anyway instead of farming the older dungeons. So In my opinion it’s just as easy to get first timers in the group then lvl 80’s.
Yeah I do like working for my gear not get it handed to me on a plate because it’s stupidly easy. I got 3 different dungeon armor sets and i farmed for all of them because I don’t mind working for my gear, they’re already easy enough to get now we don’t need to go and tripple rewards and make them a joke.
I’d much rather they brought in scaled down solo able versions of the dungeons and FoTM and made all dungeon and fotm rewards TRADEABLE.
Then those of us who either detest dungeons or fotm or whose RL won’t allow them to do those runs could get the gears too, and the fotm addicts would have an outlet for their wares.
If it is per account and not character based then yeah this would work, after a month as mentioned above the 1st-timers would be running out and more people will have experience. I dunno about triple tokens for “every” path now as that would really have everyone in Arah gear fast and although EliteZ does not offer another suggestion I can understand the frustration if I was to spend 2 months of farming Arah and wasting hours upon hours with terrible PuGs only to see a newbie get their full set in a week, I can understand that.
Perhaps the solution is in the reward, maybe not tokens but a 2nd end chest which contains extra loot or unique untradeable skins which show you are a friendly player; Guardian Pauldrons with a love heart on them anyone?