Solution to the T6 mat issues...

Solution to the T6 mat issues...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dakiaris.2798


Add small bags of T6 mats to the dungeon token vendors…. 1 bag = 5 t6 mat at the cost of 15 tokens…. This would make it so even if someone is logging on for 1 dungeon run a day they could get 20 T6 mat and make progress to getting legendaries……

I know some people will think of this as unfair but seriously if someone works for those tokens and doesn’t wanna get the armor/weapons from the vendor where is the reward for them ? Allowing them to trade tokens for T6 would do the following..

1. Lower the price of T6 mats for those who do not wish to do dungeons.
2. Free up bank slots for those with the tokens who don’t want the items from the vendor.
3. Allow people to get legendary weapons and ascended backs much easier and not feel nearly as grindy as it does…

And when I say trade dungeon tokens for mats I don’t mean each dungeon would = 1 type of mat to trade for I mean all t6 mats on each vendor for the same prices of 5=15 tokens.

The 2nd suggestion is add 2 types of lodestones to each dungeon vendor… 10 tokens = 1 lodestone… meaning 1,000 tokens for that dungeon would give you 100 lodestones…. This would help people having issues with those as well and drop those prices to be obtainable by everyone as well.

The reason I brought this up is over the past 200 hours in game for me I’ve been doing nothing but farming for my legendary… I feel like I’ve made nearly 0 progress to attaining it because the T6 mats are just out of reach due to horrid drop rates even with 150% magic find and the prices of everything are so high that I just can’t spare the gold I am getting to put to getting the t6 when I still have to get my lodestones and precurser….

If I put 200 hours of play time with minimal breaks and come out of it less then 1% progress to my goal there is something seriously wrong with the game….

Solution to the T6 mat issues...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lutharr.1035


wont happen

Cos they want the farming to be so ridiculous you give in and just buy the stuff for gold, hopefully through the purchase of gems.

Go back to WoW. Most overused brainless arguement 2012-2013

Solution to the T6 mat issues...

in Suggestions

Posted by: JULIASAURUS.5198


I agree I feel like it takes so much effort, to get the materials. Then at one point you see one of the requirements of lodestones like for example charged lodestones. At that point I just give up. I run Arah Exp Everyday and the rewards I get is so laughable and not even worth it I don’t get a single material I need for my legendary. I feel like only way to get materials is using a credit card. Most people can’t do that. I’m not a casual player, I’m on here everyday working for my legendary. I feel like I’m just grinding constantly. Just for one item… If you made the materials through dungeon.. This would cancel the gold farmers and help people who are working for there legendary. I want to feel that my legendary is worth getting then just paying more money out of my pocket to get my legendary. I want to feel like I achieved it

Solution to the T6 mat issues...

in Suggestions

Posted by: JULIASAURUS.5198


wont happen

Cos they want the farming to be so ridiculous you give in and just buy the stuff for gold, hopefully through the purchase of gems.

You understand most people… buy gold from gold sellers. To get the legendary. Its pretty sad.

Solution to the T6 mat issues...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Arcarius.6148


Having to buy gold or exploit the game isnt how i want to get a legendary. I played for 700 hours before i even saw a lodestone and the price of the precursors is ridiculous.
Adding this stuff to all the dungeons is a great idea even if its just from drops like fotm.
Bots wont be able to run dungeons so it will help reduce that too.

Solution to the T6 mat issues...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Evolution.1758


Just wanted to say I think the OP’s idea is awesome. I’ve pretty much given up on getting a Legendary as it is. Also, would it be such a terrible thing for Dungeon and long event chain chests to have maybe a 25% chance to drop a Core?

Everything Anet’s done to try to balance the economy so far has has the opposite effect. This seems like a step in the right direction.

Solution to the T6 mat issues...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dayuaron.7094


I concur, this is a most splendid idea!

The theology that this game is not meant to be a grind is true ;however, for the extravagant trinkets, haughty weapons, sublime armors, etc, one must grind or squander an absurd amount of time casually playing.

Solution to the T6 mat issues...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dakiaris.2798


With this suggestion it would take roughly 16 1/2 runs just for 100 lodestones or 12.5 dungeon runs for 1 stack of 250….

When you factor how many materials you need to craft a legendary that’s a lot of time and with dungeon diminishing returns it would take quiet awhile to do this….. This is just a way to lower prices and speed it up slightly….. Also with the number of lodestones that are required for most mystic forge recipes, gifts and how runes require 1 the drop rate should be raised if this isn’t implemented..

As I mentioned if I sit for 8 hours a day farming 5-6 days a week and come out of it with nothing to show because the RNG doesn’t like me then I don’t see how the system is working… Not everything should be chance there needs to be something to allow you to get things you need for time invested…. Not have a “chance” to get things for time invested.

I figured I would point out with this system just for 1 stack of 250 for each one of the t6 mats it would take 100 runs of a dungeon..not factoring in the bags with 3 tokens but even if you added them in it wouldn’t be much less.

(edited by Dakiaris.2798)

Solution to the T6 mat issues...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Condas.7056


This would still take a long time to work through so the original idea of grinding for the items would remain. This would also help with the cost of the materials and a number of other things.

I am currently done with Sunrise save for my T6 mats. I need totems, blood, scales, and fangs. These things are really expensive and drop at such a slow rate that farming them directly is disheartening. The demand for these items is up through the roof now with the supply diminished and the addition of ascended backpacks. The backpacks will be targeted by a larger player base than legendary items so the amount of demand is higher than it normally would be.

A system like this would make the despair of hitting such a wall lessened significantly. I already have half of the T6 mat stacks done and I still feel like I have 1-2 whole months of raw grinding just to get fine crafting mats. That is just silly.

Solution to the T6 mat issues...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lutharr.1035


Dont get me wrong I am not disgreeing with the OP’s idea as anything atm would be an improvement over the poor one we have now. I just personally think Anet are starting to show just how greedy they are.

Companies are set up to make money. There is no issue with that. But there is makign money and then there is taking the mick. I feel in this case its a calculated way to try anf force people to part with their money. Wouldnt be so bad if its only a few quid but this would add up to a quite sickening level.

Go back to WoW. Most overused brainless arguement 2012-2013

Solution to the T6 mat issues...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Conncept.7638


I don’t really care how they do it but there needs to be some way to get a legendary besides no-lifer farming and buying gold.

Solution to the T6 mat issues...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rising Dusk.2408

Rising Dusk.2408

Dear God 10 tokens to a lodestone. I have upwards of 3000 of several different token types. As much as I’d love to just convert that all into a Volcanus overnight, I don’t think that’s realistic. Maybe a half-stack (125) of tokens for a lodestone, but no less than that.

For the record, I think each dungeon having a different T6 material would actually be a really cool idea in order to encourage players to play the different dungeons. AC: Dust, Arah: Venom Sac, CoF: Totem, etc.

[VZ] Valor Zeal – Stormbluff Isle – Looking for steady, casual-friendly NA raiders!

Solution to the T6 mat issues...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tenebram.8975


While a neat idea doing this for standard t6 mats might not be such a great idea, yes they can be kind of expensive but while one may be 30 silver each another can be 1 silver each just based on the number of level 80 creatures of a type that drops it… also keep in mind you dont have to buy t6 mats.. you can get t5 and use the forge to up them for a lot less money.. and just because it costs money doesnt mean you have to grind endlessly for rare drops or buy gems.. just running dungeons in general nets you around 70-100 silver just from raw coin not any loot.. while it doesnt seem like much it does add up.. lodestones on the other hand would be a reasonable thing to get for tokens but 15 each is kind of cheap thats 4 lodestones for one path and some dugeons only take 15 minutes to finish a path with a pug let alone a guild group

the thing to keep in mind overall though is they have said numerous times that getting a legendary is supposed to take time and effort not something you can just run out and get on a whim

Solution to the T6 mat issues...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Condas.7056


I do agree the token prices are low, but you need to remember not to spike them up so high that you may as well just go and grind mobs. I think a fair price would be;

Lodestones: 60 tokens
5 Fine T6 Mats: 30 tokens

Additional adjustments would likely be needed of course. This would be a little faster than doing the mob genocide and a lot more fun approach to the issue. I would even go as far as potentially adding ectoplasm to the list for an unspecified amount seeing as a lot of serious players need several stacks of 250 ecto.

Making a separate vendor for this would be a good idea where they can take a mix of tokens instead of on each individual vendor. If you only want to spend certain tokens then you can leave the ones you want to keep in the bank.

Solution to the T6 mat issues...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rainbow.3496


Dear God 10 tokens to a lodestone. I have upwards of 3000 of several different token types. As much as I’d love to just convert that all into a Volcanus overnight, I don’t think that’s realistic. Maybe a half-stack (125) of tokens for a lodestone, but no less than that.

For the record, I think each dungeon having a different T6 material would actually be a really cool idea in order to encourage players to play the different dungeons. AC: Dust, Arah: Venom Sac, CoF: Totem, etc.

This is the only CORRECT answer. Anet would only make T6’s more available if they got more players to do more of their content, IE more dungeons. This is something Anet would actually do. Plus 20 t’6s a day for 15 min of work is ridiculous.The reason Anet isnt fixing the T6 prices/lodestones/precursors is because i simply believe they are mad. They stated that players were getting legendaries MUCH faster than planned, so i dont think they feel remorse about people saying it will take years and its very hard. I think they actually LIKE to hear these comments.

Solution to the T6 mat issues...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Runiir.6425


Anet has proven they cans et limits for items (can’t sell items for less than they are worth) why not forcably limit the top end as well? THAT would slow the run away economy right down.

Lowering the cost of things like T3 also would be a good idea.

Solution to the T6 mat issues...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kal Spiro.9745

Kal Spiro.9745

Lets see, every day you can get 3 random T6s, practically for free. That is the exchange rate. 3 T6s = 1 day. If you can do it in one day, then it is a reasonable price for 3 T6s. At least until they make changes to the laurel vendors pricing.

Tarnished Coast Kal Spiro – Ranger (80), LB/S-D, Eagle/Wolf, Signet, M/S/WS #SABorRiot